How did you come up with your screen name?


Clive Billy Johnson
(Sorry if this has been posted already)

Yeah it's a bit of a stupid question, but it'll be interesting to know:)

My Off Topic Forum name is the same as my aim name because I couldn't be bothered to think of one. It's spelt like this o0SugaxNxSpice0o with all the confusing x's and o's in it because aim wouldn't let me have any of the other names, and it wouldn't fit "Sugar" in at the time. The whole Sugar N Spice concept came from my website site, which came from my yahoo id, which came from... uhh... my head when I was really bored one day and I didn't like my old id anymore.

Yeah, very interesting *cough*. What about yours?
You mean like username, or name on instant messenger? :/ I'll do my username since I think you mean that one...
Mine is basically just lyrics from Numb... "I'm tired of being what you want me to be" It doesn't really mean a whole lot lol.
I think I got it from an online game when I was about 12. I put "Spike" in the username area place thingy, and it said something like "That username has already been taken, please try one of the following:"

I've used it for nearly everything ever since.
I remember there used 2 be a thread like this b4 but anyways....
About my us,I´m not very good 2 think of nicknames so I decided 2 2 name myself 4 ever LP cuz LP rocks and Shinoda cuz of Mike lol....meh like I said I´m not very good at creating nicknames:eek:
LPF - Miss_Justyna b/c it sounds 'proper' ... idk i just like it :)

AIM - G A W M btch x3 b/c I love Papa Roach and b/c I love Getting Away With Murder. It's like "Getting Away With Murder, bitch!" and the x3 is there for decoration.
4everLP_Shinoda said:
I remember there used 2 be a thread like this b4 but anyways....
About my us,I´m not very good 2 think of nicknames so I decided 2 2 name myself 4 ever LP cuz LP rocks and Shinoda cuz of Mike lol....meh like I said I´m not very good at creating nicknames:eek:
Yes, I think they were three or so.
LPF: Hyper: Because I was Hyper back then. When I was happy.
AIM: Eternal Neurosis: Meaning forever paranoid. Because some chic kept trying to get Jackie to break up with me.. but she failed.
AIM2: SP4ZT1K: I use two AIM screen names. This is my second one. Meaning Spaztik -> Spastic. Because I used to be a total spaz. and i just love that name, have had it since the beginning of my freshman year in highschool.
LPF2: Myntz: Cuz I'm not really Hyper anymore. And I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. So I []D [] []V[] []D []) out the word mint. lol.
my youth minister used to call me captain random, and that inspired the now nonexistant email address At the time, I was using the free version of Kazaa, but didn't know about the famous virus. The computer was so infected with viruses that I had to wipe out the whole memory and reinstall all the programs again. It took a whole saturday.

Once the computer programs were redone, I could not access my old email address from that computer, so I made a new one. By then I was tired of captain random and decided to go by Mr Random Guy


I've had many screen names for aim, but I decided upon PaulTheCrazyGuy.

the reason being obvious
well I just like LP alot and I heart alot of kinda hard to explain but if you see my other usernames...there are heart in almost every single one. :p
Ummm,well,i was sitting down one day,and i asked my sister for a screen name when i was joining the LPF.
First she gave me the name, Evil,then she gave me the name Coco Puff,then,she gave me the name...
and it was marvelous,so i used it:D