Human Slave Trade Alive and Well in Sunny South Africa



Given a chance to fashion their own country, here is what
the Blacks typically do (after Mandela's "call for freedom").


Human Slave Trade Alive and Well in Sunny South Africa
Race; Posted on: 2007-04-12
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Adults and children alike are routinely sold in the human slave
traffic for about $30 000 each

South Africa is the major destination for thousands of children and
the human slave trade, mainly originating from neighbouring states
each year, according to a conference held in the East Rand.

The problem facing those who wish to crack down upon it is that the
South African parliament has somehow failed to create legislation
against the practice and its implementation in South Africa, said the
experts who addressed the conference.

Merab Kiremire of the Southern Africa Network against Trafficking and
Abuse of Children (SANTAC) said the traffic was worth about R50
billion per year and that adults and children alike are routinely sold
in the human slave traffic for about R216 380 ($30 000) each. When
sold, the children are either used as prostitutes or child laborers.

According to Kiremire, most of the interventions in human slave trade
traffic are from private instances, "because government has not yet
come on board."

"Many of the children from SADAC countries are lured to South Africa
by promises of work and better economic conditions. From our records
it is clear that as many as 78% of all the children question were
sexually assaulted, were violently assaulted and involved in theft and
crime, said Santac's Marina Chichava.


News Source: WSAS

2007 European Americans United.
****ing ignorant,

Last time, I checked, I found out the USA, a western country, beats
the numbers you just quoted here. Anyway, you should never believe
anything you read in corrupt Western news media, involving the Global
Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery: The United States of America

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 50,000 people are
trafficked into or transited through the U.S.A. annually as sex
slaves, domestics, garment, and agricultural slaves.

Heck even the friends of bush, your president in chief, you,
republinazi, voted for, are involved in that ugly business!

See below and weep, idiot!
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human trafficking and
sex slavery
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | January 1 2006

Almost a year after Representative Cynthia McKinney was told by Donald
Rumsfeld that it was not the policy of the Bush administration to
reward companies that engage in human trafficking with government
contracts, the scandal continues to sweep up innocent children who are
sold into a life of slavery at the behest of Halliburton
subsidiaries , Dyncorp and other transnational corporations with close
ties to the establishment elite.

On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General
Myers on the Dyncorp scandal.

For your info, idiot! You should know that the Ruling elite who run
South-Africa during the Apartheid era, are still ruling the country,
economically and politically to a certain extent!

See below:

Apartheid didn't die,
By John Pilger
****ing ignorant,

Last time, I checked, I found out the USA, a western country, beats
the numbers you just quoted here. Anyway, you should never believe
anything you read in corrupt Western news media, involving the Global
Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery: The United States of America

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 50,000 people are
trafficked into or transited through the U.S.A. annually as sex
slaves, domestics, garment, and agricultural slaves.

Heck even the friends of bush, your president in chief, you,
republinazi, voted for, are involved in that ugly business!

See below and weep, idiot!
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human trafficking and
sex slavery
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | January 1 2006

Almost a year after Representative Cynthia McKinney was told by Donald
Rumsfeld that it was not the policy of the Bush administration to
reward companies that engage in human trafficking with government
contracts, the scandal continues to sweep up innocent children who are
sold into a life of slavery at the behest of Halliburton
subsidiaries , Dyncorp and other transnational corporations with close
ties to the establishment elite.

On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General
Myers on the Dyncorp scandal.

For your info, idiot! You should know that the Ruling elite who run
South-Africa during the Apartheid era, are still ruling the country,
economically and politically to a certain extent!

See below:

Apartheid didn't die,
By John Pilger
"Begreen" <> wrote:
> ****ing ignorant,

For a female you have a foul mouth. Might need to wash it sometime.

> Last time, I checked I found out the USA, a Western Country, beats the
> South-Africa's numbers, you just quoted here! Anyway, never believe
> anything you read in Corrupted fascist Western news media, involving
> the Global South!
> See below and weep, idiot!
> The United States of America (USA) : Human Trafficking & Modern-day
> Slavery
> "The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 50,000 people are
> trafficked into or transited through the U.S.A. annually as sex
> slaves, domestics, garment, and agricultural slaves."

