How to deploy a custom screen saver with a .themepack-file on Windows 7 (x64)?



we want to deploy a custom screen saver for all users with a .themepack-file which is loaded in the logon script by this command:
"%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL %SystemRoot%\system32\desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /file:"%TEMP%\Themenpaket\Orga.themepack"
The command works fine and the background image and the color style are correctly activated.
The problem is that our custom screen saver doesn't get activated. We want to continue using our good old Windows XP screen saver "Flying Objects screen saver" ("ss3dfo.scr") with a custom texture file. There is no such screen saver in original Windows 7 but the ss3dfo.scr from a Windows XP-installation works fine on Windows 7.
When i create a new theme with this screen saver and save it with "Save theme for sharing" the file "Orga.themepack" is created which i want to deploy with the above command.
When i unpack this file with 7zip i find a file "Orga.theme" which contains a section "[boot]" with the line "SCRNSAVE.EXE=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\ss3dfo.scr".
So the custom screen saver seems to be correctly imported into the theme.
Needless to say that all files are where they have to be ("ss3dfo.scr" is in "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64" etc.)
When i run the above command or simply doubleclick the file "Orga.themepack" on a target machine the background image and the color style are set as it should be and are displayed accordingly in the Personalization window.
But the Screen Saver icon down right still shows "None". It is also curious that a new theme "unsaved theme" is created which doesn't happen when i set a built-in screen saver the the "Orga.themepack".
When i use a built-in screen saver (such as Bubbles etc.) the screen saver gets activated correctly.
Do i have to disclaim our custom screen saver or is there a way to enforce the custom screen saver in the "Orga.themepack" file?

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