Hate crimes bill opposed by the Conservative right. Looks like they are afraid future rightwing hoed

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'Hate Crimes' Bill Opposed by 'Religious Zealots,' Activists Say
By Randy Hall
CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
July 11, 2007


(CNSNews.com) - As the Senate prepares to vote on legislation that
would expand the categories of "hate crimes," a group of civil rights
leaders on Tuesday called opponents of the measure "right-wing
fundamentalists" with "often-bigoted agendas."

A coalition of conservative Christians said at a press conference held
the same day that the bill is "unjust" and "an attempt to take away
the rights of Christians to speak out and express their freedom of

"Our effort to expand the coverage of the federal hate crimes statute
is based on issues of simple fairness, simple justice," Wade
Henderson, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil
Rights (LCCR), said during a telephone news conference.

"We think that hate crime violence directed at individuals because of
their race, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, religion or
national origin fundamentally violates our understanding of what it
means to be protected by the U.S. Constitution," he stated.

"We think that responding to that kind of violence by enacting a
statute that seeks to provide states and localities with the resources
they need to enforce the law -- and when they don't act, to allow the
federal government to step in a limited number of appropriate cases --
is really, fundamentally, the right thing to do," Henderson added.

Participants in the conference call voiced support for the Matthew
Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which was
introduced on March 20 by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).

However, given the full Senate calendar, Henderson urged that the
measure be attached to the Department of Defense authorization bill
rather than trying to get the Kennedy bill approved separately.

"I'm confident that if this bill is allowed to move forward as an
amendment [to the Defense bill], we will have the 60 votes we need" to
invoke cloture and bring the measure to a vote on the Senate floor, he
said. "The real issue is whether there will be efforts [by opponents]
to find other, creative ways of slowing down or delaying consideration
of the bill."

Henderson voiced optimism that the move would ultimately succeed.

"We think that the issue of injustice and the problems associated with
the kind of violence that we're trying to deal with in this bill will
compel the American people ultimately to embrace what we're trying to
do," he said.

Carlton Pearson, senior minister of the New Dimensions Worship Center
in Tulsa, Okla., said he was taking part in the news conference
because, "as a sacred activist, it's both worrisome and bothersome to
me that some African-American preachers" oppose the bill and by doing
so present their community as "a monolithic, homophobic church."

"I've met many of these preachers, and I know how right-wing
fundamentalists are often motivating them" to accept "often-bigoted
agendas," he said. "Their motivation is often either fear or money, or
both, but it's not necessarily the love of God or the love of peace or

"I want to make it clear that there are many African-American
preachers, as well as others, who love God and love people and who
support this legislation and think it's one of the most sensitive,
intelligent, delicate and important legislation that Congress can vote
for," Pearson stated.

'Americans deserve better'

The Senate initiative parallels one in the House, where a Cybercast
News Service previously reported, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.)
introduced the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act on
March 20.

Conservatives responded by saying hate crimes legislation would
essentially place homosexuals and lesbians in a protected class along
with racial minorities, and could muzzle free speech.

Some Christian groups also expressed outrage when the full House vote
on the measure was scheduled for May 3, the annual National Day of
Prayer. The bill was approved by a vote of 237 to 180.

On Tuesday, members of several religious organizations rallied in
front of the U.S. Capitol to protest what they called a "disturbing
trend that seeks to criminalize Christianity in America."

"This so-called 'hate crimes' bill is an attempt to take away the
rights of Christians to speak out and express their freedom of
speech," said Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of BOND
(Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny). "This is unjust, and
Americans deserve better than this from their elected officials."

"Those who hate God are working to criminalize those who love Him, and
they are making great strides to see that it happens," declared
Michael Marcavage, director of a group called Repent America. "We must
not remain silent as our liberty to freely speak the Word of God and
the gospel of Jesus Christ is being threatened."

"No government official has the authority to determine our beliefs,
regulate our faith or punish our thoughts," said the Rev. Rusty Lee
Thomas, founder and director of Elijah Ministries. "This is where
every liberty-loving Christian should stand."
In article <1184394783.257548.209280@m37g2000prh.googlegroups.com>,
ultimauw@hotmail.com wrote:

> 'Hate Crimes' Bill Opposed by 'Religious Zealots,' Activists Say
> By Randy Hall
> CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
> July 11, 2007
> http://www.cnsnews.com/news/viewstory.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/200707/POL200
> 70711a.html
> (CNSNews.com) - As the Senate prepares to vote on legislation that
> would expand the categories of "hate crimes," a group of civil rights
> leaders on Tuesday called opponents of the measure "right-wing
> fundamentalists" with "often-bigoted agendas."

"Hate crimes" is "thought crimes."

A ridiculous notion.


