HTC sues Apple for patent infringement… again


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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HTC filed a lawsuit with the U.S. District Court of Delaware alleging that Cupertino-based Apple Inc. is infringing on three of its patents. The patents are related to Apple’s iPhone, iPad and Mac computers, <em>Reuters </em>said, noting that HTC is seeking triple damages for willful infringement and compensatory damages. The two companies have been locked in legal battles for months, but we’re a little surprised at HTC’s move given the company recently said it <a href="../2011/07/12/htc-says-apple-should-compete-fairly-in-the-mobile-market-not-sue-every-vendor-in-its-way/">was disappointed</a> in “Apple’s constant attempts at litigations instead of competing fairly in the market.” <a href="">Apple first sued HTC for patent infringement</a> in March and a judge with the United States International Trade Commission found <a href="">HTC guilty of infringing</a> on two of Apple’s patents in July. HTC said that it will <a href="">appeal the ITC ruling</a> and has argued that it has a strong case against the iPhone maker. <span id="more-100348"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report