Hitlary Caught Lying, AGAIN, This Time About Her Belfast Role!


Patriot Games


Clinton's Belfast Role Draws Criticism

Friday, March 28, 2008

BELFAST, Northern Ireland -- Hillary Rodham Clinton cites her role in
bringing peace to Northern Ireland as one of the top foreign policy
credentials of her presidential bid.

Her critics point to an empty, wind-swept Belfast park _ which Clinton a
decade ago proclaimed would become Northern Ireland's first
Catholic-Protestant playground _ as evidence that her contribution as
peacemaker was more symbolic than substantive.

"She was in charge of christening this wee corner (of the park) as some kind
of peace playground. It never made any sense then, and there's nothing there
today," said Brian Feeney, a Belfast political analyst, author and teacher.
"Everything she did was for the optics."

Critics say the playground-that-never-was illustrates the wider lack of
accomplishment from Clinton's half-dozen visits to Northern Ireland _ that
they emphasized speechmaking, chiefly to women's groups, leaving no lasting

Clinton twice addressed audiences of schoolchildren at Belfast's Musgrave
Park, in September 1998 and May 1999. She declared that Protestant and
Catholic youths must learn to play together but needed a safe place to do it
_ and helped plant a tree on the spot where a special cross-community
playground would be created. Belfast did have other parks.

Nearly a decade later, Musgrave Park remains as it was: a well-groomed,
rather lonely place sandwiched between a hospital and a highway, where
adults jog and walk their dogs amid birdsong and spring flowers. The Belfast
group touting the "Play for Peace Fund" silently shelved the idea within
months although Clinton often referred to the project as an inspiration to a
divided world.

Clinton and her campaign aides say her championship of a greater role in the
peace process for women on both sides in Northern Ireland's conservative,
male-dominated politics made a substantial contribution to the result.

"Women ... were persistent in the process ... (Clinton) came back to Ireland
time and time again to be with them, to hear them out, to hear about the
progress they were making," said Melanne Verveer, a Clinton aide who now
works on the campaign.

That's a view supported by the recollections of some U.S. officials involved
in the peace process at the time.

Former Democratic Sen. George Mitchell, who brokered the peace accord,
recalled Clinton as having "a sustained interest over a long period of time"
in Northern Ireland's troubles and that she "became very knowledgeable about
the issues and the participants."

"By virtue of her position, her stature, I think she made a real
contribution to encouraging and supporting that phase of the process and the
entire process itself," said Mitchell, who has remained neutral in the
drawn-out struggle between Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for the
Democratic nomination.

Clinton has described herself as a catalyst for bringing Catholics and
Protestants together, even though these activists regularly were meeting
each other at many forums by the mid-1990s.

In 1997 she delivered a speech to the University of Ulster that was supposed
to inaugurate an annual lecture series honoring a Belfast peace activist,
the late Joyce McCartan, whom Clinton briefly met in 1995 during her
husband's first of three whirlwind tours of Northern Ireland. The university
hosted one more such speech, in 2000, none since.

A political party established in 1996 to promote women in politics, the
Northern Ireland Women's Coalition, drew inspiration from Hillary Clinton's
words and example. Voters weren't as convinced; the party folded in 2006
after all its candidates lost in two straight elections.

"It's crazy for Hillary to say she played a role in bringing peace to
Northern Ireland. ... She seems to be confusing her record with her
husband's," said Robin Wilson, founder of a Northern Ireland think tank,
Democratic Dialogue.

In a December 2007 interview with ABC News, Clinton said: "In just the last
few weeks, the new leaders of the Northern Ireland government, Dr. Ian
Paisley and Martin McGuinness, made a special effort to see me. Why? Because
I helped in that process, not just standing by and witnessing, but actually
getting my hands into it, creating opportunities for people on both sides of
the sectarian divide to come together."

Clinton's longtime claims to have played a difference-making role in
Northern Ireland attracted no criticism until the buildup to St. Patrick's
Day this year. To some ears, her most recent comments have raised a false
impression that she helped produce the landmark Good Friday peace accord of

Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern came to Clinton's defense, meeting with
the senator in Washington _ and making his first phone call to Obama.

