Help with putting music on a website

Well actually its not a website, its my blog. People put like a player in their entries and then music plays. Well my question is, how do I get a player? I would really want my music played in my blog. Can anyone help?


New member
I didn't understand the second half of that sentence, but I gather you are trying to put music on your blog?

If you run a search on Google you can find a HTML script which can be inserted to your page.

It's your choice of course, but some people do find music on websites extremely annoying... so not everyone might enjoy it.

Haha, sorry what it said before. My sis got on and was being stupid

But I fixed it!

I tried the google thing already, but my brain is too small to understand any of it.. lol



New member
u copy and paste the music code silly =)

like...paste the music code where the rest of ur writing is on ur bloggy ^___^

Go to, find the video you want, & copy & paste the code into your blog. Warning, not all of the videos work there, at least not for me, so, you may have to go back once or twice.

Hope that helped,




New member


<TITLE> test page </TITLE>



<EMBED SRC="MP3 here" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true">





New member
It kinda depends how you want it. If you just want music playing on your site with some kind of player, you can use html codes but you have to actually have the song, which you will probably have to compress it into a smaller or different file format. I wrote a tutorial on how to do it a longgg time ago here The codes for the players and stuff are all there and it just helps you put music on your site.

Personally I think it's much faster, easier and will save you a lot of bandwidth by just going to a website that offers music codes and just copy and paste them onto your site. I can't remember a lot of the sites but here's one

And there's also sites to put music videos on instead. Umm I only know of this one

Hope those sorta helped you!

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