Huckleberry Hound catches the Mitt, GOP in a shambles



LMAO! Just when you thought the meltdown of the GOP was complete,
more evidence shows they're vaporizing even more!

Now, the most feared candidate by Democrats, Mitt Romney, appears to
be fizzling as his Mormonism has caused many of the Bushie/churchie
GOP voters to swing wildly to the unelectable Mike Huckabee of
Arkansas, proving once more that the "religious right" is further
shredding the GOP into an irrelevant heap of chaos. Rooty-Tooty
Giuliani still holds the top spot in the GOP polls, but only within
the margin of error with Huckabee, and matchup polls with him running
against Hillary now show Rooty-Tooty losing to her by well more than
the margin of error in all except one poll...bad news for the GOP,
since the same polls show Hillary literally steamrollering Huckabee in
the general election. Can it get any worse for the GOP??? Stay
tuned...they seem to be able to reinvent themselves into a bigger
catastrophe every week!

Meanwhile, Fred "Bad Actor" Thompson is out of the running now at 10%
after a disastrous turn on the stump, with "NAFTA superhighway"
conspiracy theorist Ron Paul making 6%. Immigration whacko Tom
Tancredo of Colorado is doing a Pat Buchananesque 1%. In the LA
Times' op/ed pages today, it's pretty obvious that the perception of
Paul is indeed not good, with one reader writing of his supporters,
"if the tin foil hat fits, wear it!" Another view, this from
Newsweek, about Paul: "What's helicopters??" Sure
enough...from what I've seen of local "Pauliacs," they do tend to seem
to be off their meds and not going to therapy as they should. In
fairness, I haven't seen any of them wearing tin foil hats...yet.

Some pundits compare the "Pauliacs" to the "Deaniacs" of
comparison, I say. The Deaniacs were fresh, idealistic kids tired of
Bush and his bullshit. The Pauliacs are disillusioned suburban
Repukes who finally figured out that their security blanket, Bush, is
a pathological Messianic liar and are desperate to find someone to
glom onto before their ship capsizes. Not the same all.
After '08, the Pauliacs will go back into therapy...the Deaniacs are
still out there, and are largely responsible for grass roots
revitalization of the Democratic Party in the Western states and for
the rise of Dean to DNC chair.

Hillary doesn't have too much to worry about. Oprah may be some sort
of goddess to much of the brainless masses, but she's also reviled for
her shameless self-promotion and her foisting of fools, frauds and
fakes upon the public...Dr. Phil and that guy who wrote the phony
autobiography are but two examples. She very well may not help Obama
at all in the primaries overall once she gets thrown into the sausage
grinder of politics. Already polls are showing that male voters are
instantly turned off by the "Oprahfest" campaigning for Obama. Obama,
beware! Secretly, Obama probably wishes that Ellen DeGeneris would
campaign for Hillary...and that ain't gonna happen, especially since
DeGeneris crossed a Writer's Guild virtual picket line by hiring scab
writers to keep her own, dismal show going. Also conspicuously and
purposefully absent from the Clinton army...the two "poverty pimps,"
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Hillary's probably got them programmed
now to give Obama lots of unwelcome "help!"

How accurate will my prognostication be this election cycle?
Remember...last time, I called the Congress AND several gubernatorial
races DEAD ON, missing the US Senate by only ONE RACE (Ford's "swift
boating" in Tenn. was more effective than I gave those crackers credit
for.) That's a helluva lot better than most of the pros did overall,
especially the right wingtards like Flush Limpdick, fatass Tony
Blankley (now off of the McLaughlin program after being a general
asshole for "yeeuhs") and Pat "The Sky Is Falling" Buchanan. Funny
thing about Pat...he made wild claims on McLaughlin about a "GOP
resurgence" before the wipeout in '04, and still to this day denies he
ever said it. Paranoid delusions and right wingerism...they go
together well, Mee-chelle!

What am I divining right now? I won't call it a "prediction," (it's
way too early) but I'm feeling it's going to be Hillary, six more
seats in the Senate (MAY be seven, depending on Ensign in Nevada, who
has "issues" now) and a 2/3 majority in the House for the Democrats.
With that, the ONLY position of power the GOP will have left will be
the power of filibuster in the Senate, and scared moderates might well
peel off from the minority leader to prevent that from happening as
well. Could this change? Sure...but the dynamics are going that way
now, and the numbers seem to be backing it up pretty well, despite the
screwy stories seen in the media, especially on crackpot outlets like
"Faux" News.

