Happy Meal Toy Ban


New member

San Francisco has banned the Happy Meal, on the day of the return of the McRib no less. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors earlier today passed an ordinance requiring meals that included toys with their purchase to meet specific nutritional guidelines. The vote, achieved with a Gavin Newsom veto-proof majority of 8-3, effectively bans the Happy Meal.


San Francisco has banned Happy Meal toys. McDonald's has to stop offering the toys in their meals, or change the nutritional value of the meals.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but what the **** is wrong with these people? San Francisco is saying that parents have no ability to actually parent their **** children. The toy has nothing to do with it. The parent can say "no". And if you're taking your kid to McDonald's on a regular basis, you need to re-examine your eating habits as well as theirs.

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