how to use powercfg to affect the CURRENT power scheme without assuming you know the name



I asked this on the other forum and got a moronic link by some moron who just did a bing search and blindly gave me the other two KB articles that were irrelivant to the question, so I thought I'd ask here.
The moron gave me these links:
Here's the question,
How do I use powercfg to change the time before the monitor blanks in the current power scheme, whatever that may be?

In Vista, you use
powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-ac 10

This does NOT work in XP. I can NOT find a page detailing powercfg for XP, but I found one for Server 2003. It seems to indicate I need to include a /X somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can figure out how to get it to work.
I also found this page that seems to indicate the same thing

However, powercfg /? seems to indicate that /X is the same as /CHANGE
/CHANGE, /X Changes settings of the specified power scheme. Additional
switches specify the changes as follows:
/monitor-timeout-ac <minutes>
==SNIP irrelivant options==
DC settings are used when the system is on battery power.
==SNIP irrelivant options==
/EXPORT, /E Exports the power scheme with the specified name to a

Could somebody please link me to the WINDOWS XP help file for powercfg? All I can find is the server2003 and the Vista version, and the Vista version is worse than useless.

Alternately, please tell me how to get the same effect as
powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-ac 10

Here's the goal
I'm trying to deploy a bunch of one line batch files into a toolbar (still trying to figure out how to get the toolbar named "sb" onto the taskbar of all users) named things like "1 minute", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "30 minutes" and so on, to include 45, 1 hour, and 2 hours so anybody can change the amount of time before the monitor blanks at will. Only the admin will be able to choose more than "2 hours". The method isn't important, just as long as everyone has a nice quick menu to change the blank time. It can be done with the plug icon for changing power schemes, or with a small toolbar named SB right next to the notification area, doesn't matter to me as long as I get the job done.

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