How to change options to open video files



This happened to me in Windows 7 with zip files and the only way I could get

Internet Explorer 8 to ask me for a download destination again was the

registry hack.

1. Click Start, Run, type regedt32.exe and press ENTER (or click OK) say yes

if UAC prompts. Back up your registry by selecting the computer node, then

file, then export (and save it on your desktop in case you need to restore in

safe mode).

2. Navigate to the following branch:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \

AttachmentExecute \ {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

3. In the right-pane, right-click on the appropriate entry (compressed for

zip files) and Delete

4. Exit the Registry Editor.

5. Fire up IE and try downloading the file type you just deleted to confirm

it now works.