Sidebar: "Faux" News Channel was caught with their pants down the
other day for covering a totally fabricated story planted about
insufferable asshole billionaire Donald Trump leaving a $10,000 tip in
an LA area restaurant, posted on a non-pro parody celeb blog site. Of
all the majors, "Faux" was the only one who dared run the story with
no fact checking or verification; none of the other major networks
would touch it. Several none-too-highly-regarded cable channels,
notably E!, and some blog sites also ran the story (
In article <>,
DeserTBoB <> wrote:

> LMAO! Just when you thought the meltdown of the GOP was complete,
> more evidence shows they're vaporizing even more!
> Now, the most feared candidate by Democrats, Mitt Romney, appears to
> be fizzling as his Mormonism has caused many of the Bushie/churchie
> GOP voters to swing wildly to the unelectable Mike Huckabee of
> Arkansas, proving once more that the "religious right" is further
> shredding the GOP into an irrelevant heap of chaos. Rooty-Tooty
> Giuliani still holds the top spot in the GOP polls, but only within
> the margin of error with Huckabee, and matchup polls with him running
> against Hillary now show Rooty-Tooty losing to her by well more than
> the margin of error in all except one poll...bad news for the GOP,
> since the same polls show Hillary literally steamrollering Huckabee in
> the general election. Can it get any worse for the GOP??? Stay
> tuned...they seem to be able to reinvent themselves into a bigger
> catastrophe every week!
> Meanwhile, Fred "Bad Actor" Thompson is out of the running now at 10%
> after a disastrous turn on the stump, with "NAFTA superhighway"
> conspiracy theorist Ron Paul making 6%. Immigration whacko Tom
> Tancredo of Colorado is doing a Pat Buchananesque 1%. In the LA
> Times' op/ed pages today, it's pretty obvious that the perception of
> Paul is indeed not good, with one reader writing of his supporters,
> "if the tin foil hat fits, wear it!" Another view, this from
> Newsweek, about Paul: "What's helicopters??" Sure
> enough...from what I've seen of local "Pauliacs," they do tend to seem
> to be off their meds and not going to therapy as they should. In
> fairness, I haven't seen any of them wearing tin foil hats...yet.
> Some pundits compare the "Pauliacs" to the "Deaniacs" of
> comparison, I say. The Deaniacs were fresh, idealistic kids tired of
> Bush and his bullshit. The Pauliacs are disillusioned suburban
> Repukes who finally figured out that their security blanket, Bush, is
> a pathological Messianic liar and are desperate to find someone to
> glom onto before their ship capsizes. Not the same all.
> After '08, the Pauliacs will go back into therapy...the Deaniacs are
> still out there, and are largely responsible for grass roots
> revitalization of the Democratic Party in the Western states and for
> the rise of Dean to DNC chair.
> Hillary doesn't have too much to worry about. Oprah may be some sort
> of goddess to much of the brainless masses, but she's also reviled for
> her shameless self-promotion and her foisting of fools, frauds and
> fakes upon the public...Dr. Phil and that guy who wrote the phony
> autobiography are but two examples. She very well may not help Obama
> at all in the primaries overall once she gets thrown into the sausage
> grinder of politics. Already polls are showing that male voters are
> instantly turned off by the "Oprahfest" campaigning for Obama. Obama,
> beware! Secretly, Obama probably wishes that Ellen DeGeneris would
> campaign for Hillary...and that ain't gonna happen, especially since
> DeGeneris crossed a Writer's Guild virtual picket line by hiring scab
> writers to keep her own, dismal show going. Also conspicuously and
> purposefully absent from the Clinton army...the two "poverty pimps,"
> Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Hillary's probably got them programmed
> now to give Obama lots of unwelcome "help!"
> How accurate will my prognostication be this election cycle?
> Remember...last time, I called the Congress AND several gubernatorial
> races DEAD ON, missing the US Senate by only ONE RACE (Ford's "swift
> boating" in Tenn. was more effective than I gave those crackers credit
> for.) That's a helluva lot better than most of the pros did overall,
> especially the right wingtards like Flush Limpdick, fatass Tony
> Blankley (now off of the McLaughlin program after being a general
> asshole for "yeeuhs") and Pat "The Sky Is Falling" Buchanan. Funny
> thing about Pat...he made wild claims on McLaughlin about a "GOP
> resurgence" before the wipeout in '04, and still to this day denies he
> ever said it. Paranoid delusions and right wingerism...they go
> together well, Mee-chelle!
> What am I divining right now? I won't call it a "prediction," (it's
> way too early) but I'm feeling it's going to be Hillary, six more
> seats in the Senate (MAY be seven, depending on Ensign in Nevada, who
> has "issues" now) and a 2/3 majority in the House for the Democrats.
> With that, the ONLY position of power the GOP will have left will be
> the power of filibuster in the Senate, and scared moderates might well
> peel off from the minority leader to prevent that from happening as
> well. Could this change? Sure...but the dynamics are going that way
> now, and the numbers seem to be backing it up pretty well, despite the
> screwy stories seen in the media, especially on crackpot outlets like
> "Faux" News.
> Sidebar: "Faux" News Channel was caught with their pants down the
> other day for covering a totally fabricated story planted about
> insufferable asshole billionaire Donald Trump leaving a $10,000 tip in
> an LA area restaurant, posted on a non-pro parody celeb blog site. Of
> all the majors, "Faux" was the only one who dared run the story with
> no fact checking or verification; none of the other major networks
> would touch it. Several none-too-highly-regarded cable channels,
> notably E!, and some blog sites also ran the story (
DeserTBoB wrote:

