Help even American Idol We did poorly, help someone



need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered, being
poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being down. How do I
know? My lungs constrict everyday. I have air filters that turn black in
less then 30 days.. I want an investigation about what is going on here. I
seriously have tried to do the best in my life and now I am thinking there
were things I couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not protected
from refinery and industry pollution and so many days without clean air.
Warmer temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is like
the twilightzone. Temperatures are often ten degrees warmer. We are getting
most depression and respiratory disease with commercials for allergy and
respiratory meds and inhalers without a news or big business telling you why
we need it. Please can we get investigators over here please. What is going
on in the us now? what ? what is happening where we get more crime
vandalism, and people not graduating.. and crime after crime! What is
happening , what has happened in the past. Please we need lawyers now , and
investigators and researchers. Please this is unbelievable
remember I told you so Our teams seldom win, American Idol was in Philly
and someone with clean air in Oregon and California got the best reviews.
Out of thousands of people , Philly people were not very good. The negative
Philly people were showcased ( half were borderline or schizophrenic) . If
and I say this with all seriousness, we were examined compared to rest of
people with clean air our health would show additionally how harmed we have
been from this pollution both physically and mentally. I now am completely
beside myself with harm done and I want comparisons to show productivity and
how much more so then people who got clean air. I seriously think we need a
great lawyer to show how the most days without clean air, affected the
people here. The most incredible poisoning that is allowed to continue for
years . Most days without good air. A very violent city , A very depressed
city, more cancers and heart disease. Number one in asthma and respiratory
disease and its all ignored. God help --\
---------------------------------------------------------------------- We
need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and
stop the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of gasoline, to
innovate ways to immediate help kids not harm families.Please read on

> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and cancer
> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly in path of coal
> pollution, oil refineries and concentrated exhausts with a city prettty
> much
> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about worsening
> traffic conditions to maybe improve
> things. I see the exact same things happeening here for coming ten years.
> ,
> You can bank on your kids getting more pollution, , more violence, (then
> average) kids not learning, and horrible health ratings and ads to target
> you from illness put upon you for no reason then because politicians let
> it
> happen.
> cares. Saw that guy Chitwood from homicide talk about murder or cab driver
> ( another murder how surprising) the guy who is probably over 50 also
> looks
> way older then his
> years. and its a shame,, seems like a good guy At a certain point if you
> can
> tell me how to do well in retiirement or
> anyother way when we have the least percentage of days with good air then
> most big cities and number 2 in state for asthma and green house
> pollution,,, . You would then not be surprised we are number one for
> asthma
> ,
> respiratory disease, respiratory death and higher then normal in cancers
> heart disease and number one in nation for depression. We do horrible in
> education and we are one of the worse for violence .most of all your not
> told any of this by your newstations
> when you ignore the number one city or two city with asthma and
> respiratory
> deaths and respiratory prescriptions and when you can compare our number
> of
> health commercials with other cities and when your graphs also show the
> number of days we get good air in total to other communities then I might
> believe but I know what they are . For example one graph said Philly had
> 200
> days of good air last year, which was totally outrageous lies. It may have
> reached good but many if not most of those days were in moderate zone or
> worse most of the time. . Thats one way of getting to say whatever you
> want
> without showing the reality of the situation.
> this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.


> us life expectency falls to 42nd
> now heart disease worsens because of it.
> pollution and heart disease
> parituclate pollution dangers
> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
> California
> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25 minutes to
> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the board
> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
> particles
> can occur during a commute.
> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure to
> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
> hardening
> and narrowing of the arteries.
> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in over a
> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not like
> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
> years."
> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid yourself;
> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report by
> the
> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
> commutes
> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented diesel
> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars, buses and
> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on alternative
> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
> traveling
> with little truck traffic
> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
> DEATHS caused by pollution
> Dying For a Change -
> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air contributes
> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population was
> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
> incidence of diseases."
> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
> 2007
> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring they
> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in polluted
> air
> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
> environment (if that can be proven). Since
> The
> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the same
> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live and
> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most time
> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and live
> near
> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot lives
> of
> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
> pollution
> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last twenty
> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who get
> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no fault
> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me god.well
> what
> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have done
> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
> pollution
> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
> effects
> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to lessen
> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and tell
> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some things but
> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That wouldn't
> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good health and
> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the world
> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people and
> when
> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people who
> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we get
> for
> allowing this to happen. I am saying people in PHilly and pa are being
> allowed to lose their health for no good reason when so much more can be
> done now. ( also in many other areas close to pollution and on east coast.