Hitlary Sez Buckwheat's ****** Terrorist Rev. Wright is a ****** Terrorist


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Clinton Camp Compares Rev. Wright to David Duke

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Hillary Clinton aide has ratcheted up the anti-Barack Obama rhetoric over
his ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, comparing the Chicago pastor to white
supremacist David Duke.

Niall O'Dowd, a member of Hillary's finance committee, gave an interview to
RTE Radio in Ireland saying it's "legitimate" to raise questions about Obama's
relationship with Rev. Wright, whose sermons have included anti-American
declarations and suggestions of conspiracies against African-Americans.

"It's interesting that Barack Obama sat in the pews while all this was going
on, and never once in any of his books or anything else" did he denounce
Wright, O'Dowd said, adding: "He worshipped the man."

In the interview, which was reported by the Web site TPM Election Central, O'Dowd
also said:

"I think the issue that the Clinton campaign has seized on is that Barack
Obama never once raised his voice to his pastor and said, 'I think your
language is quite extreme here, and I think your language is probably wrong.'

"Because let's turn this around. If this was David Duke and he was
preaching . and Hillary Clinton was in the pew, there would be outrage about

"And there can't be this double standard. Barack Obama has used race where
it suited him, but when it doesn't suit him he backs away from it."
"Jews always position themselves as mediators. These
nasties hold it cardinal they accredit and interpret everything .
Nothing has worth or meaning until it's pronounced upon by a generous
scoop of **** in a hate hat. Nothing must be expressed save in jewish
terms. Invaders become undocumented workers. Queers become gays.
Freakins become African-Americans. Attack on Iraq becomes defense of
America. Nothing is legitimate save Big Kike stamp off on it.

BK doesn't like it when a Sheehan steps forward and foghorns facts to
fodder. Instantly, like mosquitoes at twilight, a flock of
bloodthirsty kikes appears, buzzing and sucking and whining. Have you
ever noticed that it is impossible to criticize jews and keep your
character? The jews have literally billions of enemies worldwide, yet
not a single one of them is an honest man of laudable motive. It is
impossible to carry off this charade without controlling the media
and a hell of a lot of other things too. The minute jew-criticism
appears, the ashkenazis and appeaser annies begin the smear. No one
ever opposed a loving kike except invidiously. Smear campaigns are
media control in action. There are other aspects of media control, but
day in day out, making horrible shrieks and gurgles to keep the goyish
herd away from the healthy green fields is the workaday business of
the controllers. Jews determine which issues may be debated, and in
what terms. Jews make up more than fifty percent of the experts on
both sides of these tiny debates. A few vetted goyim are allowed
through to keep up the charade of democratic discussion. The Internet
is the only medium that prevents the illusion of popular conformity
with jewthink being carried off. All that is necessary for jews to
maintain control is to create a congenial if bogus reality through
television and the main dailies, and relentlessly enforce this
orthodoxy through smear campaigns against any who breach it.

The death of a son is one of the few motives strong enough to drive
average goy fodder to breach etiquette and speak truth to kikes. She
must be shut down. How to do that? You can see the jews' uncertainty.
They attack her, at the same time, as both a lefty and a nazi.
Illogical, but in time they'll settle on an approach. Sometimes just
throwing **** and see what sticks is the best way. How dare Sheehan
value her own son more than the interests of Israel?

I say my son died for LIES. George Bush LIED to us and he knew he
was LYING.

And none of the thick rancid honkings Limbaugh and the freeper
patriotards can gainsay it. Remember that bushy came out of manly
Barbara, the wizened maw who asked why she should trouble her
"beautiful mind" about the body bags coming back from Iraq. You know -
the ones you never see, because they have to show you endless pictures
of $440,000-compensated jews being "ethnically cleansed," sniff, yet
again. Only an anti-Semite puts his own life before Israel. The jews
are the one people on earth who routinely are absolved of guilt for
that for which they and they alone are guilty. Isn't that odd?



http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
