The is this amazing girl that I totally have the hots for but I fear I shall not be able to kiss her... or ever touch her.... I am a bit fat and a social ******!
I also look at the mirror and cry and not to mention whenever I look back at what I have done in the past I feel like I have let myself down & my parents & ghandi & my friends & chuck norris... sorry chuck norris i'm not a man as u would of wished.
I watch tv and think... wow what is life reduced to I wrote a poem
I cry
I should die
I may fly
If I try
but i dont
and i wont
Hope you like it....
Oh yea and I forgot to mention that my mum didnt make my faviroute cake, I was braught to tears she doesn't love me & I took a train and didnt have a ticket and got thrown off... I didnt have the ticket to the conduictors heart and got thrown into nothing... wow thats so my life.
The darkness of....... well this page makes me feel bleek
I once met this girl on the bus, she loved me... she shared my seat... she dropped a grape on my crutch and picked it up... did she mean something?
Why can't I tell this to my friends but can post it on an internet forum?
Because you are my only friends <3
I also look at the mirror and cry and not to mention whenever I look back at what I have done in the past I feel like I have let myself down & my parents & ghandi & my friends & chuck norris... sorry chuck norris i'm not a man as u would of wished.
I watch tv and think... wow what is life reduced to I wrote a poem
I cry
I should die
I may fly
If I try
but i dont
and i wont
Hope you like it....
Oh yea and I forgot to mention that my mum didnt make my faviroute cake, I was braught to tears she doesn't love me & I took a train and didnt have a ticket and got thrown off... I didnt have the ticket to the conduictors heart and got thrown into nothing... wow thats so my life.
The darkness of....... well this page makes me feel bleek
I once met this girl on the bus, she loved me... she shared my seat... she dropped a grape on my crutch and picked it up... did she mean something?
Why can't I tell this to my friends but can post it on an internet forum?
Because you are my only friends <3