how can depure now my gmail and rescue myyoutube accaunt or chanel if are atached to one...

  • Thread starter José AlfonsoFaz Guevara
  • Start date

José AlfonsoFaz Guevara

I had once this need to have a Email Adress towrite down for this news paper sothey had get me an accaunt with a lot space of memory, it was opened in this amasing and beautiful library in nuevolaredo ( Is isinstalled in a Railroad Station were my father used to work as a Costum broker agent long ago) now is called Estasion Palabra in English Word Station. Now I being expierncying alot of dificultys because a used to go to an other public library in nuevo laredo where they had stolen my usb memory, this memory I have onlyused to put my columns forthenews paper, and the resarched topics like for the Red Cross, andothers like, the new propousal for a party for the Colombia Asociationfor the Costum brokers Agencies, and, of cours the one my actual boss first works,for the Secretary of comers in Mexico POrofeco Consumers federal, i twas a sumary for this aniversary book wonderful stories a bout the Mexican economy evolution and the industries. then sudendly my portable memory was stolen, for this usb memory ervrey body could ubicated me because this portable divice, why evrybody could identifyed me ? because I once linked this memory to my Gmail. andwhy I deed this? because in the library they diden´t give me the right acces to the web, and I couldn´t find nobooks to resarch not even on the congress library of washington D C, andfor this action with my usb i could enter tothe internet web because first i had launch the sandisk cruzier then it gave methe acces but the first time that they had stolen my usbe, they hadputed an primate ( personal nick name for a birus) after that not even with my usb Icouldn´t acces to the web and not even to my gmail, couldn´t send or recibe mails,after that Ibeganto work here where I hadopened this accautn andI put it as adress recovery for the g mail. in january ofthe 2011 I had opened the google accaunt then very shortly the youtube and athacted to google, and a short wile the twitter andgie the g mile adress to open this accaunt the windos hot mail. and a face book that I couldn´t recovery that for myown childrens sake I hadclosedout. I can not acces to mesenger and chat, not even ont witter or googles chats. Like Dr.Weiner stated I have no feed Back for no one. to chat on face bookwas imposible.
Some now I am Sure that some one else is personfying me on the web, Why I am Sure Because I have deloped a cultural Shield how Idid this? well with a lot of Psychology, andPhilosophy knowledge, and a resarch on emotions, i ts a fact that the ones on the web they are expriencing emotional states no only ideas. is in some what like the esp or extra sensorial perception, by the alpha/gama wabes. this micro wabe sites can amplify andinduce a hipnoticor realxation state andthen as a vheicle of an emotions. also simbolic languajes,likepictures or vision flashes like the esp cards. secondly because if I get into a well known person could be at politics or entretaiment, like thelast one was Lindsay Lohan I have the intuition of her in the cyber space presence or like President of Mexico, on a well known person youhae the feed back but not onlyby alogical simbol - languaje. but emotional and intuitional Iknow when is my brother or my daughters but when you are with some one else that you donot know you do not have no common experiences that you can evoque un less you hae a media incommon a well knownpwerson or mouvie or sound or tought that back ground formation the one who is richon experience and knowledge are better equiped to comprhend and to have a comunione xpierence. and you can not only feel his or her bad toughts, intentions, languaje, words that you are aquinted but that in your social life you do not use, that common wordsare erybody languaje. Backto Lindsay Lohan PersonalyIdo not know her but by the mas media technologies. there is akindofcomunicationIcanidentfy her butshe can not know nothinga but me, only the first impresion of my comentary on the twitter, and she can equaly can difernciates or compare me and other person by the mere intuitional ofthe one way comunication way. third because when I opened the twitter no twites ofnobody are in my recibed twieets, no even mine to her, and where do they went? I do not know Who Got it? THE SELENTITLED ADMINISTRATOR OF MY ACCAUNTS? NO PUBLICATIONS... NO FEEDBACKS... NOCOMUNICATION... NO ENTER TO MY MAILS AND CCAUNTS BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE BLOCKS MY ACCES TO WHAT? WHAT FOR? ONLY TO FEELPRIETY BECAUSE HE OR SHE COULD BE WITH WELL KNOWN PWERSONS?

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