How Old Are You? (Jan 2006 Update)


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
I know this gets asked quite a bit... but there are new members, new birthdays and i just wanted to get a feel of who's here and how old they are... so.. post away!

Wait one more rule:: i'm sure alot of people go in here to read everyone's ages. so i will ask that in every post you make in this thread to post your age in the beginning. I know we get alot of quoting and replies and it would just be cool if every post promised to tell someone's age.

Well, i'm 18!
Heart_LP said:
I didn't know what internet was when I was 7 pfft :p

anyways I'm 15 (and now I do know what internet is *feels smart*)

*shocked* I knew of the net, and used it when I was 6!! And I'm 18 now!?

I was back in da days of Windows 3.1 and 56K and.... AOL Version 1!!! *GASPS*


I'm sorry, carry on...
haha lol I guess I knew what internet was when I was 7 too
cause my parents are like computere freaks! everyone in this household has a computer :p
but I didn't use it when I was 7 though, cause it was telephone-internet pay thingy.
used it since I was I don't know.. 10 or something,

oh yeah, I'm still 15, turning 16 in may