Here's a fun poll!

I say.... :eek:

MAKE GLASS *****!!!! :eek:

I want to be able to see a big shiny spot when I see pictures of the Earth from space!!! I want to be able to tell my kids, "That used to be the biggest terrorist pit in the world, now it's a BIG piece of glass!! :cool:



New member
The last thing we need is to be dealing with Iran at the level weare dealing with Iraq.

Mr X

New member
Good point tizz...but Iran is actually another key to Iraq..they can very disruptive if ****** off.

1#they can incite the shiahs in clandestine operations against the U.S there...right now the sunni attacks on the U.S is playing right into there hands.They can also supply the kurds in the north with military aid.

If the sunni's wake up to this realization and stop..the shiahs could possibly spoof attacks and the sunni's get the blame...this would hasten a call for independence, if the u.s pull out.

Right now 70% of Irans population is under the age of 25...I think the u.s might taper their speeches to appeal to this impressionable segment on one front.

The U.S just does not want to have a nuclear power in the middle this would create an arms race.Probably why Israel denies they have nukes.

And also the U.S would have to tread lightly in the region.



New member
**** I was NEVER worried about Iraq when it came to my personal safety (they are were hardly organized enough to handle an over seas attack.) But Iran has already proven to be a much bigger dog with a bite to meet it's bark. That is why I am afrad of getting in any kind of entanglement with them (especially when it is not through some kind of backing of the UN and NATO) If we were to go it alone against Iran, most of our allies would high tail it pretty quick.

Their youth are VERY impressionable and VERY ****** off. If the us got in with them and they took it wrong at any point we would basically be ******. Iran is way to cvolitile for us to **** with



New member
the UN wont and cant do jack **** to help, they have no power and even if they did they wont use it


New member
The UN did NOT back our occupation of IRAQ they are under NO obligation to do ANYTHING there right now. I was talking about getting tangled up with Iran in case you missed that


New member
the UN wont and cant do jack **** to help, they have no power and even if they did they wont use it
The UN security councel has the authority to impose sanctions on Iran. This seems likely since Iran broke thier word the European Union when reactivated thier nuclear facilities.

I hope Iran gets sanctioned back to the stone age(which wouldn't take much) for their actions.

Iran, the most non-peacful country in the known ****** universe, wants the world to believe they want to pursue peacful nuclear energy. I don't buy that for a second. If this were true, Terhan wouldn't have a problem allowing inspectors into their facilities. Iran has been blocking inspections for the last 60 days at least. In addition to this, Iran has been caught buying weapons grade materials from Pakistan(yes, I am referring to the black market).

The Iranians want nuclear arms. The rest of the world(even China) wants Iran disarmed because everybody knows Iran cannot be trusted.

Terrorists who claim to want peaceful nuclear anything are usually full of ****.

Iran needs to disarm or they need to be forecfully disarmed.

I hate to say it, but Iran may need to face destruction if they do not immediately cease and desist with thier attempts to build nuclear arms.

Personally, I hope Isreal bombs the **** out of them and thier nuclear facilities. (They did the same thing to Iraq back in the early 80s)



New member
**** I was NEVER worried about Iraq when it came to my personal safety (they are were hardly organized enough to handle an over seas attack.) But Iran has already proven to be a much bigger dog with a bite to meet it's bark. That is why I am afrad of getting in any kind of entanglement with them (especially when it is not through some kind of backing of the UN and NATO) If we were to go it alone against Iran, most of our allies would high tail it pretty quick.
Their youth are VERY impressionable and VERY ****** off. If the us got in with them and they took it wrong at any point we would basically be ******. Iran is way to cvolitile for us to **** with
Why do you think the Europeans are handling the Iranians?

IRan needs to be disarmed by whatever means necessary...even if disaming them means destroying them.



New member
Why do you think the Europeans are handling the Iranians?
IRan needs to be disarmed by whatever means necessary...even if disaming them means destroying them.
Blow the **** out of the Iranians. Who really gives a **** if the rest of the middle east becomes a no-go zone?

I wouldn't go near it anyway; too much DU **** wafting around.

If you have a relative fighting in Iraq, make plans for their funeral now.



