How to improve the logon.bat


Franklin hong

Dear guys,

Working problem, below is the logon.bat in for a domain user when he or she log on XP:


@echo off

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Favorites /t reg_sz /d "d:\%username%\my documents\favorites" /f >nul

md "d:\my documents\%username%\favorites"

xcopy "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Favorites" "d:\%username%\my documents\favorites" /s/e /y >nul

Cacls "%userprofile%\Desktop" /t /c /p everyone:r <"C:\WINDOWS\Options\y"

del "%userprofile%\start menu\programs\startup\setup.cmd" /q

net share D$ /delete


The purpose of the script is to unify everyone's Favorites and make everyone has their own Favorites, but almost every frist time logging on, there will pop up a dead doc window but IT has to log on XP again.

So how to improve the logon.bat?

Thank you in advance.

Franklin hong

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