"I think for anyone to try to question the Clintons' huge support (for
Ireland) and start trying to nitpick and saying, 'But she wasn't sitting
down at the negotiation table' _ sure, we know she wasn't sitting down at
the negotiation table," Ahern said.

After suffering criticism from rival Obama's campaign and Protestant
politicians in Northern Ireland, Clinton this month backed off language that
suggested she was ever involved in the 22 months of negotiations that
preceded the Good Friday pact.

But Clinton still suggests that she wielded a hidden hand over the
diplomatic triumph.

"I wasn't sitting at the negotiating table, but the role I played was
instrumental," she said in a March 13 interview with National Public Radio.

Clinton's campaign has distributed statements backing up her claim from
Nobel laureate John Hume, the Catholic intellectual heavyweight of the peace
process, who credited her with making "countless calls and contacts," and
leaders of Sinn Fein, the party that former President Clinton helped to
bring in from the diplomatic cold caused by Irish Republican Army violence.

In Northern Ireland, the endorsements from Hume, Sinn Fein and Ahern are
broadly recognized as reflecting Irish Catholics' desire for maximum
international sympathy, specifically from the U.S. The retired Hume, in
particular, boosted his clout by carefully cultivating friendships with U.S.
politicians, chiefly Democrats.

For them, a President Hillary Clinton offers the best chance of a return to
the pro-Irish policies of her husband, who broke with decades of State
Department deference to Britain, an approach resumed under George W. Bush.


EDITOR'S NOTE _ Shawn Pogatchnik has reported on Northern Ireland for The
Associated Press since 1991 and covered most of the Clinton visits.
Associated Press writer Nancy Benac in Washington contributed to this
The Jewish Agenda
By Phaedrus

Here's what they're up to:

The progressive elimination of all national borders world-wide.

Elimination of foreign currency exchange controls world-wide to aid
unimpeded capital flight.

The imposition of the preferred Jewish method of control - so called
'democracy' - around the world then engineering the installation of
compliant governments who are nothing more than puppets of Zionist

Total control of television, radio, newspapers, periodicals, magazines
and advertising.
The promotion of inter-breeding between disparate races through
pervasive media suggestion and political dogma.

The encouragement of unsustainable levels of immigration in Europe and
the United States, whether legal or not and regardless of the worth of
the immigrants involved or their likely contribution to Western

Direct control of international finance and banking.

The formation of ever-larger eco-political blocs and free-trade
regions with uniform rules and standards that will one day all be
merged to form the One World Government, which they of course will

The propagation of the mind virus that 'political correctness' is the
enlightened, modern way to go and its rejectionists as in some way
wicked and bigoted or at the very least woefully old-fashioned.

The crushing of any form of dissent against the implementation of the
New World Order.
Stricter gun control measures in the United States with the aim of
eventually disarming the people altogether.

The promotion via their media holdings of homosexuality, mixed-race
relationships and any other forms of aberrant and socially damaging

Engendering the idea through media control that blacks are superior to
what they really are and that whites are in fact, inferior to what
they really are.

The idea that homosexuals and lesbians should be proud of what they
are and AIDS is nothing to be ashamed of any more.

The restriction of free expression on the Internet.

The propagation of the concept of 'Hate Crime' - reminiscent of George
Orwell's 'Thought Crime' in his prescient, dystopian novel, Nineteen

The encouragement of under-age sex preferably between children of
different races through their numerous teenage magazine titles (theft
of childhood and innocence).

Elimination of trade barriers and the creation of a global,
business-friendly trading environment giving rise to massive job
losses in Europe and America.

The debasement of traditional family values and the destruction of the
family unit.
To ridicule and debase Christianity and anyone who dares uphold moral
To campaign for the intolerance of 'racism' and 'homophobia.'

The promotion of "Affirmative Action" type programs that put the
interests of hopelessly incompetent blacks ahead of struggling, hard
working white people.

The stimulation of inter-tribal violence between Arabs.

The generation of inter-cultural tensions in countries that have
adopted Jew-promoted 'multiculturalism.'

The expansion of a 'Greater Israel' into what remains of Palestine.

And we allow these poisonous rodents to shape our perceptions for us??
We MUST be mad. In the future, after the forthcoming struggle is won,
no Jew must ever be allowed within a million miles of a transmitter or
a printing press - NEVER - for as long as mankind survives.


http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
