Here it is again...


Nov 27, 2005
I know this topic has probably been talked about time and time again but I wanted to bring a link to your attention.
I used to be a firm believer in the death penalty. Recently, my views have changed. I think a life time in prison should be punishment enough. It just seems to me that some people are sincerly sorry for what they have done and I don't believe man has the right to judge someone and end their life. Also, a lot of people are wrongfully convicted. My grandfather was wrongfully convicted but by the grace of god and a good lawyer, his innocence was proven. Thoughts?
I don't believe in wilful manslaughter as a form of punishment.

I do believe it should be an option, but if the court decrees it, a public referendum should be held, over a period of one month, to allow people time to think. A jury of twelve or so hand-picked people deciding this gruesome task is too haphazard a guess for my liking. Too reliant on the powerful delivery of evidence by a seasoned public prosecutor.

This topic is currently hot in Australia, because one young drug-runner has been sentenced to hang to death at 9 am this Friday, EST, in Singapore. It is surprising listening to the variety of responses on talk-back radio. There are clearly some very kooky people out there.

Our Prime Minister is being dragged over the coals for attending a sporting match in his honour at the time of the hanging. Of course, the opposition parties are making a lot of noise about this. Nobody is doing anything really constructive.

So, no, I don't believe in eye-for-eye nor tooth-for-tooth. Playing God is farcical at best, demonic at worst. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.