House Panel Votes to Shove Contempt Citations Up Bush Aides Asses


Harry Hope

From The Washington Post, 7/25/07:

House Panel Votes for Contempt Charges in Firings Case

By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, July 25, 2007; 2:48 PM

The House Judiciary Committee voted today to issue contempt citations
for two of President Bush's most trusted aides, taking its most
dramatic step yet towards a constitutional showdown with the White
House over the Justice Department's dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys.

The panel voted 22-17, along party lines, to issue citations to Joshua
B. Bolten, White House chief of staff, and Harriet E. Miers, former
White House counsel.



Nixon learned that it is the cover-up that will get you more than the crime.

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message

From The Washington Post, 7/25/07:

House Panel Votes for Contempt Charges in Firings Case

By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, July 25, 2007; 2:48 PM

The House Judiciary Committee voted today to issue contempt citations
for two of President Bush's most trusted aides, taking its most
dramatic step yet towards a constitutional showdown with the White
House over the Justice Department's dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys.

The panel voted 22-17, along party lines, to issue citations to Joshua
B. Bolten, White House chief of staff, and Harriet E. Miers, former
White House counsel.



After Much Chewing of Cud and Cogitation, Harry Hope <>
Spat the Words

> From The Washington Post, 7/25/07:

> House Panel Votes for Contempt Charges in Firings Case
> By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
> Washington Post Staff Writers
> Wednesday, July 25, 2007; 2:48 PM
> The House Judiciary Committee voted today to issue contempt citations
> for two of President Bush's most trusted aides, taking its most
> dramatic step yet towards a constitutional showdown with the White
> House over the Justice Department's dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys.

So, will the Supreme Court rule in favor of a US Executive with
unlimited authority, zero adherence to US Law, and no oversight ?

Gee, let me think about this.. That's a tough one..

> The panel voted 22-17, along party lines, to issue citations to Joshua
> B. Bolten, White House chief of staff, and Harriet E. Miers, former
> White House counsel.
> ____________________________________________________
> Nice
> Harry