Hitlary Has Proven She Hates Blacks and Martin Luther King, America Should Reject Her


Patriot Games


Clinton, Obama Rhetoric Heats Up in Controversy Over MLK's Role in Race
Rights Fight
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton bashed rival Barack Obama
on Sunday, suggesting that the black senator from Illinois was trying to
prolong a race controversy that bubbled up after Clinton last week said it
took a president like Lyndon Johnson to enact the vision presented by race
rights fighter Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed
the Civil Rights Act of 1964," Clinton told FOX News last week in remarks
that sparked the current conflict. "It took a president to get it done."

On Sunday, Clinton complained that Obama has been misrepresenting her words
and their meaning. She said Obama has been comparing himself to King and
President John F. Kennedy, who began the process that led to landmark civil
rights legislation. But unlike King, who Clinton noted had marched,
organized, protested, and was gassed, beaten and jailed, Obama is merely
giving speeches about his commitment to racial equality.

"(King) understood he had to move the political process and bring in those
who were in political power," Clinton told NBC's "Meet the Press."

"And he campaigned for political leaders, including Lyndon Johnson, because
he wanted somebody in the White House who would act on what he had devoted
his life to achieving . So I think it's important to set the record
straight. Clearly, we know from media reports that the Obama campaign (is)
deliberately distorting this."

Clinton added that King deserves "the lion share of the credit" for moving
the country and political process forward, but he couldn't have done it
without "partners who were in the political system."

"I think it is such an unfair and unwarranted attempt to misrepresent and
mischaracterize what I've said," Clinton added.

In response, Obama held a conference call with reporters to say that he's
fascinated with the way the controversy is playing out, and it helps to
explain why Americans are tired of Washington games. But, he added, Clinton
"made an unfortunate remark, an ill-advised remark" about King and Johnson,
and then wrongly blamed Obama when she was called on it.

"I didn't make the statement. I haven't remarked on it and she, I think,
offended some folks who felt that somehow diminished King's role in bringing
about the Civil Rights Act. She is free to explain that, but the notion that
somehow this is our doing is ludicrous. I have to point out that instead of
telling the American people about her positive vision for America, Senator
Clinton spent an hour talking about me and my record in a way that was
flat-out wrong," Obama said.

"I have to say that she started this campaign saying that she wanted to make
history and lately she has been spending a lot of time rewriting it. I know
that in Washington it is acceptable to say or do anything it takes to get
elected, but I really don't think that is the kind of politics that is good
for our party, and I don't think it is good for our country and I think that
the American people will reject it in this election," he continued.

Who is using the race issue most in the Democratic presidential race?

Hillary Clinton (59%)
Barack Obama (39%)
Dennis Kucinich (1%)
John Edwards (1%)

Sen. John Kerry, who endorsed Obama last week, also spoke Sunday about the
argument that played out this week, saying everyone knows it was people like
King, who demonstrated and took action on the ground before the outlook
changed in Washington. He added that Obama is better poised than Clinton -
because of his race - to speak with marginalized African Americans.

"Who better than Barack Obama to talk about - and just by his person signify
to the world the difference that it means to get an open door to a good
school? Who better than Barack Obama to talk to young blacks in America or
disaffected young people or - anybody, and sort of say, you see what happens
if you have a dream and you pursue it and you work at it? . . I personally
believe, having been 20 years, 24 years on the Foreign Relations Committee,
that . Barack Obama can say things to African-American leaders that a white
president just can't say."

Obama leads Clinton by 13 points in polling for South Carolina, where
Clinton campaigned Sunday ahead of the Jan. 26 Democratic primary there. The
African American vote is a 50 percent majority of the Democratic vote in the
Palmetto State. After Clinton's original comments, House Majority Whip
James Clyburn, the South Carolina representative who is the third-ranking
Democrat and the top African American in the House, admonished all the
candidates to choose their words carefully when talking about the fights of
the 1960s.

Following her appearance bashing Obama on Sunday, Clinton went to church,
and praised him repeatedly as a barrier breaker. She also credited her own
efforts for breaking through the glass ceiling that had prevented other
women from becoming serious contenders for the U.S. presidency.

"For many of us, this place is a refuge, sanctuary from the storms that
buffet us," Clinton told the congregation at the Northminster Presbyterian
Church in Columbia, S.C.

