Screen Ranger

Yup.......But this time the "Battle" is Just Whining over whether
Britain will give the Argentinians Permission to Visit the Islands by
Air or by Sea........Probably better than to get their Mizerable Asses
KICKED AGAIN by the Brits......Donchaknow.......Heehee.......

"Argentine president lays 'inalienable' claim to Falklands

BUENOS AIRES (AFP) - Argentina's claim to the Falkland Islands, which
remain in British hands after the 1982 war between the two countries,
is "inalienable," President Cristina Kirchner said Wednesday.

The comments came as Kirchner faces her own woes, battling against
farmers who have barricaded roads in a protest against a stiff tax
hike on soybean exports.

The conflict has created shortages of meat and other staples in Buenos
Aires and elsewhere, and tested the social fabric, with pro- and anti-
government supporters holding dueling rallies.

Foreign Minister Jorge Taina said, meanwhile, that Argentina was
awaiting authorization from Britain to allow families of Argentine
military personnel killed in the war to fly to the islands for the
inauguration of a memorial.

London is insisting the travel be carried out by ship, but Buenos
Aires has pointed out that many of the relatives are elderly and would
find a long return sea voyage too tough."
On Apr 3, 1:51�am, "JakTheHammer" <jakthh...@aol.com> wrote:


Buzz Off, Punk..........
"Screen Ranger" <ScreenRanger100@aol.com> wrote in message
> Yup.......But this time the "Battle" is Just Whining over whether
> Britain will give the Argentinians Permission to Visit the Islands by
> Air or by Sea........Probably better than to get their Mizerable Asses
> KICKED AGAIN by the Brits......Donchaknow.......Heehee.......
> "Argentine president lays 'inalienable' claim to Falklands

Your forefather too got kicked badly by the British you Sonofabitch. You
forget already you Dumbshit? Watch out soon they will despite you big
time in 2 more years, in fact they already did it in IRAQ, they left your
Miserable ass's in IRAQ alone......Shame.....Shame...you're a too Stupid
