How to Deploy Word Template to Enterprise (Without it Auto-loading for every doc)?




My company has developed a macro-enabled (VBA) Word 2007/10 template. The template includes a custom Ribbon, Autotext items, and - importantly - a custom Style Sheet.  Our installer currently places the template under the end-user’s default Templates directory.

Using this approach, the Template automatically loads when opening a document that was authored in it, provided that the user has it installed.  Users DO NOT need to write to the template, they just need to read/load it.<br/>



The above approach, installing to end-user profiles, works great performing enterprise installations on Windows XP machines. But on Windows 7, UAC requirements mean we run into problems trying to install under the end-user profile. Our networking people say

the Template really needs to be an “All Users” accessible Template so that the installation can be to a System account (e.g. All Users) rather than profile-specific.<br/>


Our question<br/>

What is the recommended method for making a Word Template available to All Users, without forcing every Word document for every user to load the Template for every document (e.g. a Global template would load the Template’s style sheet for every document, like

it or not). There are so many Tech/Forum articles about deploying custom templates it’s hard to know which approach would be ideal in our situation.



Thanks in advance    

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