Hitlary - Lesbian Psychopath, Embarassed Wife of a Pervert, Or Fool - Who Is She?


Patriot Games


Hillary Rodham Clinton: Who Is She?

Friday, December 14, 2007

NEW YORK -- Hillary Rodham Clinton likes to say she was born in the middle
of the country at the middle of the century, in a Chicago suburb that
defined a childhood out of "Father Knows Best" or "Ozzie and Harriet."

Years later, a group of her old teachers and classmates got together with
her to reminisce, with a historian to moderate. During the round of
introductions, Clinton's second-grade teacher turned to her and deadpanned:
"And who are you?"

"Oh yes," said the first lady of the United States. "This is the question
we're all trying to answer."

Clinton has charted a decade and a half now on the national stage. She is by
far the most familiar to us of the nearly 20 people running for president.
And yet she remains somehow paradoxical, impenetrable, unknowable.

Her life has been marked by polar forces: She is the daughter of a
left-leaning mother and an archconservative father. She campaigned for Barry
Goldwater, and then for Eugene McCarthy. She married a force of nature, then
struggled to define her own image.

She has wrestled with a somewhat stilted public speaking voice, a scripted
style, belied by what friends say is a whimsical affinity for costume
jewelry at the holidays and a signature laugh she lets loose occasionally _
boisterous and infectious.

She has an unquestioned intellect but, as former aide Melanne Verveer says,
an "absolute tin ear for foreign languages" rivaled only by her flat singing
voice infamously pilloried on YouTube.

There always has been a holographic quality to Hillary Clinton: Looked at
from one angle, she can be the tough trailblazer, weatherer of a thousand
storms. From another, she can be the personification of icy, calculating

But what about that teacher's basic question? Who is she?

There are clues at each stage of her singular American story.


On the day Hillary Diane Rodham turned 10 years old, she was in the midst of
a childhood she later called cautious and conformist, growing up in a
two-story brick house in Park Ridge, Ill.

It was 1957, and she won perhaps the first election of her life, co-captain
of the safety patrol for her elementary school. As an adult Clinton
reflected that it was one of many times as a child she had to learn to stand
up to rambunctious boys.

She was a tomboy and a Girl Scout, encouraged by her mother to fight back
when a neighborhood girl pushed her around. Mother and daughter played games
of strategy and calculation: Concentration, Monopoly, Clue.

Young Hillary came early to politics, influenced by opposing pressures. This
was true at home, where her father's outspoken, opinionated conservatism
contrasted with her mother's quiet Democratic leanings, but perhaps more
searingly at school.

She learned about Barry Goldwater through her ninth-grade history teacher at
Maine East High, Paul Carlson, who taught passionately and with an admitted
rightward bent, punctuating lectures with the expression, "Better dead than

He later recalled Hillary as bright, talkative, enthusiastic.

"She always knew what the affairs of the day were," Carlson, who retired
from Maine East just this spring, remembered years later in an interview
with The Associated Press. "Her parents sat with her and her brothers at
dinner, and they talked politics."

She grew up Methodist, and her social conscience was forged by a youth
minister named Donald Jones. He took her to visit black and Hispanic
churches in Chicago, and to see the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Jones later joked he and Carlson fought for her mind and soul. She exchanged
letters with both men regularly for decades, and 40 years later, desperate
for spiritual guidance during the crisis that threatened her marriage, she
turned to Jones for help.

In high school Hillary Rodham ran for student government and lost. And long
before Hillary Clinton acknowledged presidential ambitions, she would tell a
story about the sting she felt from one of her opponents that senior year.

He told her she was stupid to think a girl could be elected president.


On the day Hillary Rodham turned 20, she was halfway through her time at
Wellesley College. It was 1967, and she was nearing a sort of political
fulcrum in her life. She struggled, not for the last time, with her feelings
about a war _ in this case Vietnam _ and continued support for it by both
Republicans and Lyndon Johnson.

She served for a time as president of the campus Young Republicans. As a
senior she was president of the student government and presiding officer of
its Senate. On May 31, 1969, she was selected to give the student
commencement speech.

The act she had to follow was Republican Sen. Edward Brooke, who spoke
against "coercive protest." Rodham later wrote that she waited in vain
during the speech for some mention of the pain and soul-searching of the
time _ Vietnam, JFK, RFK, MLK.