> with "NAFTA superhighway" conspiracy theorist Ron Paul making 6%.

in your dreams, DBob. i have mentioned this before. the polls held by the
corporate media does not mean ****.
as far as the NAFTA superhighway "conspiracy" it is a FACT that it is in the
process of being initiated right now without the consent from congress or
the senate.

the link to the official government website.

here is what is being said (uncensored) about spp

it includes a article about the smear campaign that CNN is running on Ron
Paul regarding the north american union & the NAFTA super highway.
i strongly suggest that you read it.

here is some more interesting reading regarding the SPP from judicialwatch

just do a google search on "Security And Prosperity Partnership" & check the
results, you would be suprised.
> Immigration whacko Tom Tancredo of Colorado is doing a Pat Buchananesque
> 1%.
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 14:25:46 -0500, AntiNudo <> wrote:

>DeserTBoB wrote:
>> with "NAFTA superhighway" conspiracy theorist Ron Paul making 6%.

>in your dreams, DBob. i have mentioned this before. the polls held by the
>corporate media does not mean ****.
>as far as the NAFTA superhighway "conspiracy" it is a FACT that it is in the
>process of being initiated right now without the consent from congress or
>the senate.
>the link to the official government website.
> <snip>


>just do a google search on "Security And Prosperity Partnership" & check the
>results, you would be suprised. <snip>

No, I'm not. SPP is a Bush corporate welfare/giveaway program that
will end or be severely curtailed with the end of his presidency.
Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid have already stated publicly
that SPP must have Congressional oversight in order to proceed (the
Constitution gives Congress veto power over international treaties,
which SPP essentially is), and Bush has been stonewalling that like
everything else. He's got a year left in office, and his approval
rating's at 30%. Doesn't look like SPP's got much life left in its
present form, mainly because Bush/Cheney won't be able to get the
money from Congress that Bush has promised to his multinational
corporate pals/handlers.

>the post that you made is a good example why morons should not vote.
>if you are basing your political views on what you read in these politically
>biased trash publications & believe in what they say, you are just as DUMB
>as Nudo is. <snip>

We'll see. Remember, I called the last election right on the money,
and was close with the '04 mess, except Rove pulled his church thing
in southeastern Ohio, ruining the electoral win by Kerry. Rove's gone
now and Bush and the GOP are now brainless. As for Ron Paul, he'll
disappear after New Hampshire, except as maybe a "third party"
offering to further split the GOP vote. Remember, the GOP doesn't
allow "floor fights" at ANY of its conventions, so any "Paul
insurgency" will be nipped in the bud at the door. He'll then the
legion of "also-rans" like Buchanan in the dustbin of history. Sorry
about that!

