How I piss others off

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
For my first official post as a member, I'll post not a rant but something that pisses others off... I just found this site today and have enjoyed my stay! Oh boy..I get to play! I'm not given to pissing others off on purpose but sometimes I have one of those, "Lisa Bright and Dark" days...

Sometime when you
skategreen said:
For my first official post as a member, I'll post not a rant but something that pisses others off... I just found this site today and have enjoyed my stay! Oh boy..I get to play! I'm not given to pissing others off on purpose but sometimes I have one of those, "Lisa Bright and Dark" days...

Sometime when you
Are your guys bored and looking for a target, or do we just all dive in and rip the Newbie to shreds as some sort of initiation rite? wasn't my intention to "piss off" people just by reading the story! (that's so funny) .. yes yes, I have been guilty of the above act, but in actual fact I was posting it to also illustrate this rather odd aspect of social mores that I'd stumbled upon - to wit, "grocery store etiquette" .. "don't look in my cart" .. breaking those unspoken rules even in minor ways produces rather droll results. -

Am I retarded? No, but I am willing to appear retarded if I feel the urge. I've clumped through the video store with a bum leg just on whim. I've also helped folks stuggling with unwieldy packages, pulled my map outta the car and helped lost strangers when the gas station attendent was too rude to care, and I've stood in line at the grocery store with 2 items and turned to offer the lady behind me with the overloaded cart to "go ahead of me" - just to see her startled grin.

Am I a weirdo? Yes...but then we all are, aren't we? You wanna stand on a chair and tell me I'm weirder than you? Wanna have a spittin contest? Go ahead bad boy - Crap my shoe. Try.
The way I see it, your one of 3 things.

A wierdo, an idiot, or an attention whore. Better to clarify which you are before we decide what were gonna do with your pathetic ass.
skategreen said:
Ohhhhhh I simply LIVE for your approval. Nice Pic, BTW, taken in your Glory days?
You are aware that if 10 people vote that you are an idiot, you WILL be tossed in the idiot box.... for a month.
phreakwars said:
You are aware that if 10 people vote that you are an idiot, you WILL be tossed in the idiot box.... for a month.

So, then what, this means I won't be able to post or something for a month? This is going to change my life in some way?
Of course you can still post, we don't ban people for such things as idiocy. We reform them. Did you not recieve a welcome message ??

Have you not read stickys in the Members lounge ??
Dear Phreak

You're right.. I stumbled upon this site, found a few delightful type pearls and simply dived in with a register and a post, and skipped the glad-handing welcome wagon.

The welcome wagon (ie, skull and cross bones on a board) (warning, all ye who enter here) ... was uh...enlightening. You guys eat your young, huh? :) I hadn't realized that this little internet pond I was diving into would wash me ashore on a Lord of the Flies type island. ...

I guess maybe I was more looking for the "Angry Care Bears" site.

Ok, so my fate is in the hands of the wolves. So be it. We'll see what the fates bring. to google "Angry Care Bears"
well my aquamarine skater friend.....let me give the the "low down"

you entered a site thats called "what pisses you off"...Then, as your fist post, gave us a less than witty thread about how you get on the nerves of innocent bystanders going about their daily lives. and then reveling on about how you thought it was funny that you were invading peoples private affairs.

Now...To remind you this is WYPO...not MJWG (Mtv's Jackass Wanabee Group) and your fart humor...which can be appreciated, but as your first post you more or less just stated to this little world on the net that you are immature and cannot handle real world affairs...and simply amuse yourself to get on other peoples nerves...

What sort of response really did you intend to get from this site?....

Or, typically, did you not read ANYTHING before you posted that? A funny side bar comment that post would have made...but for your opening statement you just grounded your self an idiot....

Perhaps we will see great things from you later...but it seems most that start their stay here with a idiot bang, they tend to leave before they even get 20 posts under their belt...

Well see how you do......

EDIT: Yes phreak i shoulda listened when you said not to click it....growl
Vortex said:
EDIT: Yes phreak i shoulda listened when you said not to click it....growl
Did you have to reboot, or did you have enough memory to shake it off ?? It usually will crash a P4 or an AMD Athlon or less, I haven't seen it take out an Athlon 64 yet, but it does stress it.

Don't ya just love malicious code ??
phreakwars said:
Did you have to reboot, or did you have enough memory to shake it off ?? It usually will crash a P4 or an AMD Athlon or less, I haven't seen it take out an Athlon 64 yet, but it does stress it.

Don't ya just love malicious code ??
If you haven't learned by now... Phreakwars is an evil twisted SOB! I knew WAYYYYY better than to click that damn thing!
phreakwars said:
And I see you use Internet Explorer, I truly hope you don't CLICK HERE <---don't click this !!

Is it just displaying the huge picture that makes it crash? Or is there something else in the code that I missed?
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