Rodham took to the dais, peering out through Coke-bottle-thick glasses.

"Every protest, every dissent," she said, challenging Brooke by name, "is
unabashedly an attempt to forge an identity in this particular age."

She had just begun forging one of her own. The speech was a sensation. She
was featured in Life magazine.

She also said this: "And then respect. There's that mutuality of respect
between people where you don't see people as percentage points. Where you
don't manipulate people."

Fairly or not, precisely those qualities _ manipulating people, seeing them
as percentage points _ would become the lodestar for those who chose to tilt
the hologram to see Hillary Clinton in a negative light.


On the day Hillary Rodham Clinton turned 30, she was a young lawyer at the
Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark. Her husband had been elected state
attorney general, a losing race for Congress behind him, the governor's
office on his mind.

It was 1977, and two years earlier she had finally married Bill Clinton, the
energetic, talkative Arkansan whom she had met in 1970 at the library of the
Yale Law School.

"Bill Clinton and I started a conversation," she would write years later.
"And more than 30 years later we're still talking."

Sheila Bronfman, an Arkansas political consultant who met the couple in
1977, remembers Hillary for her "big glasses and hair" _ and also for the
almost intimidating way she had accomplished so much at such a young age.

"She was always somebody you looked up to," Bronfman recalled recently in an
interview. "I was a young woman back then, and you're just breaking out and
doing stuff _ she'd already done so much. We always said _ he'll kill me for
this _ she was smarter than Bill."


A few months after Hillary Clinton turned 30, a businessman named Jim
McDougal came to the young couple with a plan to buy land on the White
River, divide it into lots for vacation homes and resell at a profit.

The Clintons went in with McDougal and his wife and formed a shareholders
company. They named it Whitewater.

It was the piece of frayed string that would later nearly unravel the
Clinton presidency, a $70 million, yearslong investigation by a special
counsel that led to the imprisonment of McDougal and his wife, Susan, but
never resulted in charges against the Clintons.


On the day Hillary Rodham Clinton turned 40, her husband was three months
removed from a decision not to run for president in 1988, despite the urging
of prominent Democrats.

Allegations of sexual impropriety had derailed the campaign of Gary Hart,
and at least one panicked adviser suggested to Bill Clinton that rumors of
his own infidelity might derail a White House campaign. He chose not to run.

"We came up with this notion that maybe she could run for governor," Betsey
Wright, Bill Clinton's former chief of staff in Arkansas, said in an
interview. "The feeling in Arkansas at the time was that a spouse was a
for-free, full-time volunteer for the state."

Wright, who calls Hillary Clinton one of the sharpest, shrewdest political
minds she has ever known, said, "Things have changed a lot since then."

Bill Clinton ran for the presidency and won in 1992, of course, and Hillary
struggled to reconcile her own profile _ career-minded, politically astute,
incredibly successful _ with traditional American impressions about first

Two slips in particular were memorable. The first was her declaration in a
"60 Minutes" TV interview during the campaign that "I'm not sitting here,
some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette."

The second, in response to a question about her law career, was that "I
supposed I could have stayed home, baked cookies and had teas." Both created
media typhoons.

Clinton herself later wrote that the outcry may have suggested a society
"still adjusting to the changing roles of women" and _ perhaps in an
acknowledgment that some voters are still adjusting _ insisted she had baked
more than a few cookies in her day.

She also wrote that the episodes taught her never to take criticism
personally. But there was another misstep early in the White House years _
her disastrous attempt, at the direction of her husband, to overhaul the
U.S. health care system.

Republicans smelled blood, railed against "Hillarycare," and swept into
control of both houses of Congress in 1994. For Hillary Rodham Clinton, it
was the darkest moment of the first Clinton term, friends say.

"It was a very difficult time," said Melanne Verveer, the first lady's
former chief of staff. "I think she very much felt as though she had truly
failed in what she was trying to do _ with her husband's commitment to
having her do it."

At a meeting of about 10 advisers, all women, Clinton wondered aloud whether
she should completely give up on policy matters.

"She was clearly down," Verveer recalled in an interview. "She was
expressing how deeply discouraged she felt. We all said, you've got a great
deal that you need to be doing."

