HILLARY CLINTON NOT ready to RELEASE TAX RETURNS..........................sameold Clinton bullshit .



Clinton Not Ready to Release Tax Returns

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Feb 12, 1:35 AM (ET)


(AP) Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-
N.Y., makes a campaign stop at...
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WASHINGTON (AP) - Resisting calls from Barack Obama to release her
income tax returns, Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday she would only
do so if she secures the Democratic presidential nomination and
contended her rival had been less than candid about his relationship
with major campaign contributors.

In a televised interview Monday with Politico.com and local television
station WJLA, Sen. Clinton said her financial holdings had been
disclosed in her Senate ethics filings and that she had liquidated all
her assets when she became a presidential candidate so her investments
would not present a conflict of interest.

After the former first lady acknowledged she had lent her campaign $5
million in personal funds, Sen. Obama suggested she release her tax
records as he has done to give voters a better accounting of where her
money comes from.

The Clintons have become wealthy since leaving the White House in
2001, largely through Bill Clinton's consulting and speaking fees and
the couple's lucrative book deals.

(AP) Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-
N.Y., makes a point while meeting...
Full Image

The New York senator shot back at Obama's suggestion, saying such
transparency should apply to other aspects of his life.

"Senator Obama has some questions to answer about his dealings with
one of his biggest contributors, Exelon - apparently he cut some deals
behind closed doors to prevent them from full disclosure," Clinton
said. "We still don't have answers about Senator Obama and his
dealings with Mr. Rezko."

Obama has faced questions about his relationship with Chicago
businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, who raised money for past Obama
political campaigns and played a role in the purchase of the Illinois
senator's home. Obama has not been accused of any wrongdoing in
connection with felony fraud charges against Rezko.

Clinton and Obama tangled over Rezko at a televised debate in South
Carolina, where she referred to Rezko as a "slum landlord."

Executives and employees of Exelon Corp. (EXC), a Chicago-based energy
giant and nuclear plant operator, have contributed more than $200,000
to Obama's campaigns since 2004. This month, The New York Times
examined whether Obama, at the behest of Exelon lobbyists, had watered
down legislation aimed at tightening regulations on the nuclear

(AP) Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-
N.Y. shakes hands with employees...
Full Image

Obama spokesman Bill Burton noted that Sen. Clinton had co-sponsored
the nuclear regulatory legislation she now criticizes.

"Instead of playing the same Washington games that people are sick of,
Senator Clinton should prove how fully vetted she is by finally
releasing her tax returns so that voters can see where the millions of
dollars she's dropped into her campaign are coming from," Burton said.

Clinton gave the interview on the eve of the so-called "Potomac
Primary," in which Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia
hold contests. She is expected to lose all three to Obama, adding to
her weekend losses to him in contests in Nebraska, Washington state,
Louisiana, Maine and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

In the interview, Clinton also was asked whether a "business or
personal scandal" involving her husband could emerge and derail her

"That's not going to happen," she said, adding "None of us can predict
the future ... I'm very confident that will not happen.

(AP) Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-
N.Y., speaks at a campaign stop at...
Full Image

Earlier Monday, the New York senator denied that her campaign is in
trouble after the string of losses and her campaign manager's

"I'm still ahead in the popular vote and in delegates," Clinton said,
though the numbers do not fully support that statement.

An Associated Press tally shows Clinton with a slim lead among
delegates - 1,147, compared to 1,124 for Obama. But an initial
tabulation of the total popular vote showed Obama likely to pull ahead
once the results of states that held caucuses are fully counted.

Speaking to reporters, Clinton said she feels very good about the
state of the race, even though she is not expected to win between now
and March 4, when voters in Texas and Ohio cast ballots.

"We had a great night on Super Tuesday," Clinton said, referring to
the 22 states that voted Feb. 5. Clinton won eight states to Obama's
13 but scored in many of the biggest contests including New York,
California, Massachusetts and New Jersey. And they divided the
delegates almost evenly.

The former first lady said the decision by Patti Solis Doyle to step
down as campaign manager was personal and reflected the toll of the
long campaign, not a problem with her job performance.

"I have the greatest respect and affection for her," Clinton said.
"I'm grateful for the enormously successful job that she's done."

She said Solis Doyle would remain a senior adviser. Maggie Williams, a
longtime Clinton confidante and former chief of staff from Clinton's
days as first lady, replaced Solis Doyle.

She noted that the states she won on Super Tuesday were all states
Democrats must win to succeed in the general election. Many of the
states Obama won that night, such as Alaska and North Dakota, would
not be competitive for Democrats next November, she said.

Clinton also dismissed concern that Obama had all the momentum going
into the next round of contests. Besides Tuesday's primaries, he's
favored to win contests next week in Wisconsin and Hawaii.

"Before Super Tuesday you all were reporting on all the momentum. It
didn't turn out to be true," she said. "Let's have the elections.
Instead of talking about them, pontificating and punditing, let's let
people actually vote."

Kerry ALSO would not resease his war records...and

the swift boaters WON that battle .....what are they hiding?

Women voters dont care...they just want to vote for another women
no matter what her record.
"Rightwinghank" <rightwinghank@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Clinton Not Ready to Release Tax Returns

When will Cheney pay taxes on that deferred BILLION he's made off of Iraq
and HAlliburton?
On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 18:08:04 GMT, "The Collapse of Bush"
<christofascist@wh.net> wrote:

>"Rightwinghank" <rightwinghank@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> Clinton Not Ready to Release Tax Returns

>When will Cheney pay taxes on that deferred BILLION he's made off of Iraq
>and HAlliburton?