"In the noise (of the campaign), we stand at a historic moment worthy of
celebration. Many of our grandparents never thought we'd see the day when an
African American and a woman were competing for the presidency. . I'm so
proud of my party, country, Senator Barack Obama. Together we've presented
our cases to the people. . As we prepare to mark Dr. King's birthday, let's
step back and marvel at the place we're in and the progress we've made," she

While the speech was controversy-free, many of the congregants who spoke
with FOX News said that they are still undecided on a candidate. Hoping to
break through that indecision, Clinton got help at her second campaign stop
of the day from Robert Johnson, the billionaire founder of Black
Entertainment Television.

Johnson scolded Obama for allowing people in his campaign to twist Clinton's
words, and said Obama is winning the polling in South Carolina because black
voters are proud in their hearts. But when they think about the choice to be
made, Clinton would be the best president, he said.

Johnson also used another rhetorical device that went badly for the Clinton
campaign - seemingly referencing Obama's past drug use - and compared Obama
to a character in a breakthrough film that brought to the surface the
discussion on interracial relationships.

"To me, as an African American, I am frankly insulted that the Obama
campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Hillary and
Bill Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues
when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood that I won't say
he was doing that he said he was doing in his book. . To say these two
people would denigrate the accomplishments of civil rights marchers, who
bled and some died, and to expect us to now say they are attacking a black
man? I mean, that kind of campaign behavior does not resonate with me, for a
guy who says I want to be a reasonable, likable Sidney Portier (in) "Guess
Who's Coming to Dinner?"

Afterward, Obama supporter and former South Carolina state Rep. "I.S." Leevy
Johnson said it was "offensive" for Senator Clinton to stand silently by
while Robert Johsnon launched a divisive and personal attack against Senator

"It's offensive that Senator Clinton literally stood by and said nothing as
another one of her campaign's top supporters launched a personal, divisive
attack on Barack Obama," said Johnson, noting that former Clinton aide Billy
Shaheen was released from the campaign for commenting on Obama's drug use.
"For someone who decries the politics of personal destruction, she should've
immediately denounced these attacks on the spot."

But Robert Johnson responded by issuing a statement saying it was flat wrong
to suggest he was referring to Obama's drug use.

"My comments today were referring to Barack Obama's time spent as a
community organizer, and nothing else. Any other suggestion is simply
irresponsible and incorrect," he said.

While Clinton attended a Presbyterian church before her rally with Johnson,
John Edwards attended Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Sumter, S.C.
There, he celebrated with the predominantly African American congregation
the 24th anniversary of Rev. James Bassingame's service as pastor there.

Edwards, who was born in Seneca, S.C., the same town as Bassingame, said
much has changed since the two were boys.

"When we were in Seneca, we weren't allowed to go to school together," the
54-year-old candidate said, adding that "as someone who grew up in the
segregated South, I feel an enormous amount of pride when I see the success
that Senator Barack Obama is having in this campaign.

"And some days, I need to be honest, I wish he were having a little less
success," he said to laughter.

Edwards, who has been arguing the same message as Obama - one of change over
experience - said he too was "troubled" by Clinton's remarks.

"I'm going to say I was troubled recently to see a suggestion that real
change came not through the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, but through a
Washington politician. I fundamentally disagree with that. Those who believe
that real change starts with Washington politicians have been in Washington
too long and are living in a fairytale. Real change has never started in
Washington. Real change came from those who fought in the trenches . those
who shed their blood, sweat, and tears . and those who suffered broken
bones," Edwards said.
Maybe you bigots can donate some money to the Obama campaign.

Bret Cahill
"Bret Cahill" <BretCahill@aol.com> wrote in message
> Maybe you bigots can donate some money to the Obama campaign.

I already did.

Does it SUCK to be a BUSTED LIAR?

"Bret Cahill" <BretCahill@aol.com> wrote in message
> The good thing about Huckabee is the 75% who don't believe in
> creationism ain't votin' for him.

How do you expect to get away with LYING when you ALWAYS get CAUGHT?

ABC News PrimeTime Poll. Feb. 6-10, 2004. ""I'm going to ask about a few
stories in the Bible. Do you think that's literally true, meaning it
happened that way word-for-word; or do you think it's meant as a lesson, but
not to be taken literally?"

"The creation story in which the world was created in six days."
Literally True: 61%
Not Literally True: 30%
Stupid: 8%
Here are quotes from a speech delivered by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
at the National Socialist Party Congress, Nuernberg, 1937.