It was only the beginning of a rocky period. Her poll ratings dropped by
more than 10 points in a single week in January 1996 when news reports were
dominated by speculation about Whitewater and her role in White House
firings. Columnist William Safire famously called her "a congenital liar."

Burned by her very public involvement in the proposed health care overhaul,
she dug in as an aggressive force behind the scenes in her husband's 1996
re-election campaign and in the White House's response to a cavalcade of

When a former FBI agent published a book attacking the Clintons, she called
it a "politically inspired fabrication." When President Clinton was unsure
whether personally to respond to the conviction of three Clinton associates
in the first Whitewater trial, she advised him to talk to reporters.

And when a newspaper reported in early 1996 about Vice President Al Gore's
hopes of succeeding Clinton in 2000, Gore personally visited the first lady
to stress his loyalty.

"Gore knew which Clinton to go to," an aide said at the time.


On the day Hillary Rodham Clinton turned 50, about 500 of her friends
gathered on the White House South Lawn to celebrate, and the next day she
reminisced in Park Ridge _ the same day her second-grade teacher playfully
asked, "And who are you?"

It was 1997, three months before the nation would first hear of a young
intern named Monica Lewinsky.

Friends of Clinton like to recall the middle years of the White House term
and say the first lady took a personal interest in her staff, relishing the
chance to pop up in the back of the plane in gym clothes and no makeup and
just shoot the breeze.

"She took a great interest in trying to be a matchmaker," Lisa Caputo, her
former press secretary, said in an interview. "She loved to know just within
the White House who was dating whom. She loved to be in on the social mix."

Then came Monica.

Hillary Clinton became the deceived wife in one of the greatest sex scandals
ever to rock the government. She insisted on the existence of a "vast
right-wing conspiracy." Americans who once identified her in polls as
domineering now saw her as strong.

As she tells it in her 2003 autobiography, "Living History," she faced the
two toughest decisions of her life in her 50s. One was to stay married to
Bill. The other was to run for U.S. Senate.

She wrestled once again with her identity. Criticized as a carpetbagger for
running for Senate from New York, a state with which she had virtually no
personal connection, she embarked on a statewide "listening tour," and
easily defeated a Long Island congressman to win in 2000.

Her first Senate term would be remembered for two things: her insistence on
federal aid for New York after Sept. 11, an effort for which even
Republicans praised her, and her 2002 vote to authorize military force
against Iraq _ a vote for which she has refused, in the face of criticism
from the left, to apologize.

In 2006 she captured two-thirds of the vote and won all but four of New
York's 62 counties. Two and a half months later, exactly two years before
Inauguration Day 2009, she appeared in an online video.

She was seated on a couch, her right arm casually draped over a pillow, soft
light in the background. She spoke of energy independence, an end to the war
in Iraq and, yes, health care for all Americans. And she announced her
candidacy for president.

"Let the conversation begin," she said. "I have a feeling it's going to be
very interesting."


On the day Hillary Clinton turns 60, the last Friday of this October, she
and the rest of the Democratic presidential field expect to be preparing for
one of their final debates the following week in Philadelphia.

The Iowa caucuses, no longer some far-off abstraction, loom just around the

Hillary Clinton's campaign has deployed husband Bill on the campaign trail,
though political pundits note his speeches are limited to a fraction of the
length of hers and sometimes he's kept entirely off stage.

To people who know her, there is little doubt whose campaign it is.

"I believe Hillary makes the decisions," former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo,
whom she calls a friend, said in an interview. "I don't think Bill Clinton,
the former president does. I don't think (Clinton strategist Mark) Penn

"I'm sure she will listen," he went on. "But if she disagrees, I guarantee
you, it's going to be Hillary's way."

Former aide Verveer tells a story about a December 1996 visit to La Paz,
Bolivia _ a South American city whose altitude, more than two miles above
sea level, gives it notoriously thin air.

Two reporters had fainted by the end of the first event, and that was just
the beginning. Security officers and aides wound up on gurneys. Someone was
reaching for a tank of oxygen the staff had brought along for the trip when
Clinton burst in.

"She runs in and says, `I'm sorry, you're going to have to give me that _ we
just lost the Secret Service agent,'" Verveer recalls. "She was playing
nurse. She was having to minister to the less of us who were just passed

Verveer says, "She had a constitution different from all of ours."

