Hate me?? Well, this is your chance to express your true feelings to me!! Bring it!!


New member
Don't like me? Wish to say something bad about me or to me? Well this is your chance to express your rage or anger against me.


New member
Don't like me? Wish to say something bad about me or to me? Well this is your chance to express your rage or anger against me.
What the **** is this about? Take a hit off the peace pipe and chill.....



New member
I think it's your handle dude, but hey, before this attention-grab, I have nothing to say about or to you.


New member
I have no problem with you, man. At least... not yet. Just make like your name and be cool, dude.

Oh... and kiss my ***.



New member
I think it's your handle dude, but hey, before this attention-grab, I have nothing to say about or to you.
Everyone needs attention at one point, but this was not the cause of this thread.



New member
Everyone needs attention at one point, but this was not the cause of this thread.
Well why don't you enlighten us? Come on over, I got a big bottle of wine, you can drink all of it (since I can't) and pour your heart out.



New member
Don't like me? Wish to say something bad about me or to me? Well this is your chance to express your rage or anger against me.
strings you up by your *****

cuts off your nose

injects fire ants into your ****

then makes richard simmons buttfuck you





New member
Don't like me? Wish to say something bad about me or to me? Well this is your chance to express your rage or anger against me.
Is there a gibberish translator in the house? I can't make head nor tail of that uber-babble you flung onto the screen during your latest spasmodic seizure. Rumor has it that you are almost incomprehensible in person (as revealed by your desperate urge to babble nonsensically on message boards.) No doubt, this rumor is true.
Oh, I'm sorry, welcome to GF, I'm Phreakwars, one of the moderators of the board. You'll have to excuse me if after 40+ posts I still didn't notice you, I just noticed your picture in the members lounge and thought to myself.. "Why does this person have COOL in their screen name, when they look like the biggest ******* roody poo candy *** I have ever seen. Take a look at this


You might not be as phreakishly ugly as Jason Jones, but you are an incalculably salacious lout and a maladjusted, monotonous solitaire playing leaking carbuncle on the posterior of a Beauty Queen.

So now you ask me to for some reason give my own reason of why, even after not noticing you, that I "HATE" you.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I hate NOBODY on this board (cept tizz).

Although I may not agree with said posters comments, I concider each member of this board a new found arguing buddy.

Once you realize that the people of this board come here JUST TO ******* ***** AT EACH OTHER, then you will find that we really do enjoy each others annoying company.

Now why would "I" hate you:

Well, I'm busy trying to imagine you with a personality. Maybe you'd be less boring once I got to know you, but I don't want to take that chance. No doubt your life is so dull, that you can actually write your diary one week in advance. I'd get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you.

I notice that you never let an idea interrupt the flow of your posts. You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. I suggest you need Mark Twain's advice; "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

What possessed you to think that you were capable of being entertaining or interesting to read? You are the kind of person who, when one first meets you, one doesn't like you. But when one gets to know you better, one hates you ?

Calling you dull is a gross underestimation of just how tedious you are. You have the personality of a damp sponge and the appeal of a moldy sweat sock. You have the warm personal charm of a millipede and about as much class as a bucket of mucous lodged on top of a dumpster in a Blue Light district of New Jersey.

If there's an idea in your head, it's in solitary confinement. Clearly, the full area of your ignorance is not yet mapped. We are presently only exploring the fringes of that vast expanse. Oh well, at least you only charge what your free advice is worth. As Robert Wilensky said: "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."

Most repair manuals are far more interesting than you, and far less turgid to read. Any friend of yours is a lousy judge of character. Seriously, I've come across decomposing dog carcases that are less offensive to the senses than you are.

But other then that, I have no problem with you at all.



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New member
He's nothing like M60 (he's a poster here who is out on business at the moment).

But I haven't much of a problem with you. Although you did come here at a bad start with some dull joke thread (I frankly don't remember what it said...) around the troll season which made people attack you at first.



New member
By the way, phreakwars, are you by any chance related to Gary Busey? You remind me of him because both of you are such an ***.

Your post was still funny though. :rolleyes:



New member
Although you did come here at a bad start with some dull joke thread (I frankly don't remember what it said...) around the troll season which made people attack you at first.
Good old days.... :rolleyes:

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