Hitlary SHITS on Every Black American!


Patriot Games


January 7, 2008, 8:57 pm
Clinton's Civil Rights Lesson

DOVER, N.H. - As they barnstorm through New Hampshire, Senator Hillary
Rodham Clinton and her husband are often introduced by supporters who once
backed another candidate but converted to her cause.

Today, in Dover, Francine Torge, a former John Edwards supporter, said this
while introducing Mrs. Clinton: "Some people compare one of the other
candidates to John F. Kennedy. But he was assassinated. And Lyndon Baines
Johnson was the one who actually" passed the civil rights legislation.

The comment, an apparent reference to Senator Barack Obama, is particularly
striking given documented fears among blacks that Mr. Obama will be
assassinated if elected.

Phil Singer, a Clinton spokesman said: "We were not aware that this person
was going to make those comments and disapprove of them completely. They
were totally inappropriate."

Mrs. Clinton's expression did not change noticeably when Ms. Torge made the
Only a few hours later, she brought up the civil rights legislation herself
in remarks to a Fox News correspondent.

Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama have been in a running feud arising from her
suggestion at Saturday's debate that he was raising "false hope."

Mr. Obama responded that Mr. Kennedy did not decide going to the moon was a
false hope and that Martin Luther King, Jr. did not see ending segregation
as such.

"Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the
Civil Rights Act," Mrs. Clinton said when asked about Mr. Obama's rejoinder
by Fox's Major Garrett after her speech in Dover. "It took a president to
get it done."

The Obama campaign declined to comment on either of those remarks.

Later, during an appearance in Salem, Mrs. Clinton refined her remarks on
Fox: "You know, today Senator Obama used President John F. Kennedy and Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. to criticize me. He basically compared himself to our
greatest heroes because they gave great speeches.

"President Kennedy was in Congress for 14 years. He was a war hero. He was a
man of great accomplishments and readiness to be president. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. led a movement. He was gassed. He was beaten. He was jailed.
And he gave a speech that was one of the most beautifully, profoundly
important speeches ever written in America, the "I have a dream" speech.

"And then he worked with President Johnson to get the civil rights laws
passed, because the dream couldn't be realized until finally it was legally
permissible for people of all colors and backgrounds and races and
ethnicities to be accepted as citizens.

"I'm running for president because I believe that there is not a
contradiction between experience and change."

The Racial Origins of Political Correctness

"Political Correctness" (PC) is, of course, the policing or censorship
of certain language and ideas in the White, Western countries. An
example of PC would be the banning of an essay which a Black, Mexican
or female citizen might find "offensive."

It appears that Jewish communist Georg Lukacs (1885-1971; in top photo
at right) probably created the first hands-on, working program in
which PC was used to indoctrinate the citizenry of a White country.
That occurred just a bit before the Jewish-led Frankfurt School began
its own journey towards creating PC ideas with the help of the
School's Max Horkheimer (1895-1973; in bottom photo at right), who was
also a Jew and who invented the concept of "critical theory," which
amounted to criticizing White, Western culture and values (Lukacs
himself was a fringe Frankfurt Schooler). "Critical theory" paved the
way for modern PC by portraying White culture as something oppressive
and foul. Interestingly, "critical theory" borrowed some ideas from
yet another Jew: Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis.

However, sometimes several historical events happen at the same time.
While Lukacs (as commissar of culture in Jewish communist Bela Kun's
Hungarian regime in 1919) was creating a Marxist-based PC program to
indoctrinate Hungarian schoolchildren with using politically left-wing
propaganda, other Jews, such as Franz Boas, were also creating
ideology based wholly or partly on Marxism. Whether their creations
were social, economic, racial or a combination of all three, they were
all rooted in Marxism, or very similarly, egalitarianism/universalism
(i.e., the historically-new idea that all humans and cultures are, or
can be, "equal" in importance, and that White/Western culture is
oppressive and evil). Marxism and egalitarianism/universalism are very
nearly the same thing, except one is based more on economics while the
other is based more on social/cultural matters. (It can be argued that
Marxism was an attempt to use economic ideas to transform the social,
and, by default, racial features of society, so in that sense Marxism
wasn't only economics-based).

But no matter the type of Marxist/universalist programs that those men
created, they all amounted to the same thing: cleverly-disguised
Jewish attacks upon traditional, White culture. Their programs were
designed to end White control of most of the world for the benefit of
the Jewish people. Theirs were racial programs masquerading as mere
political or social movements. Jews instinctively know that movements
that "equalize" the cultures of White countries in one way or another
are good for the Jews, since that equalizing helps to ensure that
nationalist movements cannot rise up and "oppress" the Jews, such as
happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. (Note that those disguised
cultural attacks by the Jews often use confusing words and phrases,
and are often made to appear scientific, in order to give the attacks
an air of legitimacy and sophistication).

Marxism, feminism, leftism, egalitarianism, PC - they are all
Jewish-created assaults upon White, Western culture. And they have all
been embraced by many Westerners as legitimate, with few exceptions.
All of those ideas employ "equality" as a main argument and main goal.
All of them are unnatural and universalist, and all require
governmental or bureaucratic force to make the public accept them.

Starting with Karl Marx, and moving on to Sigmund Freud, V. I. Lenin,
Leon Trotsky, Georg Lukacs, Franz Boas, the Frankfurt School
theorists, Ashley Montagu, and Stephen J. Gould, we can see the roots
of the movement(s) that led directly to today's PC movement. All of
those men were racially-Jewish (Lenin was part-Jewish), all held
non-traditional ideas that could be called anti-Western, all were
socially and politically influential, and all played vital roles in
first creating, and then paving the way for the acceptance of, PC.

Even though non-Jews push PC ideas today, they are actually only
unwitting helpers of the Jews who created PC. Without the Jews, it is
very likely that Political Correctness, as we know it today, wouldn't

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

<lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
On Jan 8, 8:33 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> Hitlary SHITS on Every Black American!

>How could she do that?
>That's your job.