Perhaps _ but who is she?

It's the question, she herself said, "we're all trying to answer."
Here are some quotes from the account of the women's rally at the 1936
Nuremberg Rally, taken from the official party proceedings. The
speakers were Gertrud Scholz-Klink, the head of the Nazi women's
league, and Hitler himself, who outlines the Nazi view of the role of
The enormous hall was filled two hours before the meeting began. Many
thousands of women were unable to enter, and gathered outside to hear
the proceedings over loudspeakers. The leaders of the women's labor
service and those of the League of German Girls took their places on
the platform, and the officials of the NS Women's League and the
German Women's Work filled the seats. To the side one could see
numerous representatives of German women's groups from abroad in
colorful and elaborate costumes. The farmers among the participants
also wore their beautiful traditional costumes. After a piece by the
Reich Symphony Orchestra, Hilgenfeldt opened the meeting and greeted
the participants and foreign guests in the name of the National
Women's Leader. The 20,000 women rose to sing "Our Fate was to be a
Free People."

Speech by Gertrud Scholz-Klink:

"The Soviet Union declared the legal equality of men and women in all
areas in a law of 18 November 1918. That meant the same right to work,
the same duty to support oneself, the right of control over one's own
body, which for the woman meant the right to abortion. The view was
that men and women had full freedom only when the state stayed as far
as possible form personal relationships. The state provided no legal
rights in marriage, which meant that there were only two forms of
marriage. One could register a marriage before a government office, or
one could be married without virtue of state ceremony.
The result was that, even when one had been married officially, the
individual partners had the right when they were unhappy to go to the
same office and, for a very small fee, dissolve the marriage. Should
there be children, they would be housed in collective homes, since
both father and mother worked and housing was in short supply, given
the migration from the countryside to the cities. The absence of
resources in such homes led of necessity to demanding money from the
economically stronger partner. The result was constant legal battles
and enormous misery for the children.
Simultaneously, women were increasingly absorbed in industry and the
military. In 1918, 24 of every 1000 miners were women. By 1932, 153 of
1000 were women, a number that had grown to 321 by 1935! In automobile
and tractor manufacturing, women are 30.4% of the work force, 63.5% of
the drilling industry.
The full equality of the sexes had the further result that girls are
given the same military training as boys in the communist youth
organization and schools. The Red Army is the only army in the world
in which both men and women are trained as soldiers and officers to
wage aggressive wars...
We Germans had 14 years under an attempt to impose Bolshevist
principles on us. The German woman took her place alongside the German
man when she realized that a struggle was going on between God's order
for earthly affairs and universal apostles of humanity who wanted to
replace these eternal laws. It was a battle between good and evil.
Good and evil are equally strong forces in life. They find visible
form in National Socialism and Bolshevism. National Socialism is good
become visible for we Germans. It respects the earth from which our
people have grown. Bolshevism is absolute evil because it is a
universal approach that rejects the eternal laws of nature. "Good" and
"evil" have never stood in such stark contrast before all the world as
they do today in these two forces...
Our work is to spread this idea. It is nothing other than a daily
struggle between these two forces. It is not ultimately a battle of
means or of money, that is of perishable things, rather it is ennobled
by the spirit in whose service we stand: In the battle between good
and evil, we are the obedient servants of the good."
Speech by Adolf Hitler:
Those abroad may say 'That is fine for the men! But your women cannot
be optimistic. They are oppressed and dominated and enslaved. You give
them no freedom of equality." We answer: What you see as a yoke others
see as a blessing. What is heaven to one is hell for another...
As long as we have sound men-and we National Socialists will see to
that-there will be no women throwing hand grenades in Germany, no
women sharp-shooters. That is not equality for women, rather their
Women have boundless opportunities to work. For us the woman has
always been the loyal companion of the man in work and life. People
often tell me: You want to drive women out of the professions. No, I
only want to make it possible for her to found her own family and to
have children, for that is how she can best serve our people!...
If a woman jurist does the best possible work, but next to her lives a
woman who has given birth to five, six or seven healthy children who
are well educated, I would say the following: From the standpoint of
the eternal values of our people, the woman who has borne and raised
children has done more, given more, accomplished more for the future
of our people!...
Real leadership has the duty to enable every man and woman to fulfill
their dreams, or at least to make it easier for them to do so. We seek
this goal through laws that encourage the healthy education of
children. But we have done more than simply pass laws. We are
educating for German women and girls a manly youth, the men of
"I believe we have found the right way to educate a healthy youth. Let
me say this to all the literary know-it-alls and philosophers of
equality: (laughter) Do not deceive yourselves! There are two separate
arenas in the life of a nation": that of men and that of women. Nature
has rightly ordained that men head the family and are burdened with
the task of protecting their people, the community. The world of the
woman, when she is fortunate, is her family, her husband, her
children, her home. From there she can see the whole. The two arenas
together join to form a community that enables a people to survive. We
want to build a common world of both sexes in which each sees its own
tasks, tasks that it alone can do and therefore can and must do
"When I see this wonderful growing youth, my work becomes easy, I
overcome every weakness. Then I know why I do everything. It is not to
build some miserable business that will perish, rather this work is
for something lasting and eternal. A vital part of this future is the
German girl, the German woman, the German woman, and thus we meet the
girl, the woman, the mother."
"I do not measure the success of our work by our roads. I do not
measure it by our new factories, or our new bridges, or the new
divisions. Rather, I measure our success by the effect we have on the
German child, the German youth. If they succeed, I know our people
will not perish and our work will not have been in vain."
"I am convinced that no one understands our work better than the
German woman. (long-lasting, jubilant applause) Our opponents think
that Germany has tyrannized women. I can only reply that without the
support and true devotion of the women of the party, I could never
have led the movement to victory." (renewed enthusiastic applause)
The Reich Women's Leader thanked the Fuehrer after the jubilation at
the end of his speech had calmed down. In the name of all German
women, she promised to work hard to ease his concerns. Not only the
Reich Women's Leader's words, but also the jubilation of the crowd
followed the Fuehrer as he left the hall.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

