Happy birthday to AIG.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
Happy birthday to you AIG.

May your day be full of pressies and popularity.

You deserve em. ;)

Kisses and hugs from your Aussie man. Loves ya. :D ;)
Id make you a cake if i didnt hate baking so much :)

Happy Bday may all your prayers come true....cept the jihad thing :)

Happy birthday...20 is an ok age...little boring....21 is hell of a lot better!
My 2nd marriage was at 20, lol But enjoy being young....or younger then me...
Happy b-day girl! And you can't believe you're 20 already?? Just wait. I turn 24 around the same time I'll have my baby and I keep saying to myself "DAMN! Where the hell did the last four years go?" You're at my favorite ago though...My favorite was 19-22. Enjoy yourself!!


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Da,m vorten I sooo love that skit on sesame street!!

manamana ddo dootie do manamana

such a happy tune
Happy birthday... must suck to be a part time cake decorator on your birthday since you must think I'd did a better job on it...

As far as the candles go... go wax yourself and enjoy the flat stomach and day or night dream of all the guys who would like to help wax you...

In just days you will be able to legally buy a beer... what a deal! :)