Meanwhile, with Huckleberry Hound running up against Rooty-Tooty,
look for the mudslinging to begin with the Repukes in earnest.
Already, Rooty-Tooty is trotting out AIDS poster child Ryan White's
mom to pillory Huckleberry's AIDS confinement camp ideas of '92. Also,
the scrutiny of some of the dumb statements he's made around that same
time regarding Iraq, political contributions, "don't ask, don't tell"
and his lax treatment of a convicted rapist who "found Jesus" (and
whom Huckleberry released so he could rape and kill once more) will
sink him in a scant few weeks.

Who wins by Huckleberry's upcoming flameout? McCain, mostly, and
Romney will get some of the steam he's lost back again. Both will
then start mudslinging Rooty-Tooty just prior to the first Iowa
caucuses, and the church vote will largely stay home, disgruntled
because (yet again) their "christian nation" plans went down the

As far as being as dumb as Nudo, that's not possible. A centipede's
smarter than's an am
DeserTBoB wrote:

> No, I'm not. SPP is a Bush corporate welfare/giveaway program that
> will end or be severely curtailed with the end of his presidency.
> Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid have already stated publicly
> that SPP must have Congressional oversight in order to proceed (the
> Constitution gives Congress veto power over international treaties,
> which SPP essentially is), and Bush has been stonewalling that like
> everything else. He's got a year left in office, and his approval
> rating's at 30%. Doesn't look like SPP's got much life left in its
> present form, mainly because Bush/Cheney won't be able to get the
> money from Congress that Bush has promised to his multinational
> corporate pals/handlers.

unfortunatly, all of what Pelosi & Reid said was nothing more than lip
service, considering they both belong to the council of foreign relations
(CFR) & the trilateral commission. there are many members in both the house
& the senate that are current members. that is why NAFTA & GATT got passed.
believe me or not, SPP WILL GO THROUGH. if not under bush, it will be under
Clinton, Juliani, or Romny's administration. the builderburgs are not
messing around, they want this world government in place before 2012.

here is a video explaining in some detail about the Builderberg meetings &
who attend & what their agenda is. there are many more articles about the
subject & on how the Bush's & the Clintons fit in to the new world order.
B.T.W, Hillary Clinton was one of the attendents of the 2007 Builderberg

> We'll see. Remember, I called the last election right on the money,
> and was close with the '04 mess, except Rove pulled his church thing
> in southeastern Ohio, ruining the electoral win by Kerry. Rove's gone
> now and Bush and the GOP are now brainless.

the reason why Kerry lost in ohio was because of massive voter fraud due to
rigged / malfunctioning Diabold Voting Machines. to this day, the issues
have not been addressed.
some pretty damning evidence

> As for Ron Paul, he'll
> disappear after New Hampshire, except as maybe a "third party"
> offering to further split the GOP vote.

No, he will not. Mr Paul publicly stated that he will NOT change parties or
run as a third party candidate.

> Remember, the GOP doesn't
> allow "floor fights" at ANY of its conventions, so any "Paul
> insurgency" will be nipped in the bud at the door. He'll then the
> legion of "also-rans" like Buchanan in the dustbin of history. Sorry
> about that!
> Meanwhile, with Huckleberry Hound running up against Rooty-Tooty,
> look for the mudslinging to begin with the Repukes in earnest.
> Already, Rooty-Tooty is trotting out AIDS poster child Ryan White's
> mom to pillory Huckleberry's AIDS confinement camp ideas of '92. Also,
> the scrutiny of some of the dumb statements he's made around that same
> time regarding Iraq, political contributions, "don't ask, don't tell"
> and his lax treatment of a convicted rapist who "found Jesus" (and
> whom Huckleberry released so he could rape and kill once more) will
> sink him in a scant few weeks.
> Who wins by Huckleberry's upcoming flameout? McCain, mostly, and
> Romney will get some of the steam he's lost back again. Both will
> then start mudslinging Rooty-Tooty just prior to the first Iowa
> caucuses, and the church vote will largely stay home, disgruntled
> because (yet again) their "christian nation" plans went down the
> toilet.
> As far as being as dumb as Nudo, that's not possible. A centipede's
> smarter than's an am
To all who may read this at any future date:

Everything "DeserTBob" is saying, is a complete falsehood.
"DeserTBob" is an unemployed illegal alien from California. He was
former Bell Systems employee who was fired from his job- he faked an
injury to get disability- so now he sits home and trolls the
harassing people- for lack of anything else constructive to do.

