Hitlary in Wet Panty Panic! Buckwheat is Outspending The Clinton Crime Family!


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Clinton Camp: Obama Will Outspend Us

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign, lagging far behind Barack
Obama's fundraising this year, expects to be outspent by Obama in upcoming
Democratic nominating contests just as it was in Feb. 5 states, her
strategists conceded Wednesday.

Officials with both campaigns have said Obama raised $32 million in January
and that Clinton raised $13.5 million, a significant gap between the two
that allowed Obama to place ads in virtually every Super Tuesday state and
to get a head start on advertising in primaries and caucuses over the next

In a teleconference with reporters, Clinton chief strategist Mark Penn said
Clinton was having a "record day" raising money over the Internet on

"We will have funds to compete," he said, "but we're likely to be outspent

Asked whether Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, had
decided to dip into their own wealth to finance the campaign, Penn said,
"I'm not aware that they have." Campaign communications director Howard
Wolfson said he would inquire. The Clinton's financial disclosures, which
reveal only broad ranges of assets, place their wealth between $10 million
to $50 million.

Clinton's name recognition and lead in polls in some of the bigger upcoming
states give her an advantage and Obama's higher spending rate did not
translate into victories in several states Tuesday.

But the terrain ahead features contests in the short term that are favorable
to Obama. On Saturday, Obama and Clinton will compete in Louisiana and
Nebraska primaries and a caucus in Washington. On Tuesday, Virginia,
Maryland and the District of Columbia hold primaries.

The Clinton camp is counting on March 4 matchups in Ohio and Texas and an
April 22 primary in Pennsylvania. All three are expensive states in which to

Obama's camp signaled that he was ready to invest money in those states as
well. "We think we're in strong financial position so if we choose to do so
in the later states we'll have the ability to do that," campaign manager
David Plouffe told reporters Wednesday.

Clinton spent $15 million in December going into the Iowa caucuses and the
New Hampshire primary. Her campaign spent at least $9 million in the last
two weeks of January advertising in Super Tuesday states. Obama spent about
$11 million in Super Tuesday advertising.

Clinton raised $23.7 million in the last quarter of 2007 for the primary
elections compared to Obama's $22 million. Both had about $18.5 million cash
on hand for the primaries going into January. But Obama roared to a
fundraising lead in January by collecting money at the rate of at least $1
million a day and attracting more than 170,000 new donors.

Obama also has a money advantage because he has raised more money from small
donations than Clinton. An analysis by the Campaign Finance Institute, which
tracks trends in political money, found that Obama raised about a third of
his money in 2007 from donors who gave $200 or less. Only one-third of his
money came from donors who have given the legal maximum of $2,300, compared
to Clinton who raised about half of her money from "maxed out" donors and
only 14 percent from donors of $200 or less.
Feminism is Jewish.

Gloria Steinem was a Jew. Bella Abzug was a Jew. Betty Friedan was
a Jew.

Friedan, as the writer of "The Feminen Mystique" and founder of
NOW, really
started the modern feminist movement.

"THE JEWISH 100: A Ranking Of the Most Influential Jews Of All Time"
By Michael Shaprio

# 56 Betty Friedan (b. 1921)

Born Betty Naomi Goldstein to Harry and Miriam (Horowitz) Goldstein in
Peoria, Illinois, educated at Smith College, married in 1947 to Carl
Friedan, the mother of three children, divorced in 1969, activist,
best-selling author, professor, a founder of the National Organization
for Women (NOW), the National Women's Political Caucus, and the First
Women's Bank, researcher, journalist, Democrat, clinical psychologist,
and grandmother, Betty Friedan was the most influential feminist of
the postwar era. Deemed by Marilyn French and others as an "initiator
of the 'second wave' of feminism, " Friedan's writings and lectures,
including the highly influential books THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE and THE
SECOND STAGE, synthesized women's views on what equality meant and how
to live and work... When the war against fascism ended two decades
later, four million women lost their jobs to returning GIs. Women were
again told that their place was in the home. The freedom to work to
build up and defend their nation was over. Men would earn the family's
bread. What the boys needed was a warm place to come home to every
night. Ironically, American soldiers had accepted some of the values
toward women (Kinder, Kuche, Kirche - children, kitchen, church) as
the Nazis they thought they had defeated...

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