How Long Before the A.D.L. Kicks Out All its Jews?


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How Long Before the A.D.L. Kicks Out All its Jews?
by Ann Coulter

The Anti-Defamation League is to Jews what the National Organization for
Women is to women and the ACLU is to civil libertarians. They represent not
Jews or women or civil libertarians, but the left wing of the Democratic

In the paramount threat of our time, the Democratic Party is AWOL. And those
are the patriotic Democrats. The rest are actively aiding the enemy.

The blood of millions of Israelis is at stake, and the ADL is flacking for a
party that yearns to surrender to the terrorists.

To hide the dirty little secret of the left's burgeoning anti-Semitism,
liberals act as if they live in abject terror of right-wingers. When it
comes to conservatives, the Anti-Defamation League is the Pro-Defamation

For decades, most Jews supported the left, and the left supported Jewish
causes. But the left moved on long ago. For liberals, Jews are just so "last

The ADL gently chided Columbia University for making the "mistake" of
inviting a genocidal, Holocaust-denying Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad to speak. It tepidly criticized Ahmadinejad's speech for being
"a charade of half-answers and obfuscation." That sounds like a fair
description of Hillary's current stump speech.

The ADL and its ilk reserve their real venom for a beast like Dennis
Prager -- a leading Jewish intellectual, author and radio talk show host.
Last year, Prager made the manifestly obvious point that the first Muslim
congressman, Keith Ellison, should take his oath of office not on a Quran,
but on a Bible, in recognition of "the value system (that) underlies
American civilization."

According to the ADL, Prager's column was not a trifling "mistake" on the
order of allowing an American audience at one of America's premier
universities to give a standing ovation to a murderous, racist lunatic.
Prager was "intolerant, misinformed and downright un-American." I think I'd
take "obfuscation."

The relevant organs of pious liberal society were promptly rounded up to
censure Prager, including the American Jewish Committee and two members of
the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, Rep. Henry Waxman and former New York
Mayor Ed Koch -- who called Prager a "bigot." Do they have Ellison on the
record acknowledging whether the Holocaust happened?

The executive committee of the Holocaust Museum called Prager's column
antithetical to "tolerance and respect for all peoples regardless of their
race, religion or ethnicity."

But you'll see that famed liberal "tolerance" dry up pretty fast if you
render a simple statement of the beliefs of Christians.

The usual liberal coterie acts shocked and offended by Christians who
actually believe Christianity is true -- unlike Democratic politicians -- to
conceal the fact that the left is increasingly dominated by people conniving
in the destruction of Israel.

How about having Tim Russert ask Hillary if she believes the New Testament
is the perfection of the Old Testament? She claims to be a Christian. Let's
get it on the table: Is she or isn't she? It doesn't get any more bare-bones
than that.

Let the cat out of the bag that a 2,000-year-old religion practiced by a
majority of Americans teaches that Jesus came in "fulfillment of the
scriptures," and you might be better off if you had adopted the preferred
approach of liberals' new friends the Muslims and simply slit the Jew's

At least the ADL wouldn't object.

They're too busy conspiring with the Council on American-Islamic Relations
to denounce Dennis Prager. And promoting gun control. And gay marriage. And
illegal immigration. You know, all the issues that have historically kept
the Jews safe.

The ADL denounces the teaching of intelligent design, the placement of the
Ten Commandments on public property and Bibles in public schools. Any entity
that disagrees with them on these issues will be labeled an "extremist

Gosh, it's a good thing there isn't a worldwide terrorist movement dedicated
to killing Jews. The ADL might have to tear themselves away from promoting
faddish liberal causes.

The ADL is more concerned with what it calls the "neo-Nazis" and
"anti-Semites" in the Minutemen organization than with people who behead
Jews whenever they get half a chance. It's only a matter of time before the
ADL gets around to global warming.

Earlier this year, the ADL issued an alarmist report, declaring that the Ku
Klux Klan has experienced "a surprising and troubling resurgence" in the
U.S., which I take it to mean that nationwide KKK membership is now
approaching double digits. Liberal Jews seem to be blithely unaware that the
singular threat to Jews at the moment is the complete annihilation of
Israel. Why won't they focus on the genuine threat of Islamo-fascism and
leave poor old Robert Byrd alone?

The ADL goes around collecting statements from Democrats proclaiming their
general support for Israel, but it refuses to criticize Democrats who attack
Joe Lieberman for supporting the war and who tolerate the likes of former
congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

Sure, Hillary will show up at an ADL dinner and announce that she supports
Israel. And then she gets testy with Bush for talking about sanctions
against Iran in too rough a tone of voice.

What does it mean for the ADL to collect those statements?

The survival of Israel is inextricably linked to the survival of the
Republican Party and its evangelical base. And yet the ADL viciously attacks
conservatives, implying that there is some genetic anti-Semitism among
right-wingers in order to hide the fact that anti-Semites are the ADL's best
friends -- the defeatists in Congress, the people who tried to drive Joe
Lieberman from office, the hoodlums on college campuses who riot at any
criticism of Muslim terrorists and identify Israel as an imperialist
aggressor, and liberal college faculties calling for "anti-apartheid"
boycotts of Israel.

The Democratic Party sleeps with anti-Semites every night, but groups like
the ADL love to play-act their bravery at battling ghosts, as if it's the
1920s and they are still fighting quotas at Harvard.

Earlier this year, Rep. Virgil Goode Jr., R-Va., said "in the next century
we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the
strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the
values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America."

The ADL attacked him, saying, "Bigots have always hid behind the immigration

Like the noose hysteria currently sweeping New York City, liberals are
always fighting the last battle because the current battle is too

Liberal Jews are on a collision course with themselves. They can't reconcile
the survival of Israel with their conception of themselves as liberals. The
liberal coalition has turned against them. Jews are out; Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed is in. The new king knows not Joseph.