How do I remove Win 7 virus when I can't even see my desktop because the screen is totally...


Billy Snapp

I was wasting time on supposedly safe sites and I got hit with the Win 7 virus. This is the second time that this has happened under McAfee antivirus.

Anyway, I shut down the computer. Now when I restart, I can still sign in, but after that point, the entire screen is black. The ONLY visible things are the stupid messages from the Win 7 virus. This is true in safe mode as well, so I can't even open other anti-virus software saved on a flashdrive. And when I say black, I mean black. The only visible things are the dumb Win 7 virus messages that pop up out of the blackness.

Any ideas? I would prefer advice on how to remove the virus in this state, but I will reformat if I have to (but I don't know how with a black screen, so advice on that topic would be nice.)

I can access safe mode with a command screen (one of the safe mode options), for what it's worth. I can also pull up task manager with ctrl-alt-del, but the Win 7 virus won't let me do anything.

If you're wondering how I am posting this, I am using the girlfriend's computer.


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