"DeserTBob" bought 2 items from "66fourdoor" on Ebay at one time.
was an 8-track alignment tape- the other was a VHS movie tape.
"DeserTBob" was unhappy with the items, the seller agreed willingly
issue a full refund, once the items were returned. "DeserTBob"
returned the alignment tape and received a full $40 refund.
"DeserTBob" kept the VHS tape because in reality, there was nothing
wrong with either item- and the movie tape was a rare out of print
movie, otherwise unavailable. (it has since been re-released on
DVD). The returned alignment tape was later resold to another buyer
on Ebay, who left positive feedback for it.

"DeserTBob" then left a negative feedback for the seller, even though
he got a full refund- "DesertBob" has continued to harass the seller
and seller's family ever since, for over 3 years now.

This is nothing new to "DeserTBob"- rather, it's way of life for him-
he also purchased (8) tapes from another seller for ONE CENT each,
only to leave the seller 8 negative feedbacks, stating "not worth a

Eventually a large quantity of complaints started flooding Ebay,
concering "DeserTBob" and his auction harassment. Ebay then banned
Bob's Ebay username, which was "VOXPOPPER".

"DeserTBob" then returned to Ebay using a second name, calling
"XCALIBER44"- and started once again harassing Ebay sellers'
auctions. He was again reported to Ebay, and "XCALIBER44" was also

These current slander/libel against Ebay sellers by "DeserTBob" are
completely unfounded- if you check the seller's feedback, you'll find
they have 99.9% positive feedback, with only 2 negatives in 6 years.
"DeserTBob" simply has an axe to grind, for being banned from Ebay

Furthermore, "DeserTBob" is decidedly anti-American, anti-USA, hates
the military, and is basically a socialist-communist-liberal left-
kook. He fears and despises anyone religious in any way, and he also
doesn't believe in God. "DeserTBob" once posted a comment on Usenet
that said "**** Christmas". He can't accomplish anything himself,
he tears down other good Americans who are out there, trying to make
living. He goes through a yearly holiday depression and attacks
everyone on the internet moreso during holiday seasons- he has no
family to speak of, and obviously suffers from not being loved by his
mother enough, as a child.
Here is an analysis of the previous post, and a perfect example of why
the Republican Party is collapsing. Charles M. Nudo, Jr., Drums, PA,
is "trippin-2-8-track" and is an easily diagnosed mental case who
exhibits paranoid delusions and uses "projection" of his own faults
upon others as a defense mechanism. In other words, the typical right
wing Republican Party "base" member! Read's entertaining, if

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 04:21:49 -0800 (PST), trippin-2-8-track
<> wrote:

>To all who may read this at any future date:
>Everything "DeserTBob" is saying, is a complete falsehood. <snip>

First lie.

>"DeserTBob" is an unemployed illegal alien from California. <snip>

Second lie.

> He was a
>former Bell Systems employee who was fired from his job- he faked an
>injury to get disability- so now he sits home and trolls the internet,
>harassing people- for lack of anything else constructive to do. <snip>

Fourth and fifth lies.

>"DeserTBob" bought 2 items from "66fourdoor" on Ebay at one time. One
>was an 8-track alignment tape- the other was a VHS movie tape.
>"DeserTBob" was unhappy with the items, the seller agreed willingly to
>issue a full refund, once the items were returned. <snip>

Half-truth. The truth was that you:

1.) Tried to fake not getting the returned fake alignment tape to
avoid paying a refund.

2.) Threatened to issue a stop payment on the refund check once he
was presented with USPS Delivery Confirmation that he had received the
tape a week prior.

Both of the above can be confirmed by Charlie Nudo's own postings on
Usenet, which he tried in vain to delete. I also have all the email,
scans of the refund check and other evidence to corroborate the truth.

> "DeserTBob"
>returned the alignment tape and received a full $40 refund.
>"DeserTBob" kept the VHS tape because in reality, there was nothing
>wrong with either item- and the movie tape was a rare out of print
>movie, otherwise unavailable. (it has since been re-released on
>DVD). The returned alignment tape was later resold to another buyer
>on Ebay, who left positive feedback for it. <snip>

The first item was an illegal dupe, run off on a VHS machine with worn
out heads with a cheap, typewritten label affixed to a worn out rental
cassette. EBay later banned his "coolsitesnsounds" seller ID for
making and selling illegal copies of Russ Forster's documovie, "So
Wrong, They're Right."

