HTC usage share drops 60% in five months, study finds


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-136317 aligncenter" title="HTC_Graph" src="" alt="" width="645" height="383" /></a></center>
Not long ago, HTC posted six consecutive months of record revenue thanks to strong demand for its Android-powered smartphones. The company’s record run came to a screeching halt in October last year <a href="">with the release of Apple’s iPhone 4S</a>. HTC’s <a href="">fourth quarter earnings fell</a>, missing Wall Street’s expectations, and the rough patch <a href="">continued in the first quarter of 2012</a>. To compound matters, the latest study conducted by ad network Chitika shows that the troubled handset maker’s usage share has declined by more than 60% in the past five months from 18.22% to 7.28% based on traffic across its network. At the same time, Apple’s share has increased by 64% from 46.84% to 76.88% and other Android vendors such as Samsung and Huawei have recorded continued modest growth. HTC is betting big on <a href="">its flagship One X smartphone</a>, and it hopes the handset, along with the rest of its One-series phones, will help the company rebound.<span id="more-136301"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report