Hitlary Says Doing Nothing in The White House Harder Than Debating Buckwheat!


Patriot Games


Clinton: White House Is Harder Than Debate

Friday, April 18, 2008

PHILADELPHIA -- Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that if Democratic
presidential rival Barack Obama thinks their last debate was tough, it's
nothing compared to pressures in the White House.

"Having been inside the White House, I know the pressures inside the White
House, I know how hard it is every single day," Clinton told Philadelphia
television station FOX 29. "When the going gets tough you can't run away."

Obama has complained that the debate Wednesday night moderated by ABC News
focused on political divisions instead of issues that matter to Americans.
Many of the toughest questions were targeted at Obama, the front-runner for
the nomination.

"We were both asked some pretty tough questions and that's part of what
happens in a debate and in a campaign, and I know he spent all day yesterday
complaining about the hard questions he was asked," Clinton said, although
Obama did not complain about the difficulty of the questions, just the

"Being asked tough questions in a debate is nothing like the pressures you
face inside the White House," she said, according to a transcript of her
interview provided by her campaign.

The debate was the most watched of this election cycle and has generated
some negative reviews for ABC. Obama supporters have made some of the
loudest objections, and the Obama campaign sent out a fundraising appeal off
the debate titled "Gotcha."

Obama said Thursday that the moderators "like stirring up controversy and
they like playing gotcha games, getting us to attack each other."

"Senator Clinton looked in her element," Obama said. "She was taking every
opportunity to get a dig in there. That's her right to kind of twist the
knife a little bit ... that's the lesson she learned when Republicans did it
to her in the 1990s."
Here is a quote from "Ewige Front" by SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Albert
Hartl. It's what the National Socialists said about German women:

It is difficult to sum up in one word everything that German man
relates to the ideal image of women in terms of loftiness, nobility
and beauty. One of the most fitting words for the totality of all
virtues and advantages of the German girl and the girl woman is the
word charm.

Charm means a natural, uniform, physical beauty. Unhealthy
distortion of natural beauty, unnatural muscle athleticism, unnatural
castigation of body, unfeminine masculinization or spiritualization of
the body stand in contradiction to charm. This natural beauty is
shaped , promoted and preserved through robust movement in air, sun
and water. The charm of the female body radiates in fresh, happy games
and dances, in female physical exercise and gymnastics; it enlivens
celebrations and holidays, psychologically enriches the community and
transmits highest values above all to the man. For the girl and women
herself, however, there lies therein wellsprings for fulfillment and
perfection of her deepest essence. Genuine Nordic art of every
millennium displays a mirror of this female charm.

Charm simultaneously means a mental-psychological bearing which
expresses itself in manifold forms. Charm expresses the female
harmony of mental and psychological forces, the gentle harmony of
reason and mood. The meaning of all female life fulfills itself in the
kind, caring, loving and always helping mother and housewife. The art
of all German history has again and again celebrated precisely this
inexhaustible depth of German female feeling, of German mother's love,
of selfless, love-fulfilled devotion and the immeasurable wealth of
the German woman's soul. And if one speaks of charm of a girl or of a
woman, then the psychological sincerity is also expressed by precisely
this term.

The German women, however, should not and does not want to only be
a good mother and housewife. In the orient, the women was often only a
birthing machine and maid. The German woman wants to simultaneously,
knowing and understanding, stand at the side of her husband as comrade
and coworker. She wants to share the husband's cares, tasks, and work,
yes, she wants to stimulate and fertilize. The German women hence does
not exhaust herself in superficial beauty and fleeting charms. Rich
spirit and deep understanding for all things in life radiates from her
charm. She does not just take care of the table, rather she shapes the
culture of the house, the style of the residence, the family's manner
of life. Hence clear intellect and practical sense also radiate
simultaneously from the charm of the German girl and the German woman.