"'Spain represents the world at the cross-roads.' Thus wrote
the Bolshevic press organ, Die Rundschau, in its issue dated July 22,
1937. That one sentance precisely defines the international
significance of the Spanish problem. It states exactly what the
Spanish problem is. Here the final decision must lie either with
Bolshevism or the principle of Authority. On the one side stands
ruinous anarchy and, on the other, orderly constructive development."

"Nations which in recent years have kept their eyes closed to
the startling growth of the international Bolshevic menace will one
day experience a terrible awakening from this moral narcosis. The fact
that we, German National Socialists, as conscious and uncompromising
protaganists against the Bolshevic world-front, are still condemned to
play the part of a preacher in the wilderness, calling out to deaf
ears--this cannot prevent us from seeing things as they are and
calling them by their right names. For if the constantly increasing
extension of this Bolshevic infection in Europe should cause still
greater disaster, then future historians will be in a position to
record the fact that we, German National Socialists, were not among
those who allowed themselves to be led astray in the universal chaos
of thought and mental fog purposely created as a sort of smoke-screen
by an insidious epidemic of political propaganda. Nothing could make
us deviate in the least from the straight road we have taken.
"From the very nature of the case it is obvious that the
subversive forces of International Jewry will raise a tumult of rage
when we clearly and dispassionately lay bare the background of this
revolutionary developement which is extending through the world. For,
after all, they are the only people who are drawing profit forn the
chaotic ruin which Bolshevism is bringing upon mankind. That on this
account they will swamp us with a torrrent of abuse and lies and
calumnies is only an honour for us and a further proof that we are
right in warning Europe against this peril."

"The fight which General Franco is waging, with the support of all
the constructive elements, against the Bolshevic menace to his native
land is at the same time a fight for civilization."

"The Moscow Comintern never tires of impressing on public
opinion thoughout the world the theory that the national movement,
which on July 17, 1936, intervened in the seething developements in
Spain, was a military rising oragnised by reactionary generals and
that this rising was definately repudiated by the Spanish people. The
truth however is that this national movement was in reality an act of
self-defence on the part of the people, against the revolt which had
been planned by the Spanish Communist Party for that time and was
subsequently postponed to August 1936. This communist revolt had been
planned in Moscow several years previously, organized from Moscow and
directed from Moscow, and is still being carried out in practice from
Moscow today."

"In 1935 the annual funds which Moscow contributed for the
support of the Communist Party in Spain totalled several million
pesetas, of which two millions were officially acknowledged as having
been paid by the Comintern itself. At the 7th World Congress of the
Comintern in Moscow, in 1935, Dimitroff gave instructions for the
formation of a Front Populaire in Spain. Between February 16 and April
19,1936, 140 people were murdered by gangs of red revolutionaries, and
529 buildings were burned down and destroyed before the Bolshevic
Revolution officially broke out."

"We can account for this baffling style of mutual admiration
between Bolshevism and Western Liberalist Intellectualism only if we
assume it to be some form of mental disease."

"During February and March 101 Russian Soviet aeroplanes were shipped
from Reval to Spain. And on March 1st, 50 heavy guns from Soviet
Russia were brought overland to Almansa. Recently one single large
consignment of was material from Soviet Russia to the Reds in Spain
included 100 heavy tanks, 500 medium-sized tanks, 2000 light tanks,
4000 heavy machine guns, 6000 light machine guns and 300 aeroplanes,
with their pilots."

"I shall now deal with some instances which will help to give an
idea of the extent to which World Liberalism goes in its moral support
of the Reds in Spain. I have already emphasized the fact that the
marriage between Bolshevism and Democracy presents some uncanny
features; indeed one might call them downright perverse. In the
historical developement of its activities Democracy has more and more
become the political facade of World Capitalism. Bolshevism now
carries the democratic principle to its ultimate logical application.
We may call it the Democracy of Terror. It increases the pace of that
sanguinary and pitiless developement of which Liberalism had already
mapped out the path. I might illustrate this point by a rather drastic
comparison. In democracy leading heads were out-voted by the counting
of heads. In Bolshevism the same result is obtained by chopping off
heads with the guillotine. The result in both cases is the same. The
heads are wanting. The masses are robbed of their natural leaders and
left prey to international Jews, who are now free to exercise their
dictatorship by the employment of terrorization and money."

"Pleasing catchwords were used to win the favour of the
workers but when the communist leaders came into power social terror
became the rule of the day. Among the workers and peasant classes
hunger prevailed, as symbol and sign of the Bolshevic rule."

