Honkies, Haiti and the Highway to Hell



2nd September 2007

Doc Croc
Honkies, Haiti and the Highway to Hell

Africa is the richest and most advanced continent on earth. Don't
believe me? Then you obviously know nothing about economics and
history. Liberals tell us that Britain and America owe their vast
riches and sky-high living standards directly to slavery. But slavery
not only existed in Africa long before Whitey ever appeared there, it
still exists there now. So if we've benefited so much from the tears
and toil of brutally mistreated blacks, Africa must have benefited
even more. And it must still be benefiting! That's the conclusion that
flows inexorably from liberal logic: not only is slavery very, very
wicked, it is very, very beneficial to the economy. Without it Britain
and America would still be almost in the Stone Age. So how can slave-
owning black Africans have failed to enjoy a similar boost? Well,
somehow they did. Africa's not the richest and most advanced continent
on earth, but the poorest and most backward. Liberal logic about
slavery doesn't seem to work.

It's not designed to, of course. The point, as ever, is to create
guilt in whites and grievance in non-whites, thereby advancing the
glorious day on which white power is finally smashed and we enter
multi-racial Paradise. But there again liberal logic seems to fail.
According to liberals, all humans are the same under the skin and all
apparent differences between us are explained by environment. So it's
pure chance that whites have been oppressing non-whites rather than
vice versa. Non-whites differ from whites only in skin color and other
superficial ways, so they have exactly the same capacity to oppress
and exploit. Whites did those things when they had power over non-
whites, which is why liberals worked so hard to free countries like
Zimbabwe and South Africa from white control. But if whites lose power
to non-whites in Europe and America, it follows inexorably by liberal
logic that non-whites will begin to oppress and exploit whites.

So liberals can't support the mass immigration and demographic change
that will make whites lose power. But liberals do support them, of
course. That's because they don't really believe that all humans are
the same under the skin. No, they actually believe, as the Jewish
writer Susan Sontag so eloquently put it, that "the white race is the
cancer of human history." They want, as the Jewish academic Noel
Ignatiev so reasonably demands, "to abolish the white race." When
Whitey is toppled, all problems will be over! Oppression and injustice
will cease and Heaven will appear on earth. This is the shining vision
that inspires "Red Ken" Livingstone, the mayor of London:


Livingslime has recently presided over the unveiling of a statue to
Nelson Mandela in London. It celebrates the toppling of white-run
South Africa and the birth of a brave new rainbow nation where that
innate black goodness, gentleness, and decency can finally blossom and
bring peace and prosperity to all:

South Africa reels at serious crime rise

Murders, carjackings and bank robberies increased in South
Africa in 2006, underlining what many business people say is the
greatest disincentive to investing in the post-apartheid state.
It is the first time the murder rate has increased since the end
of white rule in 1994, analysts said. The rate rose by 2.4% to
19,202, in the year to March 31, according to police statistics
released on July 3. The number of bank robberies more than
doubled and carjackings, one of the most chilling features of
South Africa's crime wave, increased by 6%.

The statistics were a setback to President Thabo Mbeki's
government, which announced in 2007 a huge increase in the anti-
crime budget after accusations from political opponents that it
was not tackling the problem. The police had set a target of a
7-10% annual decrease in serious crimes. Charles Nqakula, the
safety and security minister, highlighted that there had been a
drop in the number of rapes, burglaries and some types of
assault. But he conceded that the figures were deeply sobering.
"We are deeply concerned that crime continues to be rife and
that the crime rate continues to be high," he said. "The fact
that instances of serious and violent crime are very high is
disconcerting and unacceptable."

