Have you noticed something about the music videos?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
Hiding in the bushes.. OH **** A SNAKE!
Ok like with the ones from Hyrbid Theory, Mike only played his guitar in Crawling and not in any of the others and Chester only wore is glasses in Papercut. But then the ones from Meteora, Mike played an instrument in all of them and Chester wore his classes in all of them. Thats kind of weird isnt it?
i_love_mike_shinoda2 said:
Ok like with the ones from Hyrbid Theory, Mike only played his guitar in Crawling and not in any of the others and Chester only wore is glasses in Papercut. But then the ones from Meteora, Mike played an instrument in all of them and Chester wore his classes in all of them. Thats kind of weird isnt it?
that is very er..erm...observent, i have to say. maybe both of them just wanna look different sometimes.
in the videos where mike plays an instrument he really plays an istrument in the real songs. like in faint there are both rhythm guitar and lead guitar. mike plays rhythm guitar and brad lead. but in songs like OSC there's only 1 guitar and obviously brad plays it. you can clearly see it when lp are live, mike plays rhytm guitar in songs like faint, SIB, FTI and more and plays keyboard in numb and BTH
i_love_mike_shinoda2 said:
Ok like with the ones from Hyrbid Theory, Mike only played his guitar in Crawling and not in any of the others and Chester only wore is glasses in Papercut. But then the ones from Meteora, Mike played an instrument in all of them and Chester wore his classes in all of them. Thats kind of weird isnt it?

FYI, Chester DID NOT wear his glasses in the From The Inside video...and in my personal opinion, that video was the hottest both he and Mike have looked....LOL!
musicgyrl8186 said:
FYI, Chester DID NOT wear his glasses in the From The Inside video...and in my personal opinion, that video was the hottest both he and Mike have looked....LOL!

Well personally I never saw From the Inside so I forgot to add it in my post but I did know that he didnt so yea but its still weird cuz he did wear glass in Papercut but not in any other ones on Hybrid Thoery so it still is a bit weird to me.
Hybrid-Heart said:
indeed! :D
but i've never noticed it that chester only wears his glasses in papercut..
*on the ones of HT*

Me either...that is weird....but still cool...i don't think he wears glasses anymore anyway...I'm pretty sure he got eye surgery, so I don't think he needs wear them anymore...
I don't see how any of it is significant, actually. As long as it is Linkin Park and as long as they are kicking ass then it is awesome.
I found it strange...
Mike played Ibanez guitar in Crawling video but on shows both mike and brad were playing
PRS guitars, Then when they released Live in Texas then Mike returned to play Ibanez again on shows...
Why to change guitar cuz PRS is awesome?