How To Argue With A Global Warmer


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
[ame=]YouTube - Daring to Question Al Gore[/ame]

The answer is easy ... you don't. And we learn this lesson from none other than the grandfather of the global warming scam himself: Albert Gore. He was at an event recently where, for some very unusual reason, he agreed to take questions from reporters. But ... uh oh ... somebody dared to challenge Gore. So what's the logical solution? Turn off the mic! Turn off the mic before Gore starts sputtering and his eyes roll back into his head.

What's the matter with you people?!?! You don't challenge the Great and Powerful Gore when it comes to global warming! Don't you realize he won the Nobel Peace Prize? Oh wait ... so did Obama. But never mind! Sometimes the prize actually means something! So pipe down with your questions and criticisms. Save them for anyone who opposes Gore, not for people who support him or the Great Gore himself. (sarcasmface)

I'll wager that will be the last time he takes questions. Maybe not for another four years.

What's really going on with Gore?

OK ... think about this. Al Gore was Bill Clinton's dog-washer for eight years. He hardly distinguished as vice president. His tenure started out with him at Mt. Vernon looking at a bust of Thomas Jefferson and asking a tour guide "Who is this guy?" Things went downhill from there. Now Gore has found his place in the world. He got on the phony global warming scam and made it his own. He made a movie and got an Academy Award. The Norwegian Moonbats gave him the prize. Global warming is Al Gore's life. It's his entire reason to exist. Every ounce of power, pride, respect and credibility Gore has is tied up in his endeavors surrounding global warming ... or, as we call it since the Earth started to cool down ... climate change. When someone picks up a microphone and starts to challenge The Great and Powerful Gore on his home turf that person has to be shut down --- or turned off.

Gore knows that the whole global warming bit is a fraud, but he cannot turn it loose. To abandon the global warming cause is to erase himself from history. He ain't going there.
The part I giggle about in that is where Gore says the wrong details did not matter, that he still won the right to show it to the kids and that is the typical Liberal/socialist mindset, facts do not matter, only "their" ideas of what needs to be done matter.
Good post, RO. LOL @ "dog washer for eight years"! ;)

I still want to see the polar bears protected, though. They can come live with me. It's fukking freezing here today and snowing, too.
Ali said:
Good post, RO. LOL @ "dog washer for eight years"! ;)

I still want to see the polar bears protected, though. They can come live with me. It's fukking freezing here today and snowing, too.

Snowing already? Damn I am glad I live in Florida ;)