The women is the bearer of new life, the protector of her folk's
blood and kind for distant generations. She must guard the purity of
the blood, maintain discipline and proper manner, ward off poison and
decay. The most sacred obligation and greatest pride lies therein for
each girl and each woman. For each man this means immeasurable
responsibility toward his folk. The deepest essence and the most
beautiful decoration of female charm lies in this purity of blood and
kind. The woman becomes a participant in divine powers as the bearer
of new life. Through her own blood, she is inseparably bound to the
folk's eternal life.

The German world-view and life-view also grows from German blood and
German kind. The woman is the natural bearer and teacher of a
world-view and life-view to her children fitting for her kind. She
gives them life. But she is also the first, closest, natural one to
solve for her children the riddle of life, to lead them into the
little and larger worlds of divine creation. The woman opens the
child's eyes and their view for the manifoldness of this world and in
the process she herself becomes ever richer inwardly. She teaches to
differentiate between good and evil, beautiful and ugly, noble and
base, useful and harmful. But she also lets her children surmise the
eternal relationships of family, folk, homeland and Fuehrer, of
workers, peasants and soldiers, of war and peace and the eternal laws
of life. The woman also finally leads her children to the faith and
divine power, a "dear God", who lives above us. In this emersion in
natural, genuine and deep-wide, in this familiarity with the divine
order of creation, the woman herself finds that inner strength and
depth, that richness of heart, which especially typifies the German

Natural beauty and health, purity of blood, richness of feeling,
clear sense, genuine, deep world-view - those are the gifts and
advantages that radiate from the charm of the German girl and the
German woman.

To preserve and increase these advantages is the pride, the
striving and the obligation of each girl and each woman. To win and
keep such a girl and such a woman as the mother of his children and as
a life comrade, is the yearning and unconditional will of each man. A
folk, in which the radiance of this female charm is united with the
soldierly bearing of the man, will live and blossom forever.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

<lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
On Apr 18, 12:43 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> http://www.newsmax.com/politics/clinton_obama/2008/04/18/89080.html
>> Clinton: White House Is Harder Than Debate
>> Friday, April 18, 2008
>> PHILADELPHIA -- Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that if Democratic
>> presidential rival Barack Obama thinks their last debate was tough, it's
>> nothing compared to pressures in the White House.

>Hey! They stole that line from me... when I noted ' If Obama thinks
>that last debate was tough, wait til the neocon stinkboaters are
>unleased upon him'.

Our Stinkboaters are NOT leased. A few are fulltime permanent employees
while most are volunteer!

>Anyways... it don't matter.
>Young Obaman got his dirty buttocks handed to him on a platter.
>Better now than later.

There was more going on than that. YOU'VE seen hiim do at least a dozen
Debates! YOU'VE seen in a TV-clip a hundred times! There is NO WAY he
could have been so uncharacteristically unprepared UNLESS he prepared for
OTHER questions......

That was a rigged Debate.

He got his ass handed to him. He earned it. He deserved it.

But seriously, after TWENTY DEBATES all of a sudden Hitlary is perfectly
prepared for each question and he's stumbling on each question.........

It was rigged.

Somebody fed Hitlary the questions.

Somebody fed Buckwheat the wrong quetions....
The West is the White race.

The goal of America is to destroy the White race. The
multi-culture and pluralism they push is only at the expense of
Whites. No one is trying to push multi-culture in China or Japan or
anyplace but on the Whites. And they promote racial intermarriage.
If things continue as they are the White race is doomed.

And who is doing all of this? It is the USA government and the
media, in other words the Jews.

Many Whites are traitors. They support the USA government and their
own destruction. We should look for allies. And anyone who wants to
remove the Jews from power is our ally. In the past the Japanese were
our allies. Today it is the Muslims.

Osama bin Laden
September 24th statement published in Pakistan

"I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We
are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United
States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic
freedom. This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose
first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the
American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced
to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the
punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it
is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the
U.S. is not uttering a single word."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
