Healthcare Union Switches from Breck Gurl to Buckwheat, Hitlary Gets a Full Bedpan!


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Healthcare Union Switches from Edwards to Obama

Thursday, January 31, 2008

SACRAMENTO - The head of the United Healthcare Workers is urging the union's
umbrella group, the SEIU state council, to support Barack Obama now that
John Edwards has dropped out of the presidential race.

"We feel Obama is the best candidate for working families, and we will urge
the Service Employees International Union's state council to officially
endorse him at their meeting on Friday," United Healthcare Workers President
Sal Rosselli said Thursday in a statement.

He said his union, which has 150,000 members in Southern and Northern
California, "has a huge capacity to make a real difference in the California
primary, given our extensive and experienced field operation, ability to
phone bank, precinct walk and reach union members throughout the state."

SEIU has about 650,000 members in California. Many are city, county and
state workers. Others are in-home support and health care workers.

Although the election is just days away, SEIU's backing could help Obama cut
into Hillary Rodham Clinton's lead among Democratic base voters, many of
whom are union members.