>"DeserTBob" then left a negative feedback for the seller, even though
>he got a full refund- "DesertBob" has continued to harass the seller
>and seller's family ever since, for over 3 years now. <snip>

Sixth lie.

>This is nothing new to "DeserTBob"- rather, it's way of life for him-
>he also purchased (8) tapes from another seller for ONE CENT each,
>only to leave the seller 8 negative feedbacks, stating "not worth a
>Eventually a large quantity of complaints started flooding Ebay,
>concering "DeserTBob" and his auction harassment. Ebay then banned
>Bob's Ebay username, which was "VOXPOPPER". <snip>

Seventh lie. EBay banned "voxpopper" due to Charlie Nudo crying and
complaining about "transaction interference" about his phony alignment

>"DeserTBob" then returned to Ebay using a second name, calling himself
>"XCALIBER44"- and started once again harassing Ebay sellers'
>auctions. He was again reported to Ebay, and "XCALIBER44" was also
>banned. <snip>

Eighth lie. "Xcaliber44" was my wife's ID with perfect feedback.
Charlie Nudo had this account also banned for "transaction

Both of these can be verified through eBay Trust and Security. Nudo's
were the only complaints.

>These current slander/libel against Ebay sellers by "DeserTBob" are
>completely unfounded- if you check the seller's feedback, you'll find
>they have 99.9% positive feedback, with only 2 negatives in 6 years.
>"DeserTBob" simply has an axe to grind, for being banned from Ebay
>himself. <snip>

Ninth lie. Charlie Nudo has manipulated eBay's lousy feedback system

1.) Threatening buyers with similar negative feedback.

2.) Bribing others with money or free items in return for unearned
positive feedback.

3.) Had an eBay account banned for shill bidding and awarding himself
positive feedback.

Charlie Nudo's "positive feedbacK" rating is not to be believed.
>Furthermore, "DeserTBob" is decidedly anti-American, anti-USA, hates
>the military, and is basically a socialist-communist-liberal left-wing
>kook. <snip>

Tenth lie.

> He fears and despises anyone religious in any way, and he also
>doesn't believe in God. "DeserTBob" once posted a comment on Usenet
>that said "**** Christmas". He can't accomplish anything himself, so
>he tears down other good Americans who are out there, trying to make a
>living. <snip>

Eleventh lie.

> He goes through a yearly holiday depression and attacks
>everyone on the internet moreso during holiday seasons- he has no
>family to speak of, and obviously suffers from not being loved by his
>mother enough, as a child. <snip>

A paranoid delusion.

Charlie Nudo is an Internet nutbag...that much is obvious. He
subjected my family to harassment BEFORE I started in on him by:

1.) Causing my mail box to be filled with tons of junk mail. A
specimen of Charlie Nudo's handwriting was found on one of the "drop
out" requests for information of one of the junk peddlers, and it
matched the handwriting on his "refund" check perfectly, enough to
pass muster in any court of law. This evidence was forwarded to the
USPS' Postal Inspector's Office, and Nudo was warned of impending
action. The junk mail ceased almost immediately.

2.) Having both mine and my wife's eBay accounts terminated by crying
to eBay that I was causing "transaction interference" with his eBay
accounts when I'd warn other prospective buyers of his frauds and

3.) Lies continually about my career, my personal life and just about
everything else he writes about.

Why does Charlie Nudo lie so much? What else is he lying about? Read
the archives of this and other Usenet newsgroups, or better yet, read, and then Google "+Nudo Charlie" and be

You cannot trust a creep like this. Thus, avoid ANY eBay sales from
"66-catalina." Also, Charlie Nudo is a perfect specimen of an
ultra-right wing Republican nutbag...the exact reason that the
independent and "sheeple" are leaving the Republican Party in droves.
They realize now that the "base" of the party is a bunch of paranoid
delusional untreated mental cases like Charlie Nudo of Drums, PA!
To all who may read this at any future date:

Everything "DeserTBob" is saying, is a complete falsehood.
"DeserTBob" is an unemployed illegal alien from California. He was
former Bell Systems employee who was fired from his job- he faked an
injury to get disability- so now he sits home and trolls the
harassing people- for lack of anything else constructive to do.

