hybrid theory ep


New member
:D i dont know if anyone really cares.... but i'm freakin out cause i am FINALLY going to get hybrid theory ep!!! tomarrow!! ahh i cant wait! i've heard the cd once, i've tried everything to get the cd and i finally just got a friend to buy it off e-bay for me. i cant wait!! i love "carousel" and "and one" awesome songs, if anyone cares or has any comments on the cd, please let me know!! :thumbsup:


New member
Awesome :D I'm getting it this summer. I burned a copy from like 4 years ago after finding all the tracks. Now I have a "HT EP ORIGINAL" CD and a "HT EP DEMO" CD heh.


New member
are you getting the original or the LPU re-release?

i have the re-release but i really want the original but its way too much

its an awesome cd though



New member
Dang ur lucky!! Even tho I have all the songs

downloaded to my computer it's just not the same as having

the real Hybrid Theory EP!! Lucky ******!! LoL j/p...



New member
You know, I've never thought of doing this, lol. it would be kinda the same if you designed the front of a CD like the HT EP CD, then put it on the CD. Next, get a jewel case. Insert the same HT EP Front Cover and Back Cover, then put the CD in and you have an album! :D I'll try it.
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