Heroes Season 2


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
to all of you who are watching season 2 of Heroes, what do u think???

it hasnt changed all that much really, it looks just as good, same characters in their kwirky little worlds with their super powers, and its crazy the new scenarios. i havnt watched much, only the first episode, and so far it looks good, a new devilish villain who kills the old school heroes like Hiros father and possibiliy others, seems darker and more intense with the addition of Maya and Alejandro who seem to have a sort of Ying-Yang power, death and life giving.

overall im enjoying it so far
ive seen the 1st 3 episodes

Peter looks cooler and more mature but where the hell did he get that lightning bolt power thing, its not explained

I really enjoyed how hiro went back in time and he has to turn kensei in2 a hero so that the history books become true. Its like history destined him to do it. Also in the 3rd episode he puts messages on Kensei's sword's hilt so that ando in the future can read it..its really smart

Sylar is back...with no powers so its kinda gay..i wanted him to die or come back a lot later as a surprise.

Claire is gay as always and that new kid West is a rip off of Clark Kent from smallville

Suresh parkman and HRG working 2gether seems cool.

and yea the dark villain and the person in molly's dreams seem interesting

Oh..Heroes..my favorite show in the history of ever.

Peter probably got the lighting bolt power from Syler since they have the same ability and can obsorb people's powers

Syler = bad ass. When he knocked out that chick with the coffee mug...haha I laughed for hours.

New season looks promising, can't wait for it to keep unfolding.
i dont think its electricity, well iono, my friend says its just his telekinesis evolved out to the max, but eh, im not one to speculate, it looks cool though!

that hero killer is creepy, one thinks perhaps Sylar must join forces with them to combat this hero killer, shame Sylar has no powers, imagine an out all battle between Sylar/evil unknown and the rest of the heroes! be abit of a better ending than last season at least

anyone know what happened to Nath petrelli and why hes no longer president? as far as i know all he did was fly peter away to explode, if he really wanted to find peter, wouldnt it make sense to be preseident and use the tools at hand??
He didnt win president he just won congressman but I think they presume that saving peter's life and revealing his powers maybe could have cost him the election..although this isnt stated anywhere I think the writers presumed this.............

BTW what happened to Heroes Origins...it never came on..it was supposed to come in september
i think it got shifted to after season 2 as a gap bridger between season 2 and season 3, although i coulda just misread it, dont expect to see it now that season 2 is in full swing
they said that the hero thats voted by the fans will come on season 2..also episode 4 has some black chick who i think has like super strength..she seems gay