"In keeping with the Soviet Russian pettern, family life and
the instituton of marriage are being ruined by this world plague.
Degradation of married women, the socialization of women, the
martyrdom of children--these are the principles which are in vogue

"According to the 'Daily Mail' of August 22, 1936, Twenty-eight
nuns from the convent of Santa Clara "were subjected to inconceivable
tortures by relays of red maniacs."

"But Bolshevism in practice is nothing better than the most
frightful find of barbarism. It is the outward expression of the
hatred of the underworld agianst all those who are representative of
Western civilization and a cultural level to which Bolshevism can
never hope to attain."

"Among the 20,000 churches and monasteries which the Reds have
plundered and destroyed many were of historical and architectual
significance which cannot be replaced."

"But the churches of the world remain passive to it all and do not
seem to have the least suspicion as to the deadly menace that
threatens them. This is where Bolshevism shows itself again as the
incarnation of evil. Its destructive influence on the popular
religious instinct goes to the very roots of that instinct itself. And
this ruthless atheistic campaign spares nothing whatsoever which might
serve to remind the people of God and religion. The one fact alone
that the Fuerer has saved the German churches from this fate should be
enough to make them feel bound to remain eternally thankful to him.
But instead of this they never tire of going beyond the sphere of
their religious duties, interfering in political matters and making
their influence felt in a way that has no connection whatsoever with
their duties or their divine calling."

"According to indisputable figures based exclusively on
Bolshevic statistics, 42,000 priests have been murdered in Russia. Up
to February 2,1937, approximately 17,000 priests and monks and eleven
bishops were murdered in Spain."

"A Swedish refugee stated, on November 10, 1936: 'I have seen
churches on the walls of which the murdered bodies of women were hung,
nuns that had been beheaded or burned and whose bodies had been nailed
in rows to the church walls."

"The Strassburg paper, 'Der Elsasser', in its issue of
February 27, 1937 published the staggering fact that '50,000 Spanish
children are at the present moment wandering through Spanish
provinces, abandoned and in rags. All public activities for the
welfare of the youth have been abolished. And so the youngsters, very
often no more than four or five years old, are left no alternative.
They stagger along the road in swarms, shivering with cold and are
nothing more than wandering skeletons.'"

"One shudders to think what might happen to humanity if this
system became universal throughout the world."

"Bolshevism and its 'friendly press' throughout the world lose no
opportunity of pointing an accusing finger at the alleged use of
terror in countries which are governed according to the principles of
authority. The whole world gives a cry of agonizing sympathy when, for
example, a Jew in Germany receives a well-earned box on the ears. But
what is this when compared with the terror that disrupts whole

"Lenin himself, when asked at the 12th Congress of the Red Party,
what were the principles on which Communism relied, answered: 'Murder,
destruction, not a stone to be left in place if its removal should be
to the advantage of the Revolution.'"

"The Jewish Soviet Ambassador in London finds it convenient to
express his moral indignation before the Non-Intervention Committee in
London. The world and the League of Nations are hypocritically
appealed to. Before these tribunals the Jew Litwinow-Finkelstein plays
the part of the civilised philistine and fills Europe with cries of

"The Intenational Brigades which are sent into action on the Red
Spanish front are commanded by Soviet officers. Their commander was
the Jew, General Kleber."

"We shall not be deterred from pointing to the Jew as the inspirer,
the instigator and the beneficiary of the dreadful catastrophe."

"At Barcelona he sits, in the person of Wladimer Bischitzki as
director of the international oragnization for the smuggling of arms
and munitions, comrades Lurje and Fuchs, of his own racial breed,
sitting by his side. His Paris agents are his racial compatriots,
Fratkin, Rosenfeld and Schapiro. At Hirtenberg in Austria their
collaborator is the Jew, Mandl. In Amsterdam the Jew, Wolf. In
Rotteerdam the Jews, Cohen, Gruenfeld, Kirsch, and Simon. In Denmark
the Jew, Moses Israel Diamant. In Prague the Jews, Kindler, Kahn,
Abter and Hithner. We know them all and we know them well."

"The fact that Western Liberalism closes its eyes to this evil
portent is only a sign of its almost childish naivety."

"A struggle for native land and liberty, for honour and family
and God and religion, for wife and child, for school and upbringing,
for order, moral principle, culture and civilization, for our lives
and our daily bread , has begun. In Germany it has already been
brought to a triumphant issue."

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