How can I improve my deployment infrastructure/stragagy?



Hi all,
I need some help with figuring out how to best set up a Windows 7 Depoyment infrastructure. I set up our current system based on resources from the web but really it needs to be improved.
We have 3 different laptop and 2 different desktop models which I need to be able to deploy Windows 7 to at any given point to any of 12 remote offices across Europe. We have roughly 250 users Europe-wide.
I have a virtual 2008 R2 server at each of the 12 sites with the WDS Deployment role. At my primpary site I create an image and capture it to WDS (I make the images driver independant and use WDS to deploy drivers automatically). I then export the image and send it to each site using a replication tool we have. I do the same with driver inf files. I log onto the server at each site and import the image and the drivers to the local WDS.
When I want to upgrade or improve an image (e.g. add office SP 3 or add a new piece of software) I rebuild a new image from scratch and then repeat the above process. (this is because I want our images to be perfect and dont want any legacgy files or out of date apps causing issuses since we provide support remotely). Am I being paranoid on this point, is it OK to use DISM to add patches and updates to an image? At what point do I rebuild the image from scratch anyway?
I have 2 images, one for desktops and one for laptops (since they have slightly different softwares in our organisation).
Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve the above? I have heard of MDT 2010 but its not obvious how it will help me.
I would quite like to have one fairly basic image and slipstream packages/apps at the time of installation based on requirements (Im thinking of being presented with a big list of apps and you just tick the ones you want and it will install them automatically on the fly, like it does drivers). Is this even possible!?
My current system requires a lot of time since I have so many sites. If this also can be reduced that would be great.
All suggestions welcome!

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