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Clinton's Margin Over Obama Cut in Pa.: Poll

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Senator Barack Obama has cut into Hillary Clinton's lead in Pennsylvania
ahead of the state's Democratic presidential primary later this month,
according to a new poll published Tuesday.

Clinton, who needs a big win in the eastern state on April 22 to keep her
campaign for the party nomination alive, leads rival senator Obama 50
percent to 44 percent, the Quinnipiac University poll showed.

Just last week the poll had Clinton leading Obama by nine points, and the
former first lady had a 12-point lead in mid-March, according to Quinnipiac.

The poll, taken over April 3-6, showed Obama picking up women voters, a
cornerstone of Clinton's support base.

Quinnipiac said that over the past week Clinton's margin of support among
women supporters fell to 54 to 41 percent from 54 to 37 percent.

It also said Obama, vying to become the country's first African-American
president, had cut into her support among white voters.

Clinton led among white voters 56 to 38 percent, down from 59 to 34 percent
last week.

Obama led among black voters, 75 percent favor the Illinois senator while 17
percent back Clinton.

Clinton prevailed among voters over the age of 55 and Obama had the edge
among those under 45.

The two Democrats are engaged in a tight race to amass enough delegates to
win the party's nomination and contest the presidential election in November
against Republican rival John McCain.

Obama currently leads the race nationally with 1,637 delegates compared to
Clinton's 1,502, with 2,025 needed to win the nomination, according to the
independent Real Clear Politics website. He also holds a narrow lead in the
popular vote in nomination contests.

The poll showed Obama making inroads against Clinton in a state considered
perfectly suited to his rival.

"Obama is not only building on his own constituencies, but is taking away
voters in Senator Hillary Clinton's strongest areas -- whites including
white women, voters in the key swing Philadelphia suburbs and those who say
the economy is the most important issue in the campaign," said Clay
Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

With Clinton under pressure to score an impressive victory in Pennsylvania,
Obama "needs only to come close to be considered the winner" as Clinton has
argued she is best placed to compete in large, pivotal states against
McCain, the presumed Republican nominee.

The survey of 1,340 voters was carried out from April 3-6 with a margin of
error of 2.7 percent.

Feminism: A Jewish Adversary Movement Against Gentile Culture.
Here is a list of some of the Jewish founders and leaders of the
modern feminist revolution. Keep in mind that this list is by no means
complete-these women are simply the more well-known within the
feminist movement; thousands of lesser-known Jewish women lead local
and obscure feminist groups

-Gloria Steinem (1934- ); founder, Ms. Magazine.

-Bella Abzug (1920-1998); Civil rights and labor attorney elected to
Congress (House of Rep.) from New York City; served 1971-1977.

-Betty Friedan (1921- ); feminist leader and author of the book "The
Feminine Mystique" (1963).

-Shulamith Firestone (1945- ); Canadian feminist. Wrote "The Dialectic
of Sex" (1970).

-Andrea Dworkin (1946- ); radical; apparent lesbian. Author of the
book "Intercourse" (1987).

-Susan Brownmiller (1935- ); U.S. feminist. Wrote the book "Against
Our Will" (1975).

-Susan Faludi (1959- ); author of the book "Backlash" (1992).

-Naomi Wolf (1962- ); advisor to Al Gore in the 2000 U.S.
presidential election.

-Emma Goldman (1869-1940); early U.S. feminist.

-Ernestine Rose (1810-1892); b. in Poland; early feminist.

-Phyllis Chesler (1941- ); U.S. feminist; author of the book "Woman's
Inhumanity to Woman" (2002).

-Judy Chicago (Cohen) (1939- ); U.S. feminist. Author of the book "The
Dinner Party" (1996).

-Robin Morgan (1941- ); U.S. feminist. Former editor-in-chief, Ms.

-Letty Cottin Pogrebin (1939- ); U.S. feminist; co-founded Ms.

-Gerda Lerner (1920- ); b. in Austria.

-Annie Nathan Meyer (1867-1951); U.S. feminist.

-Maud Nathan (1862-1946); sister of Annie Nathan Meyer; U.S. feminist.

-Geri Palast (1950- ); chair, Committee on Women in the Global
Economy; U.S. feminist.

-Rose Schneiderman (1882-1972); b. in Poland.

-Anita Pollitzer (1894-1975); U.S. feminist; pal of artist Georgia

-Gene Boyer (no birthyear available); a founder of N.O.W.; president
of Jewish Feminists; U.S. feminist.

-Lucy Komisar (1942- ); author of the book "The New Feminism" (1971);
U.S. feminist.

-Karen Nussbaum (1950- ); (apparently Jewish); leader of 9to5-National
Association of Working Women.

-Eleanor Flexner (1908-1995); (apparently Jewish); U.S. feminist.

-Riane Eisler (1931- ); b. Vienna; author/feminist; (apparently
Jewish-fled Nazis). Author of the book "The Chalice and the Blade"

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