"DeserTBob" bought 2 items from "66fourdoor" on Ebay at one time.
was an 8-track alignment tape- the other was a VHS movie tape.
"DeserTBob" was unhappy with the items, the seller agreed willingly
issue a full refund, once the items were returned. "DeserTBob"
returned the alignment tape and received a full $40 refund.
"DeserTBob" kept the VHS tape because in reality, there was nothing
wrong with either item- and the movie tape was a rare out of print
movie, otherwise unavailable. (it has since been re-released on
DVD). The returned alignment tape was later resold to another buyer
on Ebay, who left positive feedback for it.

"DeserTBob" then left a negative feedback for the seller, even though
he got a full refund- "DesertBob" has continued to harass the seller
and seller's family ever since, for over 3 years now.

This is nothing new to "DeserTBob"- rather, it's way of life for him-
he also purchased (8) tapes from another seller for ONE CENT each,
only to leave the seller 8 negative feedbacks, stating "not worth a

Eventually a large quantity of complaints started flooding Ebay,
concering "DeserTBob" and his auction harassment. Ebay then banned
Bob's Ebay username, which was "VOXPOPPER".

"DeserTBob" then returned to Ebay using a second name, calling
"XCALIBER44"- and started once again harassing Ebay sellers'
auctions. He was again reported to Ebay, and "XCALIBER44" was also

These current slander/libel against Ebay sellers by "DeserTBob" are
completely unfounded- if you check the seller's feedback, you'll find
they have 99.9% positive feedback, with only 2 negatives in 6 years.
"DeserTBob" simply has an axe to grind, for being banned from Ebay

Furthermore, "DeserTBob" is decidedly anti-American, anti-USA, hates
the military, and is basically a socialist-communist-liberal left-
kook. He fears and despises anyone religious in any way, and he also
doesn't believe in God. "DeserTBob" once posted a comment on Usenet
that said "**** Christmas". He can't accomplish anything himself,
he tears down other good Americans who are out there, trying to make
living. He goes through a yearly holiday depression and attacks
everyone on the internet moreso during holiday seasons- he has no
family to speak of, and obviously suffers from not being loved by his
mother enough, as a child.
On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 04:21:49 -0800 (PST), trippin-2-8-track, aka
paranoid delusional nutbag Charles M. Nudo, Jr. of Drums, PA who lives
in a run down real estate scam "resort" known derisively as "Bumler",
blathering from his 30th Google account (29 have already been banned
for rule violations) <> scribbled:

>To all who may read this at any future date:
>Everything "DeserTBob" is saying, is a complete falsehood. <snip>

First lie.

>"DeserTBob" is an unemployed illegal alien from California. <snip>

Second lie.

> He was a
>former Bell Systems employee who was fired from his job- he faked an
>injury to get disability- so now he sits home and trolls the internet,
>harassing people- for lack of anything else constructive to do. <snip>

Fourth and fifth lies.

>"DeserTBob" bought 2 items from "66fourdoor" on Ebay at one time. One
>was an 8-track alignment tape- the other was a VHS movie tape.
>"DeserTBob" was unhappy with the items, the seller agreed willingly to
>issue a full refund, once the items were returned. <snip>

Half-truth. The truth was that you:

1.) Tried to fake not getting the returned fake alignment tape to
avoid paying a refund.

2.) Threatened to issue a stop payment on the refund check once he
was presented with USPS Delivery Confirmation that he had received the
tape a week prior.

Both of the above can be confirmed by Charlie Nudo's own postings on
Usenet, which he tried in vain to delete.

> "DeserTBob"
>returned the alignment tape and received a full $40 refund.
>"DeserTBob" kept the VHS tape because in reality, there was nothing
>wrong with either item- and the movie tape was a rare out of print
>movie, otherwise unavailable. (it has since been re-released on
>DVD). The returned alignment tape was later resold to another buyer
>on Ebay, who left positive feedback for it. <snip>

The first item was an illegal dupe, run off on a VHS machine with worn
out heads with a cheap, typewritten label affixed to a worn out rental
cassette. EBay later banned his "coolsitesnsounds" seller ID for
making and selling illegal copies of Russ Forster's documovie, "So
Wrong, They're Right."

