haulers or gliders?


New member
I currently ride 20x10x10 7 paddle haulers with itp c series wheels and sandstars on the front. The guys I ride with are pushing me hard to get rid of the haulers and rims and go with 21x12x8 8 paddle gliders. I understand the 8 inch rims float better. Are gliders and blue labels really worth the cost? these guys swear by gliders. My ride is just a hair under 50hp with hrc cam and some other stuff if that matters. thanks


New member
8" yes, they do ride better than the 10". I wouldnt switch to a Glider though. They are made for the smaller less HP bikes, simply just a shorter paddle. Check Skat Traks website and you can find some good info there.


New member
The guys I ride with most at the dunes swear by the gliders and they both ride 70hp raptors. They like to stick me in the back too because I throw up too much sand. I do like the softer ride of an 8 inch rim. I've found some used 21 inch haulers on 8 inch rims locally, but they are 8 paddle. I think 8 paddle haulers are a bit much with my hp. I suppose I could always go a little bigger on the rear sprocket.


New member
Everyone I know runs 8's, its all personnal preference. Some will throw an equation out there.....


Active Members
8 paddle glider will spin for dayyyssss off the line. The perfect tire for you for duning would be a 21x12x8 sls 7 paddle hauler on blue label. If you mostly run the hill than a 22x11x8 with a 72 or 74 rollout.

Whats your swingarm length? Gearing? Riding style?



Active Members
Less is always more on a 4 stroke. The 5/8" paddle of the Glider will not drag the motor down. The 8s will work well for your application but I would recommend a 21x12x8 in a 9 Glider, that way down the road if you up your build, you won't need to buy tires again. The 9s will work great on everything up until 60HP.


New member
8 paddle glider will spin for dayyyssss off the line. The perfect tire for you for duning would be a 21x12x8 sls 7 paddle hauler on blue label. If you mostly run the hill than a 22x11x8 with a 72 or 74 rollout.
Whats your swingarm length? Gearing? Riding style?
Stock swing arm, stock gearing, I ride every where. Some hill shooting, little jumping only because I'm no good at it, but mostly just general duning. I don't understand what sls stands for or rollout.



New member
Less is always more on a 4 stroke. The 5/8" paddle of the Glider will not drag the motor down. The 8s will work well for your application but I would recommend a 21x12x8 in a 9 Glider, that way down the road if you up your build, you won't need to buy tires again. The 9s will work great on everything up until 60HP.
How about a 21 12 8 hauler 8 paddle. Do I have enough power for that many hauler paddles? I've ridden 8 paddle gliders and I was faster up the hill by a couple bike lengths over my 7 paddle haulers. I just thought they were a bit squirrely.



Active Members
How about a 21 12 8 hauler 8 paddle. Do I have enough power for that many hauler paddles? I've ridden 8 paddle gliders and I was faster up the hill by a couple bike lengths over my 7 paddle haulers. I just thought they were a bit squirrely.
The 8 Hauler will be slower. We don't put 8 Haulers on bikes until the 75 HP range.



New member
Tried the 21x12x8 8 paddle gliders yesterday at the dunes. I felt they were loose, slid real easy, and didn't pull as hard as my 20x10x10 7 paddle haulers. I like the softer ride with the larger tire/ smaller rim combo though. I do very little hill shooting, but i did pick up about two bike lengths. I like to climb hills, just not focused on the hill shoots. I'd much rather cruise the dunes and ride the bowls. I ended up wrecking twice because I lost the rear end and tumbled down the hill. I think I'll stick with my low profile, small diameter, sand throwing haulers for now and maybe just replace those super heavy itp c series wheels.
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