This reads like a fluff piece put out by Hillary's people (in their spare time when
they aren't smearing other candidates).....AAC

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:41:33 -0500, "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>Hillary Rodham Clinton: Who Is She?
>Friday, December 14, 2007
>NEW YORK -- Hillary Rodham Clinton likes to say she was born in the middle
>of the country at the middle of the century, in a Chicago suburb that
>defined a childhood out of "Father Knows Best" or "Ozzie and Harriet."
>Years later, a group of her old teachers and classmates got together with
>her to reminisce, with a historian to moderate. During the round of
>introductions, Clinton's second-grade teacher turned to her and deadpanned:
>"And who are you?"
>"Oh yes," said the first lady of the United States. "This is the question
>we're all trying to answer."
>Clinton has charted a decade and a half now on the national stage. She is by
>far the most familiar to us of the nearly 20 people running for president.
>And yet she remains somehow paradoxical, impenetrable, unknowable.
>Her life has been marked by polar forces: She is the daughter of a
>left-leaning mother and an archconservative father. She campaigned for Barry
>Goldwater, and then for Eugene McCarthy. She married a force of nature, then
>struggled to define her own image.
>She has wrestled with a somewhat stilted public speaking voice, a scripted
>style, belied by what friends say is a whimsical affinity for costume
>jewelry at the holidays and a signature laugh she lets loose occasionally _
>boisterous and infectious.
>She has an unquestioned intellect but, as former aide Melanne Verveer says,
>an "absolute tin ear for foreign languages" rivaled only by her flat singing
>voice infamously pilloried on YouTube.
>There always has been a holographic quality to Hillary Clinton: Looked at
>from one angle, she can be the tough trailblazer, weatherer of a thousand
>storms. From another, she can be the personification of icy, calculating
>But what about that teacher's basic question? Who is she?
>There are clues at each stage of her singular American story.
>On the day Hillary Diane Rodham turned 10 years old, she was in the midst of
>a childhood she later called cautious and conformist, growing up in a
>two-story brick house in Park Ridge, Ill.
>It was 1957, and she won perhaps the first election of her life, co-captain
>of the safety patrol for her elementary school. As an adult Clinton
>reflected that it was one of many times as a child she had to learn to stand
>up to rambunctious boys.
>She was a tomboy and a Girl Scout, encouraged by her mother to fight back
>when a neighborhood girl pushed her around. Mother and daughter played games
>of strategy and calculation: Concentration, Monopoly, Clue.
>Young Hillary came early to politics, influenced by opposing pressures. This
>was true at home, where her father's outspoken, opinionated conservatism
>contrasted with her mother's quiet Democratic leanings, but perhaps more
>searingly at school.
>She learned about Barry Goldwater through her ninth-grade history teacher at
>Maine East High, Paul Carlson, who taught passionately and with an admitted
>rightward bent, punctuating lectures with the expression, "Better dead than
>He later recalled Hillary as bright, talkative, enthusiastic.
>"She always knew what the affairs of the day were," Carlson, who retired
>from Maine East just this spring, remembered years later in an interview
>with The Associated Press. "Her parents sat with her and her brothers at
>dinner, and they talked politics."
>She grew up Methodist, and her social conscience was forged by a youth
>minister named Donald Jones. He took her to visit black and Hispanic
>churches in Chicago, and to see the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
>Jones later joked he and Carlson fought for her mind and soul. She exchanged
>letters with both men regularly for decades, and 40 years later, desperate
>for spiritual guidance during the crisis that threatened her marriage, she
>turned to Jones for help.
>In high school Hillary Rodham ran for student government and lost. And long
>before Hillary Clinton acknowledged presidential ambitions, she would tell a
>story about the sting she felt from one of her opponents that senior year.
>He told her she was stupid to think a girl could be elected president.
>On the day Hillary Rodham turned 20, she was halfway through her time at
>Wellesley College. It was 1967, and she was nearing a sort of political
>fulcrum in her life. She struggled, not for the last time, with her feelings
>about a war _ in this case Vietnam _ and continued support for it by both
>Republicans and Lyndon Johnson.
>She served for a time as president of the campus Young Republicans. As a
>senior she was president of the student government and presiding officer of
>its Senate. On May 31, 1969, she was selected to give the student
>commencement speech.
>The act she had to follow was Republican Sen. Edward Brooke, who spoke
>against "coercive protest." Rodham later wrote that she waited in vain
>during the speech for some mention of the pain and soul-searching of the
>time _ Vietnam, JFK, RFK, MLK.
