Hope for the best, expect catastrophe - Chicago Cubs fans savor wild-card win


Sports News

By Fiona Ortiz and Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago Cubs fans savored a rare moment of post-season victory on Wednesday after star pitcher Jake Arrieta led the team to a 4-0 win over the Pittsburgh Pirates, a wild-card game shut-out that allows the Cubs to proceed in the play-offs. Cubs fans have had a unique history of misery - the professional baseball team has gone without a World Series win since 1908, when Theodore Roosevelt was president. Cheering fans gathered at Wrigley Field ballpark to watch the away game on screens, then poured into the streets waving blue-and-white "W" banners, signifying a "win." Cubs gear could be seen everywhere from school playgrounds to the LaSalle Street business district to City Hall during the day.

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