Hey im Matt


New member
Im Matt..hence de name. Im 19, live in Australia and never knew about these forums until Victim told me lol. so yeh anything else you wanna know just ask.


New member
o_O this is gonna cause confusing, if i have it my way i say we just refer to him as imposter! Im the real 19 year old Matt =(


New member
o_O this is gonna cause confusing, if i have it my way i say we just refer to him as imposter! Im the real 19 year old Matt =(
I know & I call you Matty all the time too o.0 *sigh* crapola.


Hello, Matt! I'm Krista, Lucky, LPpinkfreak, whatever you want to call me. Just not Krilly becuase that'll completely confuse me (lol) the other Matty [stenners] calls me that.

anyways. welcome to the forums! hope you have fun.

and I'll call you Matt. Not Matty. well hold on. I'll just put a "<3" behind Matty for Stenners and then you'll be Matty. Yea, that works, I guess. o.0 Maybe.



New member
oh. Matty<3 knows that I love him like crazy. That's how he got the name. He's my butthead loserface aka my loverface (lol)

So now we have two Matty's who are 19. One lives in the UK & the other in Austrailia. Cool.

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