How Islam is oppressed by the unbelievers

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The infidels do not submit to Allah despite repeated warnings to them.
This is the highest form rebellion by the Kafirs and an extreme type
of oppression to Islam.

The infidel women go to swim in the beaches wearing bikini. Allah is
greatly offended by such outrageous conduct of infidel women.

The Kafir nations condemn Islamic stoning in Islamic Paradises.
Islamic penal code is written by Allah, how could the infidels condemn
such a divine, merciful penal system? Allah is surely angry with the

The Kafirs 'law court incarcerates Islamic rapists, but, who,
according to Islam, has the inalienable right to have unlimited sex
with infidel women, no question asked. As per Islam, these infidel
women (Islamically, all western women, who do not dress Islamically
are harlots, sluts and prostitutes and all infidels are incestuous,
believe it or not) are Islamic captives.

To protect its innocent citizens from the Islamist terrorists, the
Kafirs pass anti-terror laws, but the Islamists believe it is their
basic Islamic right to terrorize the infidels. The anti-terror law is
oppression to Islam, as this law violates the Qur'anic injunction of
casting terror in the hearts of the unbelievers.

An infidel woman gives birth out-of-wedlock and she is treated fairly
by the social security system of the harami (repugnant) Kafir. This
oppresses Islam, as this woman must be stoned to death, as per Islam.
The infidels are not respecting the sanctity of Islam.

An infidel woman goes out of her house without hijab. This is
oppression to Islam, as this violates the Qur'nic injunction that
women must stay at home at all times and serves their husbands. In
case she has to be out, she must be 'covered.'

Violating the Qur'an and Hadis, a Kafir men and women patronize pubs
and drink wine and liqueur. Islamic punishment of forty lashes is not
meted out for such naked un-Islamic indulgence. To further anger the
Muslims, during Ramadan, the Kafirs eat and drink publicly, in open
view of the Muslims. This, of course is an unpardonable Islamic
offence, as the infidels show no sensitivity/respect for the best
religion on earth.

An unmarried Kafir woman engages in de-facto relationship with a man.
This offends the migrant Muslims, but despite much harangue from the
Islamist moralists, the Kafirs refuse to change their law of personal
freedom. This (the unbridled mixing of opposite sexes), is certainly a
gross oppression to Islamic faith.

The infidel's local council prohibits the use of loud speakers to
broadcast the melodious tune of Azan (the Islamic prayer call). This
is the violation of Islamic right of noise pollution, and, therefore
is a tyranny upon Islam.

Harami Kafirs enact law banning hijab in public schools. This angers
the Islamists, as this amount to violating the Qur'an, and hence is
oppressive to Islam.

The Kafirs refuse to pay jizyah (special privileges to the Arab
Bedouins/Muslims). In modern times, this jizya is in the form of
special privileges to the Muslims (for example, Bumiputra/Malay/Muslim
policy in Malaysia, reservation of places for the Muslims in Kafirs'
Universities, special concession on employment policies, affirmative
policies exclusively designed for the incompetent Muslims-and so on).
Non-payment of jizya tax is a gross violation of the holy Qur'an and
is oppression to Islam.

When, for security reasons, America, the Great Satan, requires, all
visitors to the United States to be photographed, fingerprinted and
biometrically registered to apprehend the suspected terrorists of
peaceful Islam, it offends real Islam.

When the infidels and in-name-only Muslims patronize a theatre to
enjoy a stage drama, Islam is offended, as this violates the basic
tenets of the Qur'an-no idol worshipping. Ditto for patronizing cinema
houses. Acting in a drama/and or watching this performance is grossly
un-Islamic. In Bangladesh, bombs are thrown in such premises, as
visiting stage drama and enjoying a movie is oppressive to Islam.

When you quote those murderous verses from the Holy Qur'an.
Embarrassing Allah /Islamists is a great offence.

When you quote those anti-feminist and misogynist hadis from Sahih al-
Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and Sunaan Abu Dawud Allah gets offended.

When you expose that Islam allows unlimited sex with maid-servants
(sex-slaves) and infidel women. These provisions are Qur'anic, so they
are above any discussion.

When the police embarks on a clean-up operation in an Islamic enclave
in a Kafirland. This action violates the incontrovertible rights of
the Islamist terrorists to frighten the infidels, an absolute Islamic
right enshrined by Allah in the Qur'an.

When the Kafir government disallows Sharia law to be enforced for the
Muslims living in a Kafirland. Allah's law supercedes all man-made
laws, how could the infidels annoy Allah?

When, through earthquake and Tsunami, Allah tests His believers in
Islamic Paradises and the Kafir's aid is delayed due to the poor/non-
existence of logistical supports in those Islamic Paradises. Infidels
must attend immediately to the Muslims' plight-this is also a form of
jizya on the unbelievers.

