House breaks impasse, passes security funding without provisions


Yahoo! News

By David Lawder and Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives approved full fiscal-year funding for the U.S. domestic security agency on Tuesday, dealing a blow to conservative Republicans who had wanted the bill to include language blocking President Barack Obama's recent executive orders on immigration. The House, in a 257-167 vote, backed a Senate-passed funding bill stripped of any immigration provisions, ending a bitter fight that raised new questions about House Speaker John Boehner's ability to manage fractious conservatives and brought the agency within hours of a partial shutdown last week. Obama has said he will sign the funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, which spearheads domestic counterterrorism efforts. After weeks of drama, Boehner was ultimately left with few - if any - viable procedural options to keep the agency open while also satisfying conservatives who wanted the funding bill to block Obama's executive actions last year lifting the threat of deportation for millions of undocumented residents.

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