How many pubes have you got?

Anna Perenna said:
I have exactly 30, and I like to pluck them out, one by one, through the month.

I like to sell mine on ebay to loser chicks like DizzyMe. Of course she thinks they come from women. But what the hell ,If you see a profit...ya know? :D

She is a sick case. I have to put extra hamburger blood on them. I think she eats them or something??? Hell if I know.
Anna Perenna said:
I have exactly 30, and I like to pluck them out, one by one, through the month.

You .... you ..... YOU!!!! You are DISGUSTING!
I hope you know, I am going to get you BANNED!
D'oh!!!!! I'm dislexic it seems. I thought the header was "how many pubs have you got?"

My bad. :cool:
Well, after 2 hours and 40 minutes of counting, I had to give up after getting to 7247. The phone rang..and I forgot to bookmark where I left off.

I'll try again later.
most of mine are shaved off...

after all...who the hell wants a mouth full of hair?