New member
Blow the **** out of the Iranians. Who really gives a **** if the rest of the middle east becomes a no-go zone?
I wouldn't go near it anyway; too much DU **** wafting around.

If you have a relative fighting in Iraq, make plans for their funeral now.
That's not very nice builder.Aren't they human beings,who deserve to live like any other person on the surface of this earth?

That's the problem with this world.Way too many people don't care as long as they are safe.That's ******' foolish and selfish!

Why do you think the Europeans are handling the Iranians?
IRan needs to be disarmed by whatever means necessary...even if disaming them means destroying them.
I agree, the world will not be safe until Iran and North Korea suffer the same fate as Iraq. I just wish we'd use nukes!


New member
That's not very nice builder.Aren't they human beings,who deserve to live like any other person on the surface of this earth?That's the problem with this world.Way too many people don't care as long as they are safe.That's ******' foolish and selfish!
It was sarcasm, AIG. They are human beings. And yes, they do deserve to live like any other person.

Anywhere the US forces have been in the last 15 years, is now irradiated with DU fallout, and the people there are dying in their thousands.

That includes the US forces that participated. This is documented.

Now that is ******' foolish and selfish.......of the US gov. :mad:



New member
It was sarcasm, AIG. They are human beings. And yes, they do deserve to live like any other person.
Anywhere the US forces have been in the last 15 years, is now irradiated with DU fallout, and the people there are dying in their thousands.

That includes the US forces that participated. This is documented.

Now that is ******' foolish and selfish.......of the US gov. :mad:
Oops sorry.I didn't sense the sarcasm.Going back to it,I slap my forehead.Sorry sweety.Yeah ******' foolish and selfish of the US government,who want to force their ''values'' on everyone.



New member
Oops sorry.I didn't sense the sarcasm.Going back to it,I slap my forehead.Sorry sweety.Yeah ******' foolish and selfish of the US government,who want to force their ''values'' on everyone.
We don't want to force out values on anybody. We want to make the world safer by making certain that governments like the one in Iraq are never allowed to have anything more dangerous then a BB gun.

If Iran has nukes then the terrorists hiding in their country will also have them. This is unaccaptable.

Terrorists MUST be disarmed... whether it be done with diplomacy or by dropping bombs is immatetial.... at the end of the day, the fact remains, that it must be done no matter the cost.


The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practise it. Slowly but surely, as they try to extinguish life in others, the light within them dies.

--Terry Waite (b. 1939) British religious adviser, hostage in Lebanon



New member
I'm sorry TH,you're forgetting the fact that america has nukes too and are the only ones who ever used them.If you want to disarm others then disarm yourselves first.America just wants to have the advantage over everyone.I pity you,for buying the bullshit that the Iranian government will give terrorists nukes.And for always thinking that your government has the best interest of other people at heart.

Your government is just ******' greedy and will never be satisfied if it has all the gold in the world.

America does try and push their values forcefully on others.An example is the stupid excuse they gave for attacking Afghanistan.They said,they wanted to ''liberate'' the women.Bullshit!!! I don't know if you've heard of the journalist Yvonne Ridley who was kidnapped by the Taliban and later embraced Islam.Ask yourself how this woman became muslim even after being kidnapped by the so called ''women oppressors''.

Anyway Yvonne Ridley recently visited Afghanistan and met with some women who told her to please ''tell the west to stop using the stupid excuse that they were oppressed''.They told her that if this was their only problem they would be the happiest people on earth.They said their biggest problems was asking themselves how they will feed their families and how they can walk down the streets again without worrying about getting shot.

So my dear,the american invasion didn't liberate these women,it just further imprisoned them.

I hate hypocrisy more that anything.To be fair I think we should also storm into churches and ''liberate'' these oppressed NUNS!!!

A piece of cloth does not symbolise oppression like most westeners believe.

We met Yvonne yesterday,at a protect hijaab conference.

We talked about the girls in france that are expelled from school because of wearing the hijaab.The french are also under the illusion that they are ''liberating'' the girls,but what they are actually doing is taking away the girls' freedom of expression and freedom of choice.

How can this world be peaceful if the west attacks people's choice of belief and dress?

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