For South Africa's business leaders the increase in the murder
rate is particularly troubling. They have long argued that it is
high-profile killings, such as the murder of David Rattray, a
well-known historian and tour guide, in January, that do most
harm to the country's reputation, potentially hitting
investment. South Africa's high rate of crime is widely
acknowledged to be rooted in the injustices and inequalities of
the apartheid era and also to be linked to the shortcomings of
the police force. (The Financial Times, 4th July 2007)

Puppets, that's what blacks are, jerking helplessly on the strings of
past white oppression! Being just as intelligent as whites, they know
that their criminal behavior makes it harder to overcome the traumas
of that oppression, but they just can't help themselves. White evil
has the magical property not just of forcing blacks to act against
their own best interests, but of becoming even more pernicious when
whites are no longer actively exercising it. The more apartheid
recedes into history, the worse its effects are becoming. That's the
liberal line anyway, but it's another example of how they don't really
believe that we're all the same under the skin. Anti-racism is based
on the idea that whites have free will and are responsible for the
crimes they commit, while non-whites don't and aren't. That makes non-
whites the moral equivalent of animals, but their true role in the
liberal universe may indeed be that of edgily exotic pets. Their
savagery and ingratitude can only add to their appeal: are lions tame
or leopards grateful?

And it's not as though liberals have to live with their non-white
pets. No, liberals are careful to live a long way from the wild-life
reserves in British and American inner cities, and you can be sure
that Kriss Donald and Mary-Ann Leneghan weren't from rich liberal
families. But South Africa shows that liberals aren't immune from
their own folly: many of the white South Africans who fought to rescue
blacks have lived to regret it. Or have died regretting it. More
regret is on its way. If anyone thinks South African blacks have
really shown the world the full extent of their civilization-smashing
powers, think again. They haven't been "liberated" from white
oppression as long as blacks in Zimbabwe, so this is what we can
expect in South Africa sooner or later:

Zimbabwe, the land of dying children

Suffer the little children is a phrase never far from your mind
in today's Zimbabwe. The horde of painfully thin street children
milling around you at traffic lights is almost the least of it:
in a population now down to 11m or less there are an estimated
1.3m orphans. Go to one of the overflowing cemeteries in
Bulawayo or Beit Bridge and you are struck by the long lines of
tiny graves for babies and toddlers. A game ranger friend tells
me that hyena attacks on humans, previously unheard of, have
become increasingly common. "So many babies, not all of them
dead, are being dumped in the bush that hyenas have developed a
taste for human flesh," he explains. A vast human cull is under
way in Zimbabwe and the great majority of deaths are a direct
result of deliberate government policies. Ignored by the United
Nations, it is a genocide perhaps 10 times greater than Darfur's
and more than twice as large as Rwanda's.

All round Harare people stand thumbing lifts, for the inflation
rate of 1,050% means that a bus fare is now much the same as the
average daily wage. I give lifts all the time. I meet not a
single black person who is not mourning the loss of a relative
or friend in the past month but, Harare being the capital, one
also sees the luxurious Mercedes and SUVs of the ruling Zanu-PF
elite and its business allies. World Health Organisation figures
show that life expectancy, which was 62 in 1990, had by 2004
plummeted to 37 for men and 34 for women. These are by far the
worst such figures in the world. Yet Zimbabwe does not even get
onto the UN agenda: South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki, who
has covered for Mugabe from the beginning, uses his leverage to
prevent discussion. (The Sunday Times, 7th January 2007)

Whenever you see or hear liberals weeping and wailing about non-white
suffering, remember that liberals are responsible for what's happening
in Zimbabwe. That's where their pious fantasies about universal
brotherhood lead: to the slaughterhouse. And Jews above all others are
responsible for creating and spreading those fantasies, from the
Orthodox Chief Rabbi who collaborated with Jewish Marxists in South
Africa to race-deniers like Stephen Jay Gould in America. The road to
hell is paved with good intentions, they say. Well, many of those who
fought to "liberate" Rhodesia and South Africa didn't have good
intentions, so I think we need a new motto: The road to hell is paved
with goyish inattention. If whites won't open their eyes and recognize
what Jews, blacks and other non-whites are really like, hell is not
only where we'll end up, it's where we'll deserve to be.


Complete article at