Hillary's Ironic Use of the Word 'Unscrupulous'


Harry Dope

Hillary's Ironic Use of the Word 'Unscrupulous'
That Hillary Clinton has managed to straddle both sides of the corporate
fence for 3 whole decades now, while the lesser of her cronies have ended up
in jail, is the most over-the-top chicanery I think I've seen in - well,
perhaps my entire life.
Hillary Clinton is now pitching her multi-billion dollar bailout plan for
the "victims" of "unscrupulous" mortgage brokers who act "dishonestly and
try to take advantage of people". And what will fix the problem of
"unscrupulous" business people? Why, more government bureaucracy and our
money, of course. It's as if Madame Hillary thinks we taxpayers won't mind
one little bit just eating cake, while she gives away a billion here and
another few billion there; after all it's not her money.

But Hillary Clinton is certainly in a position to know about "unscrupulous"
business practices that end up costing taxpayers lots and lots of money.
After all, as Barbara Olson so nicely pointed out in her 1999 account of the
prelude to Hillary Clinton's political rise, Hell to Pay, Ms. Rodham was up
to her armpits in "unscrupulous," corporate wheeling and double-dealing long
before she became First Lady.

Evidently, the entire Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media moguls, and
every Harry, Dick and Jane American have collectively lost their memories.
We all need a refresher course, and quick.

The year is 1978. Bill Clinton is Attorney General of the State of
Arkansas. Ms. Hillary Rodham (married to Bill Clinton, but still using her
maiden name) has become an associate in the Rose Law Firm.

According to Carl Bernstein (A Woman in Charge, page 128):

Rose was the ultimate establishment law firm, representing the most
powerful economic interests in the state: Tyson Foods, Stephens, Inc. (the
state's biggest brokerage firm), Wal Mart, Worthen Bank, the Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette, and the Hussman media empire in southwest Arkansas. In
the capital of a small state in which business was a matter of backslapping
and backscratching, its primacy was undisputed.

Take it from a Southerner who knows: Ms. Rodham, married to the Arkansas
Attorney General, was taking the shortest short-cut possible to scrapping
her principles and lining her purse with gold. Her association with this
particular law firm ensured not only a nice income, but a backdoor route to
insider deals, mountains of under-the-table perks, and the golden parachute
that comes with on-the-ground-floor speculating - whether in land
development or cattle futures. She and Bill, as well as the Rose partners,
knew it was a shady conflict-of-interest setup; they obviously didn't care.

But in 1978, Hillary and Bill entered into a speculative land deal with Bill
and Susan McDougal, one that would eventually go very sour to the tune of
$60 million United States' taxpayer dollars. (Hell to Pay, p. 162).

Barbara Olson details the Clintons' "unscrupulous" plan:

The McDougals were small-town versions of their more powerful friends,
the Clintons. The McDougals had access to money, something Bill and Hillary
wanted very much. The Clintons had growing access to power - the ability to
ease restrictions, cause a regulator to wink, or keep a sticky matter at the
bottom of a state auditor's pile - which would be helpful to the McDougals.

The Clintons put up no money....Having Bill Clinton's name on the deal
was a great way to secure the loan for such a bold investment, and a good
way to attract customers. (Hell to Pay, p. 158, 159)

In other words, the Clintons put in their names, the authority of the
Attorney General's office (known as "political influence"), and Hillary's
law firm ties (known as "connections"), and the McDougals put up the money.
Sounds like a foolproof venture with all the right elements.

Except that, "perhaps to keep his early venture (White Water Estates)
afloat, Jim McDougal went into a far more lucrative business, the savings
and loan (S&L industry. He bought a rural S&L and dubbed it Madison
Guaranty." (Hell to Pay, p. 160) This was a very, very unscrupulous
business, that eventually, by the mid-1980s, threatened the whole U.S.
banking system. Jim McDougal's enterprise was right in there with the best
of the scammers and speculators.

By 1984 Madison was warned by federal regulators to tighten its
practices, strengthen its management, and add $3 million to its capital
base. McDougal did strengthen management - by hiring the federal regulator
as Madison's vice president. (Hell to Pay, p. 160)

Then, it was time to pull in the Clintons' promised "political influence."
So, in January 1985, Bill Clinton, now Arkansas' Governor, "replaced the
state securities commissioner with Fayetteville friend and longtime
supporter Beverly Bassett" (Hell to Pay, p. 160).

In April, Jim McDougal "hired" Hillary as legal counsel for Madison to
represent his interests before the state securities commission.