When you disclose that the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh), had
between nine to twenty official wives and at least one sex-slave.
Allah is angry when you discuss Muhammad's private life-a violation of
Islamic privacy.

When the harami freethinkers disclose that the 52-year-old prophet
(pbuh) of mercy married a six-year-old girl and had sex with her when
she turned nine. See above for the reason.

When the 'Islam bashers' reveal that Hazrat Omar (Allah's mercy be
upon him) married a four-year-old baby-girl when he was around 54-55
years old. See above for reason.

When the Islamphobes divulge that Hazrat Ali (Allah's mercy be upon
him) used to have sex with captive women, routinely, even when he was
married to Fatima, Muhammad's dearest daughter. Those who embarrass
the Khulafa Rashedin (the rightly guided caliphs) embarrass Allah.
Allah will not forgive them

When the infidels learn from the writing of the Muslim apostates that
Muslims must not be friendly with the Jews and the Christians and the
unbelievers. When the Qur'an has decreed certain matters, it is a
great offence to discuss about them.

The Kafirs in Kafirland, instead of adopting the Islamic values of the
myopic Muslim community in their midst, urge the Islamists to respect
multiculturalism. This is an affront to Islam. According to Islam,
these Kafirs (read animals) must adopt pristine Islamic values, and
not the other way round.

The Kafirs do not learn Arabic, the language of Allah/Islam, but
instead, urge the Islamist immigrants to learn the language of their
adopted country and try to integrate. Allah is offended when the
Kafirs do not learn the language (Arabic) of His Scripture.

The western/infidel civilization refuses to adopt Bedouin/Arab
culture, instead, follows their own decadent, petrified, immoral,
corrupt, lascivious way of life. Islam is oppressed when the Muslims,
the best creation of Allah have to witness, with their open eyes, such
blatant depravity and corruption. After all, Islam came to purify the
world but the infidels refuse to comply. This is an oppression to

Peaceful Islam is not allowed to preach hateful sermons by the clerics
living in infidel territories. This is a gross of violation Islamic
human rights, of freedom to preach hatred for the infidels, since this
right has been enshrined in the Qur'an.

Kafirs deport/cancel visa of firebrand clerics who exhort in Friday
congregations jihad and murder of the infidels. Read above why Islam
is oppressed for such an action of the Kafir.

Billboards near Allah's house (mosques) in Kafirlands display women's
underwear, bras and lingerie in provocative manner, arousing the
sexual passions in the devotees of Allah. This is oppressive to Islam,
as Allah does not like to have a look at women's undergarments and
their half-clad body. Allah only looks at hijabi/Burka-clad

Islamists living in Haram land pass by a fitness centre and observe
infidel women (and men) performing physical exercise wearing
sportswear. Offended, the Islamists complain to the local council and
advise the authority that during physical fitness chore the women must
wear Burka and jilbab, their shiny and sexy thighs and polished legs
must be covered inside baggy Islamic trousers, otherwise, the doors
and windows of the gym must be covered with black 'hijab.' The local
council turns down the Muslim request. This is oppressive to Islam.

The Islamists in Kfirlands go to the local swimming pool and observe
men and women practicing swimming together. This is grossly un-Islamic
and is oppressive to the Muslims. They ask the local council to open
separate swimming pools exclusively for Muslim women having no access
to male visitors. The council turns down their request, which offends
the Islamists.

In Olympic events, women are allowed to compete, in the presence of
mixed spectators, in gymnastics, track and field, swimming, beach
volleyball, high jump (despicable, because of the possibility of
viewing the women's pudenda), long jump, pole vault-etc., Allah is
offended with such display of female flesh in such provocative/erotic
manner. The Islamists write lengthy articles and lobby their
politicians to ban women from participating in such events. In Islamic
Paradises they successfully force the government to ban the
telecasting of such 'pornographic' events of the International

The infidels enact laws to prevent polygamy; Muslims could no longer
acquire four wives at any time. This is surely, a gross violation of
Islamic rights of Muslim men.

Imams preaching the goodness in beating wives to discipline them are
deported from infidel lands. This is a great torment to Islam, as it
grossly violates the Qur'anic verse which calls to beat women to
control them.

During Christmas gala, party, the Kafir invites his Muslim neighbor
and unwittingly serves haram food and wine. The display of haram food
and alcoholic drinks to the Muslims is, of course, very offensive. The
infidels must not eat and drink haram stuff in the presence of Muslims-
it is very odious, Allah becomes angry.


Oppression, as Islam sees it, can be defined as any obstacle or
impediment which prevents the implementation of Islamic rule on Earth,
which is the only final outcome acceptable to Allah. Any infidel
failing to respond positively to the da'wa, ( the call or invitation
to Islam) whether by outright rejection, disinclination or
indifference, is considered to be not only oppressing Muslims-- by
rejecting the mission they are duty-bound to carry out--- but more
seriously, insulting Allah by impeding and thwarting his divine plan
for humanity.