>"DeserTBob" then left a negative feedback for the seller, even though
>he got a full refund- "DesertBob" has continued to harass the seller
>and seller's family ever since, for over 3 years now. <snip>

Sixth lie.

>This is nothing new to "DeserTBob"- rather, it's way of life for him-
>he also purchased (8) tapes from another seller for ONE CENT each,
>only to leave the seller 8 negative feedbacks, stating "not worth a
>Eventually a large quantity of complaints started flooding Ebay,
>concering "DeserTBob" and his auction harassment. Ebay then banned
>Bob's Ebay username, which was "VOXPOPPER". <snip>

Seventh lie. EBay banned "voxpopper" due to Charlie Nudo crying and
complaining about "transaction interference" about his phony alignment

>"DeserTBob" then returned to Ebay using a second name, calling himself
>"XCALIBER44"- and started once again harassing Ebay sellers'
>auctions. He was again reported to Ebay, and "XCALIBER44" was also
>banned. <snip>

Eighth lie. "Xcaliber44" was my wife's ID with perfect feedback.
Charlie Nudo had this account also banned for "transaction

Both of these can be verified through eBay Trust and Security. Nudo's
were the only complaints.

>These current slander/libel against Ebay sellers by "DeserTBob" are
>completely unfounded- if you check the seller's feedback, you'll find
>they have 99.9% positive feedback, with only 2 negatives in 6 years.
>"DeserTBob" simply has an axe to grind, for being banned from Ebay
>himself. <snip>

Ninth lie. Charlie Nudo has manipulated eBay's lousy feedback system

1.) Threatening buyers with similar negative feedback.

2.) Bribing others with money or free items in return for unearned
positive feedback.

3.) Had an eBay account banned for shill bidding and awarding himself
positive feedback.

Charlie Nudo's "positive feedbacK" rating is not to be believed.
>Furthermore, "DeserTBob" is decidedly anti-American, anti-USA, hates
>the military, and is basically a socialist-communist-liberal left-wing
>kook. <snip>

Tenth lie.

> He fears and despises anyone religious in any way, and he also
>doesn't believe in God. "DeserTBob" once posted a comment on Usenet
>that said "**** Christmas". He can't accomplish anything himself, so
>he tears down other good Americans who are out there, trying to make a
>living. <snip>

Eleventh lie.

> He goes through a yearly holiday depression and attacks
>everyone on the internet moreso during holiday seasons- he has no
>family to speak of, and obviously suffers from not being loved by his
>mother enough, as a child. <snip>

A paranoid delusion.

Charlie Nudo is an Internet nutbag...that much is obvious. He
subjected my family to harassment BEFORE I started in on him by:

1.) Causing my mail box to be filled with tons of junk mail. A
specimen of Charlie Nudo's handwriting was found on one of the "drop
out" requests for information of one of the junk peddlers, and it
matched the handwriting on his "refund" check perfectly, enough to
pass muster in any court of law. This evidence was forwarded to the
USPS' Postal Inspector's Office, and Nudo was warned of impending
action. The junk mail ceased almost immediately.

2.) Having both mine and my wife's eBay accounts terminated by crying
to eBay that I was causing "transaction interference" with his eBay
accounts when I'd warn other prospective buyers of his frauds and

3.) Lies continually about my career, my personal life and just about
everything else he writes about.

Why does Charlie Nudo lie so much? What else is he lying about? Read
the archives of this and other Usenet newsgroups, or better yet, read, and then Google "+Nudo Charlie" and be

You cannot trust a creep like this. Thus, avoid ANY eBay sales from
DeserTBoB wrote:

> Here is an analysis of the previous post, and a perfect example of why
> the Republican Party is collapsing. Charles M. Nudo, Jr., Drums, PA,
> is "trippin-2-8-track" and is an easily diagnosed mental case who
> exhibits paranoid delusions and uses "projection" of his own faults
> upon others as a defense mechanism. In other words, the typical right
> wing Republican Party "base" member! Read's entertaining, if
> sad:

Although, you are speaking the absolute truth about Nudo Deludo,
you are partially wrong about the republican party. the democratic party
consist of nothing but losers with hillery clinton being the biggest one of
i have an 8 track mind

My other computer is your XP box.