DJ BloodFrost
New member
Hey, everyone. Me and a few other people are thinking of starting a new LP fan site, and I'm looking for some help with it. I need people who can work on LP news, biographies, and such, and I also need people willing to work as forum moderators. If you're interested or have any questions, send an e-mail to Thanks!
I don't expect you to post here, as it is a forum of a LP Fan site... So, just e-mail us, and we'll get back to you. Thanks Again!
Reflectionist, ChesterSings, Agent2594, Mighty Aimetti
I don't expect you to post here, as it is a forum of a LP Fan site... So, just e-mail us, and we'll get back to you. Thanks Again!
Reflectionist, ChesterSings, Agent2594, Mighty Aimetti