"By now, the Clintons had managed to create a parade of friendly faces
all along the way for their business partners. Six days later, Hillary
contacted (friend and long-time Clinton contributor) Bassett on behalf of
Madison." (Hell to Pay, p. 161)

And, of course, since the "fix" was in, "the recapitalization plan, selling
stock that was essentially worthless, was approved" (Hell to Pay, p. 161)

Now, I don't know what Mrs. Clinton calls victimizing an unsuspecting public
by selling them "worthless" stock in a plan approved by government headed by
a spouse, but I call it far worse than "unscrupulous". I call it a
conspiracy to defraud the public and the F.D.I.C. (that's us, the people of
the United States).

As I said in the beginning of this piece, how Mrs. Clinton has avoided
prison this long is a positively amazing credit to this Country's
gullibility. But it looks like she has learned well from her mentor, Mr.
George Soros, who has long practiced the creed he now says he scorns.
Anything goes, as long as you can get away with it.

Here's how Carl Bernstein summed up her fall from Wellesley grace:

She could justify in her moral construct financial opportunities that
increasingly made her uncomfortable (judging from her subsequent, almost
frenzied efforts to hide them) or perhaps led her into some state of denial
in which she rationalized that 'everyone' did it. Moreover, the Clintons
certainly had the friends and the opportunities to skirt rules and
procedures required of less-well-connected individuals. (A Woman in Charge,
p. 134-35)

However one cares to explain it, one thing is certain: Hillary Rodham may
have once been imbued with visions of bettering our world through the
sacrifice of public service, but she long, long ago renounced those
ambitions on the altar of profiteering. And in what may well become known
as the most sardonic irony of the current Presidential campaign, she now
hurls insulting charges at "unscrupulous" mortgage bankers, who for all we
know now, have done nothing even half as "unscrupulous" as she has. And to
top off that little chicanery, she even has the unmitigated audacity to
herald her taxpayer-financed bailout like an angel from on high.

"God bless the America we are trying to create."
Hillary Clinton
"Harry Puke" <HOHOHO@aol.com> wrote in message

Bad President! No Banana.
"Harry Dope" <HHHA@aol.com> allegedly said in

> Hillary's Ironic Use of the Word 'Unscrupulous'


The old Whitewater ****... again...

Desperate times for reichtards if that is all they can come up with...


The best thing about Hillary becoming President is, she will be able to use
all those executive powers so thoughtfully put in place by little georgie
and the GOP... now THAT really IS ironic...


<small but dangerous>
"The Woodsman" <FunnyGeorge@CrawfordRanch.net> wrote in message
> "Harry Puke" <HOHOHO@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:46d44d16$0$18823$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
> Bad President! No Banana.

The monkey hasn't been elected yet, much less nominated.
On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:25:16 -0500, zzpat <zzpatrick@gmail.com> wrote:

>Harry Dope wrote:
>> Hillary's Ironic Use of the Word 'Unscrupulous'

>Hillary and Bill Clinton lost money on their Whitewater land deal. If
>they were 'Unscrupulous' they'd have made a fortune at other people's
>Is the GOP this dumb? Yep.

Not so much dumb as willing to endlessly repeat a lie in hopes of
making it true.
<jacknichols123@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Presidents have to be good straddlers:
> http://surftofind.com/president

You mean like when Bubba-Stiffy was straddling Monica and skull-****ing her?

Like that?

Or like when Hitlary had that 9" hard rubber dick strapped on and was
pile-driving poor little Dickie Morris?
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
> <jacknichols123@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1188408830.182128.296300@o80g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>> Presidents have to be good straddlers:
>> http://surftofind.com/president

> You mean like when Bubba-Stiffy was straddling Monica and skull-****ing
> her?

No. We mean like when Foley was making the pages bend over and giving it to
them up the tail pipe.

And like when Larry Craig was trying to get underneath the partition in the
little boys room so he could suck cop dick, while talking about what a
"naughty little boy" Bill Clinton was.

Or like when Newt Gingrich was getting it off with VD infested whores in his
sedan while talking about how immoral Clinton was.

Or like when Livingstone was cheating on his wife while talking about how
immoral Clinton was.

> Like that?
> Or like when Hitlary had that 9" hard rubber dick strapped on and was
> pile-driving poor little Dickie Morris?

"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
> <jacknichols123@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1188408830.182128.296300@o80g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>> Presidents have to be good straddlers:
>> http://surftofind.com/president

> You mean like when Bubba-Stiffy was straddling Monica and skull-****ing
> her?

Jealous that he could get blowjobs but you can't even get your guy friends
to give you one?

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