That's interesting, because when I do the math --

"Merab Kiremire of the Southern Africa Network against Trafficking
and Abuse of Children (SANTAC) said the traffic was worth about
R50 billion per year and that adults and children alike are routinely
sold in human slave traffic for about R216 380 ($30 000) each. When
sold, the children are either used as prostitutes or child laborers."

I get "R50 billion / R216,380" = 231,075 which is more than the
50,000 figure you claim, last I checked.

> Heck, even the friends of bush, the USA president in Chief, you,
> republinazi, voted for, are involved in that ugly business, see below
> and weep!

Perhaps you have your facts incorrect concerning the disposition
of my voting ballot. I suggest that you check with the elections CIA for
obtaining correct notations I emplaced therein prior to its submission.

> Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away
> If you understand the political and economic realities of the current
> South-Africa, you would understand that the Ruling elite who ruled
> South-Africa during Apparteid, are still in power to a certain extent!
> Apartheid didn't die,
> By John Pilger

Given more chances I'm certain that Blacks would eliminate all Whites.

- regards
- jb

"We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet"
****ing ignorant,

Last time, I checked, I found out the USA, a western country, beats
the numbers you just quoted here. Anyway, you should never believe
anything you read in corrupt Western news media, involving the Global
Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery: The United States of America

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 50,000 people are
trafficked into or transited through the U.S.A. annually as sex
slaves, domestics, garment, and agricultural slaves.

Heck even the friends of bush, your president in chief, you,
republinazi, voted for, are involved in that ugly business!

See below and weep, idiot!
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human trafficking and
sex slavery
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | January 1 2006

Almost a year after Representative Cynthia McKinney was told by Donald
Rumsfeld that it was not the policy of the Bush administration to
reward companies that engage in human trafficking with government
contracts, the scandal continues to sweep up innocent children who are
sold into a life of slavery at the behest of Halliburton
subsidiaries , Dyncorp and other transnational corporations with close
ties to the establishment elite.

On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General
Myers on the Dyncorp scandal.

For your info, idiot! You should know that the Ruling elite who run
South-Africa during the Apartheid era, are still ruling the country,
economically and politically to a certain extent!

See below:

Apartheid didn't die,
By John Pilger
On Apr 15, 9:24 am, (-) wrote:
> "Begreen" <> wrote:
> > ****ing ignorant,

> For a female you have a foul mouth. Might need to wash it sometime.
> > Last time, I checked I found out the USA, a Western Country, beats the
> > South-Africa's numbers, you just quoted here! Anyway, never believe
> > anything you read in Corrupted fascist Western news media, involving
> > the Global South!

> > See below and weep, idiot!

> >
> > The United States of America (USA) : Human Trafficking & Modern-day
> > Slavery

> > "The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 50,000 people are
> > trafficked into or transited through the U.S.A. annually as sex
> > slaves, domestics, garment, and agricultural slaves."

> That's interesting, because when I do the math --
> "Merab Kiremire of the Southern Africa Network against Trafficking
> and Abuse of Children (SANTAC) said the traffic was worth about
> R50 billion per year and that adults and children alike are routinely
> sold in human slave traffic for about R216 380 ($30 000) each. When
> sold, the children are either used as prostitutes or child laborers."
> I get "R50 billion / R216,380" = 231,075 which is more than the
> 50,000 figure you claim, last I checked.
> > Heck, even the friends of bush, the USA president in Chief, you,
> > republinazi, voted for, are involved in that ugly business, see below
> > and weep!

> Perhaps you have your facts incorrect concerning the disposition
> of my voting ballot. I suggest that you check with the elections CIA for
> obtaining correct notations I emplaced therein prior to its submission.
> >
> > Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

> > If you understand the political and economic realities of the current
> > South-Africa, you would understand that the Ruling elite who ruled
> > South-Africa during Apparteid, are still in power to a certain extent!

> > Apartheid didn't die,
> > By John Pilger
> >

> Given more chances I'm certain that Blacks would eliminate all Whites.

Idiot, did you watch the "Apartheid didn't die" video? If you did, you
would notice that Blacks in South-Africa have decided to move on, and
are very tolerant to what Whites did in the past! Even mr. Pilger talk
about it, in the Documentary! Otherwise, they could have been given a
one way ticket to move to Britain or USA!

> - regards
> - jb
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------