"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,
'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
---Ronald Reagan
On Jul 14, 5:42 am, Neolibertarian <cognac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In article <1184394783.257548.209...@m37g2000prh.googlegroups.com>,
> ultim...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > 'Hate Crimes' Bill Opposed by 'Religious Zealots,' Activists Say
> > By Randy Hall
> > CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
> > July 11, 2007

> >http://www.cnsnews.com/news/viewstory.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/2007...
> > 70711a.html

> > (CNSNews.com) - As the Senate prepares to vote on legislation that
> > would expand the categories of "hate crimes," a group of civil rights
> > leaders on Tuesday called opponents of the measure "right-wing
> > fundamentalists" with "often-bigoted agendas."

> "Hate crimes" is "thought crimes."
> A ridiculous notion.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of knuckledraggers who will assault
people because they
are different from themselves. These animals need to be made an
example out of and punished
severely so other animals like them will think twice before attacking
someone else. In fact, the
hate crimes laws aren't strong enough. I think 5 times the normal
sentence, plus having
their faces shown on TV and billboards should do the trick.
In article <1184501472.659464.222980@x35g2000prf.googlegroups.com>,
balanco01@yahoo.com wrote:

> On Jul 14, 5:42 am, Neolibertarian <cognac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In article <1184394783.257548.209...@m37g2000prh.googlegroups.com>,
> >
> > ultim...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > > 'Hate Crimes' Bill Opposed by 'Religious Zealots,' Activists Say
> > > By Randy Hall
> > > CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
> > > July 11, 2007

> >
> > >http://www.cnsnews.com/news/viewstory.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/2007...
> > > 70711a.html

> >
> > > (CNSNews.com) - As the Senate prepares to vote on legislation that
> > > would expand the categories of "hate crimes," a group of civil rights
> > > leaders on Tuesday called opponents of the measure "right-wing
> > > fundamentalists" with "often-bigoted agendas."

> >
> > "Hate crimes" is "thought crimes."
> >
> > A ridiculous notion.
> >

> Unfortunately, we have a lot of knuckledraggers who will assault
> people because they
> are different from themselves. These animals need to be made an
> example out of and punished

I don't care, nor do I have any way of proving, what you're thinking
when you steal from me, or kill me.

I couldn't care less what you're thinking.

Your actions are what I have a problem with.

"Hate crimes" is a euphemism for "thought crime."

If you wanna "make an example" in your criminal justice system, why
don't you just reinstitute the cross?


"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,
'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
---Ronald Reagan
On Jul 13, 11:33 pm, ultim...@hotmail.com wrote:
> 'Hate Crimes' Bill Opposed by 'Religious Zealots,' Activists Say
> By Randy Hall
> CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
> July 11, 2007
> http://www.cnsnews.com/news/viewstory.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/2007...
> (CNSNews.com) - As the Senate prepares to vote on legislation that
> would expand the categories of "hate crimes," a group of civil rights
> leaders on Tuesday called opponents of the measure "right-wing
> fundamentalists" with "often-bigoted agendas."
> A coalition of conservative Christians said at a press conference held
> the same day that the bill is "unjust" and "an attempt to take away
> the rights of Christians to speak out and express their freedom of
> speech."
> "Our effort to expand the coverage of the federal hate crimes statute
> is based on issues of simple fairness, simple justice," Wade
> Henderson, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil
> Rights (LCCR), said during a telephone news conference.
> "We think that hate crime violence directed at individuals because of
> their race, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, religion or
> national origin fundamentally violates our understanding of what it
> means to be protected by the U.S. Constitution," he stated.

And that's absolutely correct.
The 'hate-crimes' legislation is racist stalinism - aiming (once
again) to make some citizens more 'protected' than others - but in
actuality installing additional restrictions to be placed upon
citizens' right to free speech.

It's commie crap and should be stopped before every citizen finds
themselves threatened with prison for having an opinion.

I can't believe the above three posters don't recognize the pending
danger that that anti-constitutional legislation poses.
dear lorad...@cs.com wrote:
> And that's absolutely correct.

absolutely? varified by wha?

> The 'hate-crimes' legislation is racist stalinism

and how did you family do in stalinist russia?

> - aiming (once
> again) to make some citizens more 'protected' than others

then end religious protection of the christian practice of
segregation. there has been racial and sexual segregation in america
since christian insisted on it 200 years ago.

> - but in
> actuality installing additional restrictions to be placed upon
> citizens' right to free speech.

where is there free speech in christianity?

> It's commie crap

you live south of the mason dixon line don't you? this commie comment
is very southern us, and we all know what southeners think of

> and should be stopped before every citizen finds
> themselves threatened with prison for having an opinion.

criminalizing people is a christian sport. what you are saying is no
one can have the same rights you have. for it is only religious
people that have the descriminate against non whites and homosexauls.
and there are non white homosexauls. is that why christians don't
like gays cause of the diversity?

> I can't believe the above three posters don't recognize the pending
> danger that that anti-constitutional legislation poses.

christians are out to distroy america and the consitution by attempted
to replace our democratic principles with the monarch system of the

in love with the living gay jesus?