>Rodham took to the dais, peering out through Coke-bottle-thick glasses.
>"Every protest, every dissent," she said, challenging Brooke by name, "is
>unabashedly an attempt to forge an identity in this particular age."
>She had just begun forging one of her own. The speech was a sensation. She
>was featured in Life magazine.
>She also said this: "And then respect. There's that mutuality of respect
>between people where you don't see people as percentage points. Where you
>don't manipulate people."
>Fairly or not, precisely those qualities _ manipulating people, seeing them
>as percentage points _ would become the lodestar for those who chose to tilt
>the hologram to see Hillary Clinton in a negative light.
>On the day Hillary Rodham Clinton turned 30, she was a young lawyer at the
>Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark. Her husband had been elected state
>attorney general, a losing race for Congress behind him, the governor's
>office on his mind.
>It was 1977, and two years earlier she had finally married Bill Clinton, the
>energetic, talkative Arkansan whom she had met in 1970 at the library of the
>Yale Law School.
>"Bill Clinton and I started a conversation," she would write years later.
>"And more than 30 years later we're still talking."
>Sheila Bronfman, an Arkansas political consultant who met the couple in
>1977, remembers Hillary for her "big glasses and hair" _ and also for the
>almost intimidating way she had accomplished so much at such a young age.
>"She was always somebody you looked up to," Bronfman recalled recently in an
>interview. "I was a young woman back then, and you're just breaking out and
>doing stuff _ she'd already done so much. We always said _ he'll kill me for
>this _ she was smarter than Bill."
>A few months after Hillary Clinton turned 30, a businessman named Jim
>McDougal came to the young couple with a plan to buy land on the White
>River, divide it into lots for vacation homes and resell at a profit.
>The Clintons went in with McDougal and his wife and formed a shareholders
>company. They named it Whitewater.
>It was the piece of frayed string that would later nearly unravel the
>Clinton presidency, a $70 million, yearslong investigation by a special
>counsel that led to the imprisonment of McDougal and his wife, Susan, but
>never resulted in charges against the Clintons.
>On the day Hillary Rodham Clinton turned 40, her husband was three months
>removed from a decision not to run for president in 1988, despite the urging
>of prominent Democrats.
>Allegations of sexual impropriety had derailed the campaign of Gary Hart,
>and at least one panicked adviser suggested to Bill Clinton that rumors of
>his own infidelity might derail a White House campaign. He chose not to run.
>"We came up with this notion that maybe she could run for governor," Betsey
>Wright, Bill Clinton's former chief of staff in Arkansas, said in an
>interview. "The feeling in Arkansas at the time was that a spouse was a
>for-free, full-time volunteer for the state."
>Wright, who calls Hillary Clinton one of the sharpest, shrewdest political
>minds she has ever known, said, "Things have changed a lot since then."
>Bill Clinton ran for the presidency and won in 1992, of course, and Hillary
>struggled to reconcile her own profile _ career-minded, politically astute,
>incredibly successful _ with traditional American impressions about first
>Two slips in particular were memorable. The first was her declaration in a
>"60 Minutes" TV interview during the campaign that "I'm not sitting here,
>some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette."
>The second, in response to a question about her law career, was that "I
>supposed I could have stayed home, baked cookies and had teas." Both created
>media typhoons.
>Clinton herself later wrote that the outcry may have suggested a society
>"still adjusting to the changing roles of women" and _ perhaps in an
>acknowledgment that some voters are still adjusting _ insisted she had baked
>more than a few cookies in her day.
>She also wrote that the episodes taught her never to take criticism
>personally. But there was another misstep early in the White House years _
>her disastrous attempt, at the direction of her husband, to overhaul the
>U.S. health care system.
>Republicans smelled blood, railed against "Hillarycare," and swept into
>control of both houses of Congress in 1994. For Hillary Rodham Clinton, it
>was the darkest moment of the first Clinton term, friends say.
>"It was a very difficult time," said Melanne Verveer, the first lady's
>former chief of staff. "I think she very much felt as though she had truly
>failed in what she was trying to do _ with her husband's commitment to
>having her do it."
>At a meeting of about 10 advisers, all women, Clinton wondered aloud whether
>she should completely give up on policy matters.
>"She was clearly down," Verveer recalled in an interview. "She was
>expressing how deeply discouraged she felt. We all said, you've got a great
>deal that you need to be doing."
>It was only the beginning of a rocky period. Her poll ratings dropped by
>more than 10 points in a single week in January 1996 when news reports were
>dominated by speculation about Whitewater and her role in White House
>firings. Columnist William Safire famously called her "a congenital liar."
>Burned by her very public involvement in the proposed health care overhaul,
>she dug in as an aggressive force behind the scenes in her husband's 1996
>re-election campaign and in the White House's response to a cavalcade of
>When a former FBI agent published a book attacking the Clintons, she called
>it a "politically inspired fabrication." When President Clinton was unsure
>whether personally to respond to the conviction of three Clinton associates
>in the first Whitewater trial, she advised him to talk to reporters.
>And when a newspaper reported in early 1996 about Vice President Al Gore's
>hopes of succeeding Clinton in 2000, Gore personally visited the first lady
>to stress his loyalty.
>"Gore knew which Clinton to go to," an aide said at the time.
>On the day Hillary Rodham Clinton turned 50, about 500 of her friends
>gathered on the White House South Lawn to celebrate, and the next day she
>reminisced in Park Ridge _ the same day her second-grade teacher playfully
>asked, "And who are you?"
>It was 1997, three months before the nation would first hear of a young
>intern named Monica Lewinsky.
>Friends of Clinton like to recall the middle years of the White House term
>and say the first lady took a personal interest in her staff, relishing the
>chance to pop up in the back of the plane in gym clothes and no makeup and
>just shoot the breeze.
>"She took a great interest in trying to be a matchmaker," Lisa Caputo, her
>former press secretary, said in an interview. "She loved to know just within
>the White House who was dating whom. She loved to be in on the social mix."
>Then came Monica.
>Hillary Clinton became the deceived wife in one of the greatest sex scandals
>ever to rock the government. She insisted on the existence of a "vast
>right-wing conspiracy." Americans who once identified her in polls as
>domineering now saw her as strong.
>As she tells it in her 2003 autobiography, "Living History," she faced the
>two toughest decisions of her life in her 50s. One was to stay married to
>Bill. The other was to run for U.S. Senate.
>She wrestled once again with her identity. Criticized as a carpetbagger for
>running for Senate from New York, a state with which she had virtually no
>personal connection, she embarked on a statewide "listening tour," and
>easily defeated a Long Island congressman to win in 2000.
>Her first Senate term would be remembered for two things: her insistence on
>federal aid for New York after Sept. 11, an effort for which even
>Republicans praised her, and her 2002 vote to authorize military force
>against Iraq _ a vote for which she has refused, in the face of criticism
>from the left, to apologize.
>In 2006 she captured two-thirds of the vote and won all but four of New
>York's 62 counties. Two and a half months later, exactly two years before
>Inauguration Day 2009, she appeared in an online video.
>She was seated on a couch, her right arm casually draped over a pillow, soft
>light in the background. She spoke of energy independence, an end to the war
>in Iraq and, yes, health care for all Americans. And she announced her
>candidacy for president.
>"Let the conversation begin," she said. "I have a feeling it's going to be
>very interesting."
>On the day Hillary Clinton turns 60, the last Friday of this October, she
>and the rest of the Democratic presidential field expect to be preparing for
>one of their final debates the following week in Philadelphia.
>The Iowa caucuses, no longer some far-off abstraction, loom just around the
>Hillary Clinton's campaign has deployed husband Bill on the campaign trail,
>though political pundits note his speeches are limited to a fraction of the
>length of hers and sometimes he's kept entirely off stage.
>To people who know her, there is little doubt whose campaign it is.
>"I believe Hillary makes the decisions," former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo,
>whom she calls a friend, said in an interview. "I don't think Bill Clinton,
>the former president does. I don't think (Clinton strategist Mark) Penn
>"I'm sure she will listen," he went on. "But if she disagrees, I guarantee
>you, it's going to be Hillary's way."
>Former aide Verveer tells a story about a December 1996 visit to La Paz,
>Bolivia _ a South American city whose altitude, more than two miles above
>sea level, gives it notoriously thin air.
>Two reporters had fainted by the end of the first event, and that was just
>the beginning. Security officers and aides wound up on gurneys. Someone was
>reaching for a tank of oxygen the staff had brought along for the trip when
>Clinton burst in.
>"She runs in and says, `I'm sorry, you're going to have to give me that _ we
>just lost the Secret Service agent,'" Verveer recalls. "She was playing
>nurse. She was having to minister to the less of us who were just passed
>Verveer says, "She had a constitution different from all of ours."
>Perhaps _ but who is she?
>It's the question, she herself said, "we're all trying to answer."
Here is a quote from The Nameless War, by Captain A. H. M. Ramsay:

"The urgent alarm sounded in 1918 by Mr. Oudendyke in his letter
to Mr. Balfour (see page 25), denouncing bolshevism as a Jewish plan,
which if not checked by the combined action of the European powers,
would engulf Europe and the world, was no exaggeration. By the end of
that year the red flag was being hoisted in most of the great cities
of Europe. In Hungary the Jew Bela Kuhn organized and maintained for
some time a merciless and bloody tyranny similar to the one in Russia.
In Germany the Jews, Liebknecht, Barth, Scheidemann, Rosa Luxemburg,
etc., made a desperate bid for power. These and other similar
convulsions shook Europe; but each country in its own way just
frustated the onslaughts.

In most countries concerned a few voices were raised in the
endeavour to expose the true nature of these evils. Only in one,
however, did a political leader and group arise, who grasped to the
full the significance of these happenings, and perceived behind the
mobs of native hooligans the organisation and driving power of world
Jewry. This leader was Adolf Hitler, and his group the National
Socialist Party of Germany.

Never before in history had any country not only repulsed organized
revolution, but discerned Jewry behind it, and faced up to that fact.
We need not wonder that the sewers of Jewish vituperation were flooded
over these men and their leader; nor should we make the mistake of
supposing that Jewry would stick at any lie to deter honest men
everywhere from making a thorough investigation of the facts for
themselves. Nevertheless, if any value liberty, and set out to seek
truth and defend it, this duty of personal investigation is one which
they cannot shirk.

To accept unquestioningly the lies and misrepresentaions of a
Jew-controlled or influenced press, is to spurn truth by sheer
idleness, if for no worse reason."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
